3.1189 queries (131)
Willard McCarty (MCCARTY@vm.epas.utoronto.ca)
Tue, 20 Mar 90 19:19:37 EST
Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 3, No. 1189. Tuesday, 20 Mar 1990.
(1) Date: Mon, 19 Mar 90 22:46:53 EST (15 lines)
From: "Steven J. DeRose" <IR400011@BROWNVM>
Subject: conversion into SGML
(2) Date: 20 March 90, 13:27:57 MEZ (18 lines)
From: Dr. Gerd Willee 0228 - 73 56 20 UPK000 at DBNRHRZ1
Subject: machine-readable Russian newspapers?
(3) Date: Tue, 20 Mar 90 06:44:44 EST (20 lines)
From: "Eric Johnson DSU, Madison, SD 57042" <ERIC@SDNET>
(4) Date: Thu, 15 Mar 90 20:31:21 EST (20 lines)
From: Asher B Samuels <abs@cunixb.cc.columbia.edu>
Subject: Humanist posting-info on old book
(5) Date: Tue, 20 Mar 90 06:14:00 EST (7 lines)
From: DJT18@hull.ac.uk
Subject: e-Racine?
(6) Date: Tue, 20 Mar 90 15:56:00 EST (13 lines)
Subject: spanish correspondence
(1) --------------------------------------------------------------------
Date: Mon, 19 Mar 90 22:46:53 EST
From: "Steven J. DeRose" <IR400011@BROWNVM>
A general inquiry:
I'm interested in information about services which provide conversion
of data into SGML. This could be starting with scanning paper, or
starting from some machine-readable form. I'm aware of software such
as the Avalanche parser, but am interested in information about service
providers. Also interested in hearing from others needing such services,
and what particular price/performance/method expectations prevail.
Steve DeRose
(2) --------------------------------------------------------------21----
Date: 20 March 90, 13:27:57 MEZ
From: Dr. Gerd Willee 0228 - 73 56 20 UPK000 at DBNRHRZ1
A student of ours intends to write a master's thesis on some features
of the language of Russian newspapers. For this purpose it would be
good, if he could get access to newspapers which are machine readable
already. He needs texts from 1986 on. Does anybody know whether such
texts exist and how to get them?
Gerd Willee
IKP - University of Bonn
Poppelsdorfer Allee 47
5300 Bonn 1 - FRG
upk000 @ dbnrhrz1.BITNET
Thanks in advance for processing!
(3) --------------------------------------------------------------27----
Date: Tue, 20 Mar 90 06:44:44 EST
From: "Eric Johnson DSU, Madison, SD 57042" <ERIC@SDNET>
In reply to Ray Harder's question (but not exactly an answer)
we at Dakota State University have discussed offering courses
(both graduate and undergraduate) via BITNET. I would like to
know how many would be interested in a course such as the following
(but please tell me if there is interest in something different too).
PROGRAMMING FOR THE HUMANITIES An introduction to programming in
BASIC or SNOBOL4 or Icon for applicattions in the humanities such
as analysis of texts, arranging data from research, and formatting
for printing and desktop pulishing.
Please reply directly to me:
Eric Johnson
(4) --------------------------------------------------------------38----
Date: Thu, 15 Mar 90 20:31:21 EST
From: Asher B Samuels <abs@cunixb.cc.columbia.edu>
Subject: Humanist posting-info on old book
I found an old mahzor for Yom Kippur today on the street. The first
few pages are missing (it starts with V'haya Im Shamoa). It conatins
commentary in Yiddish, but no obvious mention of date or publishing
place. The best i can find is that a Tzvi Hersh was the publisher,
and that his son Avraham also worked on it.
Does anyone have any advice on who would know more about such books?
if so, please have them contact me, either by e-mail, phone
(212)-662-1979, or by USnail (415 W 120 St, Ney York, NY 10027 USA).
Although it's probably quite damaging to the book, I'd be willing to
photocopy that page and sent it to someone who could help.
(5) --------------------------------------------------------------17----
Date: Tue, 20 Mar 90 06:14:00 EST
From: DJT18@hull.ac.uk
Does anybody know where one or more Racine plays in machine readable form
can be obtained? Any help much appreciated.
June Thompson, CTI Centre for Modern Languages, University of Hull
(6) --------------------------------------------------------------21----
Date: Tue, 20 Mar 90 15:56:00 EST
Subject: spanish correspondence
Is it possible to send email messages to Spain via Bitnet? I am very
interested in setting up correspondence with anyone at any university there.
I would prefer Salamanca or Madrid, but if this is not possible, then I would
be happy with any other university. Does anyone have any contacts out there?
Please explain the process (if one exists) in the simplest terms--as you
probably have guessed, I am rather new at this email thing.
Thanks in advance for the help!!
Joyce Garzon, libacct3@suvm, Syracuse University