4.1307 New Listserv: CHINA (1/43)
Elaine Brennan & Allen Renear (EDITORS@BROWNVM.BITNET)
Tue, 30 Apr 91 23:32:47 EDT
Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 4, No. 1307. Tuesday, 30 Apr 1991.
Date: Mon, 29 Apr 91 08:39:08 EDT
From: Tom Nimick <0632281@PUCC>
Subject: Announcement of Chinese Studies Discussion Group
Announcing: CHINA
Electronic Discussion Group for Chinese Studies
Discussion of any issue in Chinese Studies is welcomed in this new
forum. This includes but is not limited to the fields of anthropology,
art history, economics, history, literature, linguistics, politics,
religion, and sociology. The discussion is handled with regular
electronic mail. For those who subscribe, each submission to the
discussion will be sent to their electronic mail box.
You may subscribe to CHINA by sending a subscribe command by interactive
message or by e-mail. To subscribe by interactive message, send the
"SUB CHINA YourFirstname YourLastname"
to LISTSERV@PUCC. For example:
IBM VM CMS users would enter
tell listserv at PUCC "sub CHINA YourFirstname YourLastname"
VAX VMS users would enter
send listserv@PUCC "sub CHINA YourFirstname YourLastname
You may also subscribe by sending an e-mail message to LISTSERV@PUCC or
if your account is on the internet send to LISTSERV@PUCC.PRINCETON.EDU
with the following command as the text of the message.
SUB CHINA YourFirstname YourLastname
You must leave the subject line *empty* and please don't include any
extra text as a machine will read your request.
This is a moderated discussion. The editors will not alter the style or
content of submissions, but will only screen out inappropriate ones.
This is necessary because there is very heavy traffic on the open forums
about China and few of the submissions concern Chinese Studies. If you
have any questions please address them to the editors, Tom Nimick and
David Wright at Q4356@PUCC (Bitnet) or Q4356@PUCC.PRINCETON.EDU