4.1004 Announcements: A Nameserver for Linguists;... (2/83)
Elaine Brennan & Allen Renear (EDITORS@BROWNVM.BITNET)
Sun, 10 Feb 91 20:12:38 EST
Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 4, No. 1004. Sunday, 10 Feb 1991.
(1) Date: Fri, 8 Feb 91 17:27:40 -0500 (51 lines)
From: walker@flash.bellcore.com (Don Walker)
Subject: IJCAII 1991 Awards announcement
(2) Date: Sat, 9 Feb 91 00:13 MET (32 lines)
Subject: A nameserver for linguists
(1) --------------------------------------------------------------------
Date: Fri, 8 Feb 91 17:27:40 -0500
From: walker@flash.bellcore.com (Don Walker)
Subject: IJCAII 1991 Awards announcement
IJCAI AWARDS: IJCAI-91, Sydney, Australia, 24-30 August 1991
IJCAI-91, the Twelfth International Joint Conference on Artificial
Intelligence, will be held in Sydney, Australia, 24-30 August 1991. The
Board of Trustees of IJCAI, Inc. is pleased to announce the recipients
of the IJCAI awards for Research Excellence, Computers and Thought, and
Distinguished Service.
The IJCAI Award for Research Excellence is given, at an International
Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, to a scientist who has
carried out a program of research of consistently high quality yielding
several substantial results. Past recipients of this award are John
McCarthy (1985) and Allen Newell (1989).
The Research Excellence Award for IJCAI-91 will be given to Marvin
Minsky, MIT.
The Computers and Thought Lecture is given at each International Joint
Conference on Artificial Intelligence by an outstanding young scientist
in the field of Artificial Intelligence. The Lecture is presented one
evening during the Conference, and the public is invited to attend. The
Lectureship was established with royalties received from the book
Computers and Thought, edited by Edward Feigenbaum and Julian Feldman;
it is currently supported by income from IJCAII funds.
Past recipients of this honour have been Terry Winograd (1971), Patrick
Winston (1973), Chuck Rieger (1975), Douglas Lenat (1977), David Marr
(1979), Gerald Sussman (1981), Tom Mitchell (1983), Hector Levesque
(1985), Johan de Kleer (1987) and Henry Kautz (1989).
Two Computers and Thought Awards will be given at IJCAI-91: to
Rodney Brooks, MIT and Martha Pollack, SRI International.
The IJCAI Distinguished Service Award was established in 1979 by the
IJCAII Trustees to honor senior scientists in AI for contributions and
service to the field during their careers. Previous recipients have
been Bernard Meltzer (1979), Arthur Samuel (1983), and Donald Walker
At IJCAI-91, the IJCAI Distinguished Service Award will be given to
Woodrow Bledsoe, University of Texas at Austin.
(2) --------------------------------------------------------------58----
Date: Sat, 9 Feb 91 00:13 MET
Subject: A nameserver for linguists
Announcing the LINGUISTS Nameserver
Today we have put into operation a linguistic nameserver. The function
of this server is to reply to single or multiple requests for e-mail
addresses of researchers in the language sciences.
The basic commands now available are: HELP, LIST, ADD, REMOVE.
HELP speaks for itself
LIST requests address listings. Legal requests include: list surname;
list string*; etc.
ADD requests the addition of an address. The format is:
add surname, first name: address
REMOVE requests the removal of an address. The format is:
remove surname, first name: address
(before issuing a REMOVE command it is advisable to check the exact form
of an entry with LIST)
All requests should be addressed to LINGUISTS@ALF.LET.UVA.NL. The
subject line will be ignored. Each request should be entered on a
separate line.
Please let your colleagues know about us!
Norval Smith,
Institute for General Linguistics,
University of Amsterdam