3.952 new philosophy e-texts; call for participants (182)
Willard McCarty (MCCARTY@vm.epas.utoronto.ca)
Tue, 23 Jan 90 18:01:26 EST
Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 3, No. 952. Tuesday, 23 Jan 1990.
(1) Date: Fri, 19 Jan 90 14:19:00 EST (43 lines)
From: David Owen <OWEN@rvax.ccit.arizona.edu>
Subject: New Philosophy List
(2) Date: Mon, 22 Jan 90 23:00 EST (120 lines)
From: "David M. Mark (716-636-2283)" <GEODMM@UBVMS.BITNET>
Subject: Call for Participants: NATO Advanced Study Institute
(1) --------------------------------------------------------------------
Date: Fri, 19 Jan 90 14:19:00 EST
From: David Owen <OWEN@rvax.ccit.arizona.edu>
Subject: New Philosophy List
Here is the latest list of machine-readable texts in philosophy. If
you have further entries, please let me, or Leslie Burholder, know.
David Owen
Machine-readable texts
Prepared by Leslie Burkholder
Date of this version = 12 Jan 1990.
Thanks for contributions to: Mike Neuman, Stephen Clark.
For information on text-analysis software see The Humanities Computing
Yearbook 1988 (New York: Oxford University Press, 1988), chapters 25-27.
Contains descriptions of various programs and references to articles
about computer-aided text-analysis.
Peter Abelard. [Works]. In Latin. For information contact: Literary &
Linguistic Computing Center, University of Cambridge, Sidgwick Ave.,
Cambridge CB3 9DA, England.
Anselm of Canterbury (Saint Anselm). Opera Omnia. In Latin. For
information contact: Literary & Linguistic Computing Center, University
of Cambridge, Sidgwick Ave., Cambridge CB3 9DA, England.
[A complete version of this listing is now available on
the file-server, s.v. PHILOSFY ETEXTS. A copy may be obtained
by issuing the command -- GET filename filetype HUMANIST -- either
interactively or as a batch-job, addressed to ListServ@UToronto and
*not* to Humanist. Thus on a VM/CMS system, you say interactively:
TELL LISTSERV AT UTORONTO GET filename filetype HUMANIST; to submit
a batch-job, send mail to ListServ@UToronto with the GET command as
the first and only line. For more details see your "Guide to Humanist".
Problems should be reported to David Sitman, A79@TAUNIVM, after you
have consulted the Guide and tried all appropriate alternatives.]
(2) --------------------------------------------------------------120---
Date: Mon, 22 Jan 90 23:00 EST
From: "David M. Mark (716-636-2283)" <GEODMM@UBVMS.BITNET>
Subject: Call for Participants: NATO Advanced Study Institute
Please distribute to other interested parties:
Call for Participants:
July 8-20, 1990
Las Navas del Marques, Spain
The Scientific Affairs Division of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization
(NATO) has awarded a grant to support an Advanced Study Institute (ASI)
on the topic of "Cognitive and Linguistic Aspects of Geographic
Space". Subject to final confirmation, this ASI will be conducted
July 8-20, 1990, at Castillo-Palacio "Magalia" in Las Navas del Marques,
Provincia de Avila, Spain. The Director of the ASI is David M. Mark, of the
National Center for Geographic Information and Analysis (NCGIA), Buffalo,
New York, USA; the Associate Director of the Institute is Andrew Frank,
NCGIA, Orono, Maine, USA. The NCGIA is a co-Sponsor of the meeting, and
the official language of the ASI will be English.
The objective of the ASI is to provide high-level instruction and
discussion in areas of cognitive science, linguistics, mathematics,
artificial intelligence, computer science, cartography, anthropology,
and behavioral geography to scholars wishing to improve geographic
information systems, or to use GISs in their basic research on various
topics. The ASI also will provide a forum to extend the research agenda
on the topic. Human geography has a long tradition of concern for
spatial cognition, and for the ways in which mental representations of
geographic space influence spatial behavior. Spatial cognition is also
of central concern to cognitive science. Implementation of
cognitively-sound models should lead to improved geographic information
systems (GIS) user interfaces, spatial query languages, and spatial
inference methods, and will require application of topology, geometry,
and artificial intelligence. Such models will be crucial in the removal
of impediments to cross-linguistic transfer of GIS technology.
The ASI will begin with introductory lectures on the workshop topic and
on Geographic Information Systems (GIS). Then, invited Lecturers will
present on specific topics. Confirmed lecturers for the ASI include:
Mark Blades, (Psychology, University of Sheffield, England); Maria
Catedra Tomas (Antropologia Social, Universidad Complutense Madrid,
Spain); C. Grant Head (Geography, Wilfrid Laurier University, Canada);
John Herring (Mathematician, Intergraph Corporation, USA); and Ewald
Lang (Linguistics, University of Wuppertal, Federal Republic of Germany).
We have tentative indications that the following will also be lecturers:
Jean-Gabriel Ganascia (Universite de Paris Sud, Orsay , France);
Reginald Golledge, (Geography, University of California, Santa Barbara,
USA); and Zenon Pylyshyn (Psychology and Computer Science, University of
Western Ontario, Canada).
Because of the capacity of the site, this ASI is limited to a maximum of
60 "student" participants. (The term "student" is used by NATO to
describe all ASI participants who are neither invited lecturers nor
organizers.) Ideally, NATO prefers that ASI "students" be of recent
post-Doctoral status; however, they may include senior scholars, current
post-graduate students, or employees of government or private agencies.
ASIs are governed by NATO rules. Among these is a requirement that no
more than 20 percent of the total number of "students" may come from
countries outside of NATO, and no more than 25 percent may come from any
particular NATO country. (For NATO ASI purposes, a person's "country"
is defined by current place of residence and work or study, and not by
citizenship.) Thus, we have a quota of at most 15 additional
participants from each NATO country, meaning that competition for places
among potential participants from some NATO countries will be high. We
also have a limited ability to provide financial support (mainly in the
form of living expenses) to participants from NATO countries. There
will be no registration fee for the meeting.
Because places in the ASI are strictly limited, we are proposing a
rigorous application procedure. Anyone wishing to attend the ASI should
submit an application in writing (by electronic mail, FAX, or post), so
as to arrive in Buffalo on or before March 15, 1990. Applications must
contain the following information:
(1) a one page resume or abbreviated curriculum vitae, emphasizing
experience or training relevant to the ASI topic, and including current
country of residence and highest academic degree earned, with year; and
(2) a one page statement of interest, indicating the reason for wishing
to attend the ASI, and the applicant's potential contribution to the ASI.
Persons wishing to present a research paper, which will be rigorously
peer- reviewed for possible inclusion in the ASI Proceedings, should
submit with their application:
(3) a paper title, and a one page abstract or proposal.
However, this is optional, and willingness to present a paper will NOT
be a condition for acceptance into the ASI.
Estimated living costs at "Magalia" for the 13 days of the ASI are $US
655, including all meals. Since funds from the ASI for participants are
limited, applicants should apply for travel and living expenses other
sources. Persons wishing financial assistance directly from the
organizers of the ASI must submit with their application:
(4) a one page (or less) request for funds, with justification.
For further information, contact David M. Mark at the addresses below.
Also, submit applications to these same addresses:
Electronic Mail: geodmm@ubvms.BITNET
or geodmm@ubvmsd.cc.buffalo.edu
TeleFAX: 716 636 2329
Telephone: 716 636 2283
Post: David M. Mark
National Center for Geographic Information and Analysis
Department of Geography
415 Fronczak Hall
State University of New York at Buffalo
Buffalo, New York 14260 USA