4.0388 ACH Membership (1/61)

Elaine Brennan & Allen Renear (EDITORS@BROWNVM.BITNET)
Thu, 16 Aug 90 00:14:51 EDT

Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 4, No. 0388. Thursday, 16 Aug 1990.

Date: Thu, 9 Aug 90 16:01 EST
From: Michael Neuman <NEUMAN@GUVAX>
Subject: Call to Membership in ACH

Dear Colleagues:

The number of subscribers to HUMANIST recently surpassed 700, but
fewer than half that many currently belong to the Association for
Computers and the Humanities. On behalf of the Executive Committee
of ACH, I would like to invite prospective members to join and
former members to renew.

Members receive four issues of the ACH Newsletter (with its updates
on conferences, projects, and publications), six issues of
Computers and the Humanities (a refereed journal with articles of
interest to a wide spectrum of humanists and computer specialists),
and reduced registration fees for the annual joint ACH/ALLC Conferences.
In addition, members enable the ACH to continue its support of such
projects as HUMANIST, the Text Encoding Initiative, and the annual

Below is a list of membership categories as well as an application form.
Please send the completed form and your check (payable to the
Association for Computers and the Humanities) to

Association for Computers and the Humanities
c/o Joe Rudman, Department of English
Carnegie-Mellon University
Pittsburgh, PA 15213

For membership inquiries and change of address notices, contact Joe
at the address above or by email at RUDMAN@CMPHYS.

Thanks for your consideration.

Mike Neuman
Georgetown University
For the ACH Executive Committee

Fees: Please X the appropriate membership category and additional

_____ US $45 for student or Emeritus faculty member

_____ US $55 for individual regular member

_____ Add US $5 for Northeast ACH membership.

_____ Add US $7.50 for joint membership for couples.

_____ Add US $45 (outside North America $50 surface mail
or $65 airmail) for Bits and Bytes Review.

Application Form:



Areas of Interest:

Electronic Mail Address: