4.1141 Conferences: ICEBOL 5; Language and Literature (2/163)

Elaine Brennan & Allen Renear (EDITORS@BROWNVM.BITNET)
Thu, 7 Mar 91 17:52:57 EST

Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 4, No. 1141. Thursday, 7 Mar 1991.

(1) Date: Thu, 07 Mar 91 07:01:29 CDT (88 lines)
From: "Eric Johnson DSU, Madison, SD 57042" <ERIC@SDNET>
Subject: ICEBOL 5 Conference

(2) Date: Thu, 7 Mar 91 11:05 EST (75 lines)
From: "NANCY M. IDE (914) 437 5988" <IDE@VASSAR>
Subject: Minnesota Conference on Language and Literature

(1) --------------------------------------------------------------------
Date: Thu, 07 Mar 91 07:01:29 CDT
From: "Eric Johnson DSU, Madison, SD 57042" <ERIC@SDNET>
Subject: ICEBOL 5 Conference

I C E B O L 5

Fifth International Conference on Symbolic and Logical Computing

Dakota State University
April 18-19, 1991 Madison, SD 57042

Nancy M. Ide

Professor and Chair, Computer Science Department, Vassar College.
Author of _Pascal for the Humanities_ and articles on William Blake,
artificial intelligence, and programming for the analysis of texts.

Ralph Griswold

One of the creators of the Icon programming language and SNOBOL4.
He is the editor of two newsletters, and the author of six books and
dozens of articles on computer languages and string and list processing.
He is Professor of Computer Science at the University of Arizona.

ICEBOL5, the fifth International Conference on Symbolic and Logical
Computing, is designed for teachers, scholars, and programmers who want
to meet to exchange ideas about computer programming for non-numeric
applications -- especially those in the humanities. In addition to a
focus on SNOBOL4, SPITBOL, and Icon, ICEBOL5 will feature presentations
on processing in a variety of programming languages such as Pascal,
Prolog, C, and REXX.


Music Score Recognition Automatic File Generation
Predicate Logic Parallel Logic Programming
Tools for Navajo Lexicography Expert System for Advising
Computer Analysis of Poetry and Prose Simulating Neural Activity
Parsing Texts Data Integrity Checking
Digitized Voice Management Selecting Expert Systems
Grammar and Machine Translation Editing Large Texts
Indexing Chemical Journals Windows for Icon
SPITBOL Use with Other Languages Speeding Data Entry
Logical Modeling of Complex Systems

Please make your own reservations.

Lake Park Motel (Single $23);(Double $26)
W. Hwy. 34 Phone (605) 256-3424

Super 8 (Single $26);(Double $32)
W. Hwy. 34 Phone (605) 256-6931

All major chains available in Sioux Falls, SD (50 miles from conference

- - - - - - - - - - - - - REGISTRATION FORM - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


April 18-19, 1991
Indicate the number for the following:
______Advance registration $150.00 (includes two lunches,
coffee breaks, banquet, one copy of the proceedings);
On-site registration $175.00 $________
______Additional copies of ICEBOL5 proceedings ($35.00 each) $________
______Additional banquet tickets ($15.00) $________
______Shuttle from Sioux Falls airport ($40.00 per passenger
round trip) $________
Arrival: Flight________ Date ________ Time ________
Departure: Flight_______ Date ________ Time ________
(Rental cars are available at the Sioux Falls, SD airport)

Total Amount Enclosed $________

Name_______________________________ College or Firm_____________________

Mailing address_________________________________________________________
Return this form to: Eric Johnson, ICEBOL5 Director, 114 Beadle Hall,
Dakota State University, Madison, South Dakota 57042 USA
(2) --------------------------------------------------------------169---
Date: Thu, 7 Mar 91 11:05 EST
From: "NANCY M. IDE (914) 437 5988" <IDE@VASSAR>
Subject: Minnesota Conference on Language and Literature

From: houlihn@ux.acs.umn.edu

Call for Papers
for the Seventeenth Annual


Friday, October 25 and Saturday, October 26, 1991
(Possibility of extra session on
Thurs., Oct. 24, or Sun., Oct. 27)

University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota

Celebrating the


Invited Speakers: Diana Archangeli, University of Arizona

James Huang, Cornell University

George Yule, Louisiana State University

Abstracts are invited for 15-minute papers. Papers may be on any topic
related to the study of language from any perspective, including
theoretical linguistics, applied linguistics, sociolinguistics,
stylistics, psycholinguistics, communication disorders, etc.

Persons interested in presenting a paper at the conference are requested
to submit five copies of a one-page abstract of the paper, with one
additional page being allowed for references and illustrative data. The
abstract should be accompanied by a separate page stating the title of
the paper, the names and addresses of the authors, summer addresses of
authors (if different, with dates), and e-mail addresses of authors (if
any). Please do not identify the authors on the abstract itself.
Abstracts and supplementary information may be submitted via e-mail to
the department e-mail address below.

Abstracts must be received by MAY 1, 1991. Abstracts will be
acknowledged upon receipt, by e-mail when possible. Queries and
abstracts should be addressed to

Department of Linguistics
University of Minnesota
142 Klaeber Court
320 16th Avenue SE
Minneapolis, MN 55455
((612) 624-3528)



Notification of acceptance of abstracts will be mailed by June 1, 1991.

Conference coordinator: Kathleen Houlihan
(612) 624-3806

Invited Speakers: Diana Archangeli, University of Arizona

James Huang, Cornell University

George Yule, Louisiana State University