3.1173 multilingual CD-ROMs? Latin & Greek tutorials? (44)
Willard McCarty (MCCARTY@vm.epas.utoronto.ca)
Wed, 14 Mar 90 20:34:55 EST
Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 3, No. 1173. Wednesday, 14 Mar 1990.
(1) Date: Wed, 14 Mar 90 05:34:00 EST (10 lines)
From: DJT18@hull.ac.uk
Subject: Dictionaries on CD-ROM
(2) Date: Wed, 14 Mar 90 12:50:00 EST (14 lines)
From: JOHNSTON@binah.cc.brandeis.edu
Subject: RE: 3.1105 call from ReCALL (24)
(1) --------------------------------------------------------------------
Date: Wed, 14 Mar 90 05:34:00 EST
From: DJT18@hull.ac.uk
Subject: Dictionaries on CD-ROM
I have had an enquiry about multilingual dictionaries on CD-ROM to cover
various languages including Catalan, Russian and Serbo-Croat. The only
CD-ROM dictionaries I know about are the Collins On-Line and the Harraps
Multilingual which do not include these languages. Can anybody help,
June Thompson, CTI Centre for Modern Languages, University of Hull.
(2) --------------------------------------------------------------19----
Date: Wed, 14 Mar 90 12:50:00 EST
From: JOHNSTON@binah.cc.brandeis.edu
Subject: RE: 3.1105 call from ReCALL (24)
[The forwarding has been done but there's a question here for the
whole of us. -W.M.]
Would you please forward to June Thompson my interest in obtaining full
details about ReCALL. I would be happy to forward to her information
about my CAI Latin tutorial, which I would like to develop further.
I would particularly like to learn about available tutorial programs
in Latin and Greek. My mailing address is Patricia A. Johnston, Department
of Classical Studies, Brandeis University, Waltham, MA, USA 02254-9110.
Many thanks.