4.1190 Conference: Icebol5 (1/98)
Elaine Brennan & Allen Renear (EDITORS@BROWNVM.BITNET)
Fri, 29 Mar 91 16:54:39 EST
Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 4, No. 1190. Friday, 29 Mar 1991.
Date: Thu, 28 Mar 91 06:20:56 CDT
From: "Eric Johnson DSU, Madison, SD 57042" <ERIC@SDNET>
Subject: ICEBOL5
Tentative Program for
Dakota State University
Madison, SD 57042
April 18 - 19, 1991
Keynote Address by Nancy M. Ide, Professor and Chair, Computer Science
Department, Vassar College. Author of Pascal for the Humanities and
articles on William Blake, artificial intelligence, and programming
for the analysis of texts.
Bharath R. Modayur, University of Washington, "Restricted Domain Music
Score Recognition Using Mathematical Morphology"
Konstantin K. Boatyrev, University of California - Los Angeles,
"Towards a Computer-Aided Rhythmical Analysis of Russian Prose"
James F. Peters, III, Kansas State University, "A Parallel Logic
Programming Approach to Rapid Prototyping Concurrent Programs"
Phillip L. Thomas, Borneo Literary and Historical Manuscript Project,
"Making Reason out of Rhyme"
Sheela Ramanna and James F. Peters, III, Kansas State University,
"Icarus: A Data Integrity Checker in Prolog"
Bernard Paul Sypniewski, D.e.M. Software, "String Processing and
Automatic File Generation"
Hossein Saiedian and Mansour K. Zand, University of Nebraska, "A
Framework for Formal Specification using Predicate Logic and Events"
Mark Emmer, Catspaw, Inc., "Attaching a SPITBOL Engine to other
Programming Languages"
Sebastian Shaumyan, Yale University, "Applicative Universal Grammar and
Machine Translation"
Jeffrey Knisbacher, Department of Defense, "Designing a Hebrew
PC Keyboard"
Edward G. Nilges, Princeton University, "The Joy of (Parsing) Rexx:
Notes on the Development of a Portable Rexx Parser"
Kip Canfield, University of Maryland, "Database Tools for Navajo
Ralph Griswold and Kenneth Walker, University of Arizona, "An Optimizing
Compiler for the Icon Programming Language"
Bruce Borass, Digital Equipment Corporation, banquet speaker,
"One Uncommon String that is not a Genuine Fake"
Ralph Griswold and Clinton L. Jeffrey, University of Arizona,
"X-Icon: An Icon Windows Interface"
Zohreh Talebizadeh, Chamran University, "Computer Objects vs.
Biological Organisms: Can the Comparison Improve Logical Modeling
of Complex Systems"
Mansour K. Zand and Hossein Saiedian, University of Nebraska at Omaha,
"A Methodology for Selecting Expert Systems"
Anthony Mark McEnery, University of Lancaster, David Reid and
Michael Philip Oakes, University of Liverpool, "Principles of
Simulating Neural Activity"
Bruce A. White, Dakota State University, "An Expert System for
Advising College Students"
Robert D. Freeman, Oklahoma State University, "Icon String-scanning
for Parsing Chemical Formulas and Equations"
Sylvain Delisle, University of Ottawa and Stan Szpakowicz,
University of Witwatersrand, "A Broad-Coverage Parser for Knowledge
Acquisition from Technical Texts"
Jerry Nowlin and Rick Fonorow, AT&T Bell Labs, "Digitized Voice
Management with Icon"
Tim F. O'Donoghue, University of Leeds, "EPOW: The Edited
Polytechnic of Wales Corpus"
Marilyn Mantel-Guss, Goodwill Industries, "An Icon Program to
Assist Writing for the Re-Abled"
For more information and registration forms, contact
Eric Johnson
(605) 256-5270