4.1139 Prague Summer School: Computational Linguistics (1/115)
Elaine Brennan & Allen Renear (EDITORS@BROWNVM.BITNET)
Thu, 7 Mar 91 17:39:37 EST
Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 4, No. 1139. Thursday, 7 Mar 1991.
Date: Wed, 6 Mar 1991 13:21:59 +0100
From: Jan Hajic <haj@divsun.unige.ch>
Subject: Prague Summer School
*** Formal and Computational Models of Meaning ***
TIME AND PLACE: July 8-21, 1991, Prague, Czechoslovakia
ORGANIZERS: Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
and Faculty of Philosophy, Charles University
- - Jurij D. Apresjan, Academy of Sciences, Moscow, USSR:
The Types of Lexical Information for a Dictionary in an Integrated
Linguistic Description
- - B.T.Sue Atkins, Oxford University Press, UK:
Lexicography for Computational Linguistics
- - Christian Boitet, G.E.T.A., Grenoble, France:
Meaning and Understanding in Machine Translation
- - Jens Erik Fenstad, University of Oslo, Norway:
Computational Semantics
- - Charles J. Fillmore, University of California, Berkeley, USA:
Semantic Interpretation and Construction Grammar
- - Eva Hajicova and Petr Sgall, Charles University, Prague:
A Functional Approach to the Meaning of the Sentence
and to Intersentential Links
- - George Lakoff, University of California, Berkeley, USA:
Cognitive Semantics
- - Martha E. Pollack, SRI International, USA:
Contextual Influences on Meaning
- - James Pustejovsky, Brandeis University, USA:
Computational Lexical Semantics
- - Mats Rooth, AT&T Bell Laboratories, USA:
Formal Semantics
- - Hans Uszkoreit, University of Saarbruecken, Germany:
New Developments in Grammar Formalisms
- - Wolfgang Wahlster, University of Saarbruecken, Germany:
Discourse and User Models
The programme will be organized in four 90 minute non-overlapping
blocks per day.
900 USD for industrial participants
700 USD for academic community
The fees cover the costs of all courses, a welcome party,
a guided tour of Prague, accomodation in double rooms
in the University students hostel for the whole period
of the School (14 nights, 10 USD per night), and 3 meals
per day in the students canteen (13 days, 8 USD per day).
There is a limited number of beds available for accompanying
persons (20 USD per night). Registration is possible without
accomodation and meals, with a registration fee of 450 USD
for academic community and 650 USD for industrial participants.
The organizers cannot take the responsibility for hotel
The deadline for registration is April 30, 1991, but it is
important to react as soon as possible, as the courses have
limitations on the number of participants. You can either
ask for a brochure containing more details with the
Registration Form attached, or simply send the following data
along with an evidence of the payment of the registration fee:
Registration form
Affiliation (university or company):
Address for correspondence:
e-mail address:
Specify: industrial participant / academic institution / student
Do you wish to reserve room and meals in the University hostel? (Y/N)
Fees (specify the amount paid):
Registration fee:
The address and other contact:
MFF UK - linguistics, c/o Dr. Eva Hajicova
Malostranske nam. 25, 118 00 Praha 1, Czechoslovakia
Voice: +42-2-532136
Fax: +42-2-847688 (attn. MFF UK linguistics)
The fee should be paid before April 30, 1991. Cheques are payable
to "ACL", use Swiss franc or a European currency equivalent
on date the cheque is signed and be sure the cheque is payable
in Switzerland or France. Cheques in USD must be drawn on a US
bank. Send the cheque with a copy of the registration form
to Michael Rosner (the address below).
Bank transfer: Credit Union Bank of Switzerland, Geneva,
a/c "Association of Computational Linguistics", 141.880.LAV.
Send a copy of the registration form to Michael Rosner:
Michael Rosner (Prague Summer School)
IDSIA, Corso Elvezia 36, 6900 LUGANO, Switzerland
Arrivals: Sunday, June 7, 1991
Beginning of the School: Monday, July 8, 9 a.m.
End of the School: Saturday, July 20, 6 p.m.
Departures: Sunday, July 21
Registration desk: open at July 7, 2 p.m. to 10 p.m., in the building
of the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Praha 8 - Troja,
Str. V Holesovickach 2.
How to get there: Underground ("Metro") line C, terminal "Nadrazi
Holesovice", from there one stop by bus No. 156 or 175. The faculty
building is the tall building on the same side of the road
as the bus stop.