4.0871 Call for Papers: Natural Language Processing (1/76)
Elaine Brennan & Allen Renear (EDITORS@BROWNVM.BITNET)
Wed, 9 Jan 91 18:11:39 EST
Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 4, No. 0871. Wednesday, 9 Jan 1991.
Date: Wed, 9 Jan 91 15:39:59 EST
From: neal@cs.Buffalo.EDU (Jeannette Neal)
Subject: Call for Participation
Workshop on Evaluation of Natural Language Processing Systems
18 June 1991
University of California
Berkeley, CA
There has been increased concern with the evaluation of natural
language processing (NLP) systems over the past few years.
The evaluation of NLP systems is essential in order to measure
the capabilities of individual systems, to measure technical progress
and growth in the field, and to provide a basis for selecting NLP
systems to best fit the communication requirements of application
domain systems. This 1991 Workshop is a follow on to the workshop
on evaluation held in December of 1988 at the Wayne Hotel in Wayne, PA.
Technical report RADC-TR-89-302 on the previous workshop is available
from Rome Laboratory.
Important issues for any evaluation effort and relevant to this workshop
include identification of the items or capabilities to be evaluated,
choosing between "black box" and "glass box" approaches, definition of
evaluation criteria, development of methods or procedures for
evaluation, determination of evaluation metrics, and determination of
the type of output to be produced by the evaluation procedures. The
areas of NLP relevant for this workshop include syntactic analysis,
semantic analyisis, pragmatic analysis, lexical processing, morphology,
sharable knowledge bases and ontologies, speech understanding, and
trainable systems.
The purpose of this workshop is to provide a forum for computational
linguists to report on and discuss current efforts and activities,
research progress, new approaches, problems and issues; to promote
scientific interchange on important evaluation issues; and to
generate recommendations and directions for future investigations
in the evaluation area.
Workshop attendance will be by invitation, limited to 45 people.
The workshop will be held June 18th at the University of California,
Berkeley Campus, in association with the 29th Annual Meeting of the
Association for Computational Linguistics.
Interested participants should submit a 3-5 page abstract of their
presentation and a brief description of their research activities.
Persons desiring to attend the workshop, but not make a presentation,
should send only a brief description of their research activities.
All persons should include name, mailing address, phone number, and
electronic mail address. Submission may be transmitted via electronic
mail, U.S. Postal Service, or FAX. If hardcopy is submitted, please
include six copies (including the original). Send submissions to:
Jeannette G. Neal, Ph.D.
Calspan Corporation
P.O. Box 400, Buffalo, NY 14225
(716) 631-6844
FAX: (716) 631-6722
March 1, 1991 Submissions due
April 1, 1991 Notification of acceptance/invitation
Jeannette G. Neal, Calspan Corporation (Committee Chair)
Tim Finin, Unisys Center for Advanced Information Technology
Ralph Grishman, New York University
Christine Montgomery, Language Systems, Inc.
Sharon Walter, Rome Laboratory
SUPPORT for this workshop is provided by Rome Laboratory.