4.0863 Philosopy Position Open (1/49)

Elaine Brennan & Allen Renear (EDITORS@BROWNVM.BITNET)
Sun, 6 Jan 91 16:40:21 EST

Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 4, No. 0863. Sunday, 6 Jan 1991.

Date: Thu, 3 Jan 91 22:53 CST
From: Charles H. Miller <THEOBIBLE@STMARYTX>
Subject: Philosophy Job


Position: The philosophy department has one full-time, tenure track
position beginning August 15, 1991. We would prefer a
philosopher engaged with the work of Bernard Lonergan and
committed to the Roman Catholic educational tradition and to
undergraduate education. (Candidate need not be of the
Catholic faith.)

Duties: Four courses (12 hours) undergraduate teaching each fall
and spring semester: Introduction, Ethics, upper level

Qualifications: Ph.D. preferred. Successful undergraduate teaching
experience. AOS: ethics, phenomenology. AOC: Work of
Bernard Lonergan; philosophy of science.

Institution: Largest Catholic university in the southwest (4000
students, five schools including Business and Law).
Staffed by lay men and women and members of the Society
of Mary (Marianists). Co-ed, multi-cultural, religiously
diverse (80% Catholic) student body and faculty.

Department: Philosophy department provides a three-course, nine-
hour sequence in the core curriculum to all undergraduate
students. Engages students in all disciplines.
Undergraduate major offered.

Rank & Salary: Assistant Professor. Salary competitive, commensurate
with rank and experience.

Deadline: Initial screening begins February 15, 1991, and applications will
be accepted until the positions are filled. Starting date is
August 15, 1991.

Applications: Application, curriculum vitae, and supporting
documentation should be addressed to:

Dr. Conrad Kaczkowski, S.M.
Chair, Philosophy Department
St. Mary's University
One Camino Santa Maria
San Antonio, Texas 78228-8566

Affirmative Action / Equal Employment Opportunity Employer