3.709 Biographies, vol. 25, 2 of 2 (498)
Willard McCarty (MCCARTY@vm.epas.utoronto.ca)
Mon, 6 Nov 89 17:42:52 EST
Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 3, No. 709. Monday, 6 Nov 1989.
Date: 5 November 1989
From: Willard McCarty <mccarty@utorepas>
Subject: BIOGRAFY 25, 2 of 2
*Kessler, Jascha <IME9JFK@UCLAMVS>
Jascha Kessler, UCLA, Department of English, Professor of English
& Modern Literature; (213) 825-4173 (UCLA); Home: 218 Sixteenth
Street; Santa Monica, CA 90402 USA
JASCHA KESSLER, born in New York City on Thanksgiving Day of
1929, has received varied research grants, prizes, and writing
fellowships since 1952 when he won a Major Hopwood Award for
Poetry (University of Michigan), including two Senior Fulbright
Awards to Italy. He has been Pro fessor of English & Modern
Literature at UCLA since 1961.
He has published four collections of stories: AN EGYPTIAN BONDAGE
(Harper & Row, NY: 1967); DEATH COMES FOR THE BEHAVIORIST (Lexis
Press, San Francisco, CA: 1983); CLASSICAL ILLUSIONS: 28 Stories
(McPherson & Company, POB 1126, Kingston, N.Y. 12401: 1985),
which won the Shirley Collier Prize at UCLA in 1986 ($5000); and
TRANSMIGRATIONS: 18 Mythologems (Jazz Press, Capitola, CA:
1985). He has also published three collections of poetry:
WHATEVER LOVE DECLARES (The Plantin Press, Los Angeles, CA:
IN MEMORY OF THE FUTURE (Kayak Press, Santa Cruz, CA: 1976).
In 1974, he was awarded a Fellowship in fiction by the National
Endowment for the Arts. In 1979, Mr. Kessler was a Rockefeller
Fellow and worked at the Bellagio Study Center, completing his
translation of the Persian Poet, Forugh Farrokhzad: BRIDE OF
ACACIAS: The Poetry of Forugh Far rokhzad (Caravan Books,
Delmar, NY: 1983). Also in 1979, he became the first American
writer to be honored with the Hungarian PEN Club?s Memorial Medal
for his various translation projects in fiction and poetry: i.e.,
THE MAGICIAN?S GARDEN: 24 Stories by Geza Cs?th (Columbia
University Press, NY: 1980 (which won the Translation Prize from
the Translation Center in New York), and was also republished in
the Writers from the Other Europe Series edited by Philip Roth,
as OPIUM (Penguin Books, NY: 1983); and UNDER GEMINI: The
Selected Poetry of Mikl?s Radn?ti (Ohio University Press,
Athens, OH: 1985).
He has also published a volume translated from the Bulgarian:
MEDUSA: The Selected Poetry of Nicolai Kantchev (Quarterly Review
of Literature Press, Princeton, NJ: 1985). Recently, he published
a large volume of translations anthologizing the work of 23
Hungarian poets, THE FACE OF CREATION: Contemporary Hungarian
Poetry (The Coffee House Press, Minneapolis, MN, 1988). His
translation of a, book-length poem by S?ndor R?kos, CATULLAN
GAMES, won the GEORGE SOROS FOUNDATION PRIZE for 1989, from the
Translation Center in New York. It is prefaced by the translator,
& illustrated by Richard Diebenkorn (Marlboro Press, VT, 1989).
Kessler has also written several plays and the libretto for a
full-length opera, THE CAVE, with a score composed by Ned Rorem.
*Knox, Ellis L. (Skip) <DUSKNOX@IDBSU>
Associate for Microcomputers, Center for Data Processing, Boise
State University, 1910 University Drive, Boise, Idaho 83725 USA;
My current position is the primary PC support tech for the
campus. I do troubleshooting, product evaluation, training, etc.
for about 600 faculty and staff on campus. I've held this
position since 1984.
So why am I in this list? Because my original training is as a
historian. I have my M.A. from the University of Utah in
medieval history, and my Ph.D. from the University of
Massachusetts at Amherst in Early Modern Europe. My research
interest is in the history of guilds in Germany.
Since I became involved with computers, I have been interested in
using them to help teach college-level history. History seems to
be as complex and "non-computer" a subject as can be found on
campus. I have explored computer based tutorials, databases,
distance education, in-class aids, remediation, and similar
topics, all in connection with the teaching of history. I hope
to share ideas with others on this list.
