3.1036 call for information: CAI for history (90)

Willard McCarty (MCCARTY@vm.epas.utoronto.ca)
Mon, 12 Feb 90 21:42:36 EST

Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 3, No. 1036. Monday, 12 Feb 1990.

Date: Mon, 12 Feb 90 16:04:49 GMT
From: Donald Spaeth 041 339-8855 x6336 <GKHA13@CMS.GLASGOW.AC.UK>
Subject: Call for information on history teaching software

The UK Centre for History and Computing (CTICH) was established in 1989
to serve as a clearinghouse for information on the use of computers in
higher education. Similar centres were set up in other humanities
subjects, including Literature, Modern Languages, Music and the
Humanities in general. (A longer description of the Centre's activities
has been provided for the Listserver.)

CTICH is now collecting information about historical software, teaching
datasets and computer-based teaching materials, which will serve as the
basis for a 'Guide to Software' for the entire historical community.
The first edition of the Guide, to be published this spring, will simply
be a handlist of materials which have come to our attention, but
subsequent editions will include reviews, focusing particularly on the
suitability of software for teaching history.

If you have written, are using or know of software or other materials
for computer-based history teaching, we would very much appreciate it if
you could draw these to our attention. Software may either be either
commercial or educational, general purpose or devoted specifically to
history/humanities teaching. We are particularly interested in hearing
of software developed outside the UK, e.g. in Europe or North America.
Types of software of interest include database, spreadsheet, text
retrieval/analysis, hypertexts, simulations and teaching datasets.

A brief form describing the kind of information we need follows. The
first 3 questions are the most important; if you don't know complete
details, please just send what information you have.


1. Name of software/material

2. Computer (and operating system) it runs under

3. Name and address of author, publisher, distributor or other
contact (also telephone number and email address, if known)

4. Cost

5. Minimum technical requirements (e.g. hard disk, 512K RAM,
EGA graphics)

6. Brief description (4-6 lines), with comments if you've used

7. Would you be willing to write us a longer review of the

Many thanks for your assistance. Please send details of
software to the following address.

Donald Spaeth
Research Officer
Centre for History and Computing

email: ctich @ uk.ac.glasgow.vme (from JANET sites)
ctich @ vme.glasgow.ac.uk (from BITNET/EARN sites)

postal address:
History Computing Laboratory
2 University of Gardens
University of Glasgow
Glasgow G12 8QQ UK

[A longer document on The Computers in Teaching Initiative,
Centre for History and Computing (CTICH) is now available on
the file-server, s.v. HISTORY CTICH. A copy may be obtained
by issuing the command -- GET filename filetype HUMANIST -- either
interactively or as a batch-job, addressed to ListServ@UToronto and
*not* to Humanist. Thus on a VM/CMS system, you say interactively:
TELL LISTSERV AT UTORONTO GET filename filetype HUMANIST; to submit
a batch-job, send mail to ListServ@UToronto with the GET command as
the first and only line. For more details see your "Guide to Humanist".
Problems should be reported to David Sitman, A79@TAUNIVM, after you
have consulted the Guide and tried all appropriate alternatives.]