3.1184 new journal; call for papers (105)

Willard McCarty (MCCARTY@vm.epas.utoronto.ca)
Mon, 19 Mar 90 20:50:57 EST

Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 3, No. 1184. Monday, 19 Mar 1990.

(1) Date: Sat, 17 Mar 90 14:20:52 -0500 (75 lines)
From: gxs11@po.CWRU.Edu (Gary Stonum)
Subject: new journal

(2) Date: Mon, 19 Mar 90 16:10:52 EST (10 lines)
From: Stephen Clausing <SCLAUS@YALEVM>
Subject: call for papers

(1) --------------------------------------------------------------------
Date: Sat, 17 Mar 90 14:20:52 -0500
From: gxs11@po.CWRU.Edu (Gary Stonum)
Subject: new journal

On behalf of an associate who doesn't subscribe to HUMANIST
at the moment, I pass along the following announcement about a
new on-line journal. The editors also tell me that they are eager
to hear from experienced ListServ operaters who might help them to
ready the software in the most user-friendly way.

Gary Stonum, English Department
Case Western Reserve Univ.

Postmodern Culture will be an on-line, juried, transdisciplinary
journal of postmodern literature, theory, and culture. Its pur-
pose will be to present works of scholarship, criticism, fiction,
and poetry which bring intelligence and wit to the task of under-
standing the postmodern condition. Postmodern Culture will be
specifically interested in the intersection of postmodern studies
with other contemporary fields of discourse: by inviting a diver-
sity of perspectives, we hope to make visible those social and
political commitments of postmodernism which sometimes go unack-
nowledged. Furthermore, as a journal which includes works in
progress and which facilitates response to those works, Postmod-
ern Culture will provide a practical alternative to the privileg-
ing of product over process, and writer over reader, in academic

Postmodern Culture will take advantage of the possibilities of
electronic mail, and will be available to anyone who has access
to a computer, a modem, and BITNET or INTERNET. Because these
networks have nodes all over the world, Postmodern Culture will
provide a forum for a truly international and intercultural ex-
change of ideas. The journal will be housed on one of the Uni-
versity's mainframes, under the LISTSERV program. Separate lists
will be maintained for editors/contributors and for subscribers:
both lists will be controlled and maintained by the editorial
staff of the journal. When an issue of the journal has been
compiled, the contents of that issue will be automatically mailed
out to all members of the subscriber list, via BITNET or INTER-
NET. Subscribers may then download all or some of the issue from
their electronic mailbox, and may also send in their responses to
an article, via E-Mail. These responses will be appended to the
article, and copies will also be sent to the author of that ar-
ticle. As the issue develops, readers may selectively download
the essays in which they have an interest, and may continue to
respond--not only to the author, but also to the comments of
other readers: such responses will be handled in the same way as
reader-to-author mail. The submission of essays, and all editor-
ial business (sending essays to advisory editors, receiving edi-
torial comments, housing collaborative essays prior to publica-
tion, etc.) will be handled through the editorial list.

As an electronic publication, Postmodern Culture will offer a
number of advantages over print journals, including decreased
lag-time between submission and publication, more direct and
immediate exchanges between writer and reader, instant access to
all back issues, the opportunity to revise and update what one
has already published, and a means of working in either public or
private collaboration with writers in remote locations. Work on
file at Postmodern Culture will be copyrighted and will not be
available for unilateral alteration by its readers, but the edi-
tors will not restrict the author's right to revise such work or
to submit it for print publication. Members of Postmodern Cul-
ture will receive a booklet explaining how to log on to and use
the journal; technical problems, should they arise, will be
addressed on-line by the editor.
Our first issue is tentatively scheduled for the Spring of 1991,
and we are interested in hearing from potential readers and contribu-
tors. Contact Elaine Orr or John Unsworth at box 8105, NCSU, Raleigh,
NC 27695, or reply by e-mail to jmu@ncsuvm.bitnet.

(2) --------------------------------------------------------------18----
Date: Mon, 19 Mar 90 16:10:52 EST
From: Stephen Clausing <SCLAUS@YALEVM>
Subject: call for papers

The Applied Linguistics Division of the MLA is sponsoring a section under
the title "Computers in Applied Linguistic Research" for the forthcoming
convention in Chicago, Dec. 27-Dec.30. For consideration, please submit a
one page abstract including a short biodata to Stephen Clausing, Yale
University, by March 28. E-mail address: SClaus@Yalevm, regular mail: German
Dept., P.O. Box 18-A Yale Station, New Haven, CT, 06520.