4.0410 CP/M to DOS (3/69)
Elaine Brennan & Allen Renear (EDITORS@BROWNVM.BITNET)
Thu, 23 Aug 90 20:41:31 EDT
Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 4, No. 0410. Thursday, 23 Aug 1990.
(1) Date: Wed, 22 Aug 90 10:29 PST (13 lines)
Subject: CP/M to DOS
(2) Date: Wed, 22 Aug 90 23:01 EST (41 lines)
Subject: RE: 4.0392 ... CPM2DOS
(3) Date: Thu, 23 Aug 1990 15:29 IST (15 lines)
From: Marc Bregman <HPUBM@HUJIVM1>
Subject: Re: 4.0392 R: CPM2DOS
(1) --------------------------------------------------------------------
Date: Wed, 22 Aug 90 10:29 PST
Subject: CP/M to DOS
There is a shareware utility that converts CP/M to DOS. It's
available on a lot of bulletin boards, among them the PC Spectrum
at (714) 381-6013. There the file is called cpmtodos.zip; one will
also need an un-zipper to extract the files. One is available
there as pkz110.exe. I'm told it's very good, but I've not tried
it myself.
Charles Young
(2) --------------------------------------------------------------45----
Date: Wed, 22 Aug 90 23:01 EST
Subject: RE: 4.0392 R: ALLC mail; Qs: Hebrew; Camb Computing; CPM2DOS
Re: CP/M to DOS conversions
After reading much of humanist for the past few months with great
interest, I am pleased to be able contribute something which may be of
general use. There are two issues to be addressed when converting CP/M
files to DOS:
1- The file must be copied from a CP/M formatted diskette to an MS-DOS
format. There are some public-domain utilities which do the job, and I
believe that Kaypro has(had) such a program bundled with its utilities.
The best commercial program available is Media Master. The conversion
problem is compounded by tha fact that there is no "standard" CP/M
format. One must find a program which can "read" a Kaypro CP/M format
and convert it to MS-DOS. There are fewer MS-DOS formats, and many of
them are interchangeable within MS-DOS. An alternative procedure, if
you lack a conversion program, is to transmit your CP/M file by modem to
a DOS computer. Obviously, this is more complicated, and if the files
are large, time-consuming.
2- Once the file has been copied to MS-DOS, it must be converted to a
useable or at least readable format on the new system. ASCII text files
can be read with DOS's TYPE command and most wordprocessing programs
will accept them without conversion although they lack the special
characters which help wordprocessors do their job. Many wordprocessing
programs (Wordstar, Wordperfect) have conversion programs. A CP/M
Wordstar file will be read without difficulty by any DOS Wordstar except
Wordstar 2000. Sometimes one must convert the file to ASCII and then
back to the new WP format.
Because of the great diversity of CP/M systems (both software and
hardware..even by one manufacturer), every ex-CP/Mer must use a slightly
different procedure. I have only given the general process here.
Morgan Tamplin,
Trent University
Peterborough, Ontario
(3) --------------------------------------------------------------23----
Date: Thu, 23 Aug 1990 15:29 IST
From: Marc Bregman <HPUBM@HUJIVM1>
Subject: Re: 4.0392 R: CPM2DOS (4/66
RE Charles Ess's query about converting from CP/M to IBM format. I
have had very good results converting from Apple CP/M to IBM dos format
with a Matchpoint Card and UniDos program. These are available from
Microsolutions, INC. 132 West Lincoln Hwy., DeKalb Illinois 60115 Tel.
(815) 756-3411. You might want to give them a call and see if this
is a solution for your colleague with the Kaypro. By the way, I have
friend in the States who is a diehard Kaypro lover and has now bought
one for every member of his family! We exchange text files all the time
over bitnet, so there is certainly no problem transferring files that way.
Marc Bregman, Hebrew Union College Jerusalem [HPUBM@HUJIVM1]