*Lee, Amanda Catherine
PO Box 733, Mississippi State University, MS 39762 USA; (601)324-
I am a graduate student in German at Mississippi State
University. I will receive my MA in December, and then plan to
pursue my PhD. A kindly professor has, until now, forwarded
interesting HUMANIST postings, but finally convinced me to join
myself. So here I am!
*Livon Grosman, Ernesto <grosman@acf7.nuy.edu>
Graduate Student at New York University, 116 Seaman Ave. #2 E,
New York, N Y 10034; voice: (212) 567-5905
I was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina and have been living in the
USA for the last four years. Currently I am a PhD student in the
Department of Spanish and Portuguese at New York University,
where my concentration is Contemporary Latin American Poetry. I
am also very interested in the unfinished stories of Franz Kafka.
Besides compiling the stories from his diaries, I have undertaken
the task of writing on the implications of "not finishing,"
drawing on such diverse sources as Blanchot and Scholem's
interpretation of Kabbalah. Another major interest is Charles
Olson, as well as the other poets that emerged from Black
Mountain during his time there. In the summer of 1988 I taught a
course on the Poetics of Olson at the Centro Cultural General San
Martin in Buenos Aires.
I have translated into Spanish Olson's play "Apollonius of Tiana"
and a selection of his poems (Ediciones Calle Abajo, Buenos Aires
1990). I am also at work on an anthology of contemporary
Argentine poetry, selecting poems and preparing English
translations. This past spring I taught an 8-week seminar on
translation theory and practice at Writers and Books, Rochester,
NY. I write poetry myself and have led poetry workshops for
Mexican migrant workers under the auspices of the New York State
Council on the Arts.
My main areas of interest are: translation and translation
theory, contemporary Latin American poetry, and contemporary US
poetry. I use an IBM compatible.
*Mitchell, Richard G., Jr. <MITCHELR@ORSTVM>
Department of Sociology, Oregon State University, Corvallis,
Oregon 97331 USA; (503) 754-2641; 752-1323
Born in Berkeley California before non-academics heard about it;
the campus life is what seems most normal. People have told me
that the rest of the world is not like Berkely but I am not
listening. PhD in Sociology from USC after attempts at 7
universities to variously become an anthropologist, psychologist
cinematographer and dentist. I am what among sociologists is
known as a symbolic interactionist - an ethnographer who via
participant observation engag es phenomenon of interest. Recent
studies have included 5 years among mountian climbers and lately
among survivalists and para-military right wing organizatio ns.
Currently working on book on survivalists and welcome assistance.
Also presently concerned with the ethics of a positivist social
scinece; methods and assumptions.
*Nielsen, Brian
NAME:Brian Nielsen
INSTITUTION:Northwestern University
TITLE:Assistant University Librarian for Branch Libraries and
Services Technology
ADDRESS:Evanston, IL
POSTAL CODE:60208-2300
I'm a librarian with graduate training in librarianship and
sociology, with strong interests in the sociology of scholarly
communication, occupational sociology, and qualitative research
methodology in the social sciences. Put another way, I consider
sociology a discipline of the humanities, with significant
concern for values. My writing has been for librarians, the most
recently published being "Allocating Costs, Thinking About
Values: The Fee or Free Debate Revisited", Journal of Academic
Librarianship, Sept 89.
*Perry, Jeffrey
NAME: Jeffrey Perry
INSTITUTION: Princeton University
DEPARTMENT: Computing and Information Technology
TITLE: Humanities Specialist
PHONE: (609) 258-6009
ADDRESS: Room 304A, 87 Prospect Ave., Princeton, NJ
POSTAL CODE: 08544-1002
BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH (ca. 100-500 words)
Since I'm at the beginning of my career as an academic and as a
computing artist/humanist, I will make this biographical sketch
correspondingly brief.
I have been a Humanities support specialist at Princeton
University for the last year and a half. My responsibilities and
interests include music software, text formatting, foreign
language and multi-lingual word processing, Databases and
Textbases, instructional software in general, and the overall
issue of exportability/compatibility of scholarly documents
prepared on/with computers.
My academic training is in music; I am a Ph.D candidate in
composition in the Princeton Department of Music. I have used
various types of electronic and computer-oriented systems as a
composer, but the bulk of my creative activity centers around
composing for conventional media, and music theory. This semester
my design for a CAI facility used in conjunction with the music
theory curriculum here has been adopted and implemented.
I hold a B.A. from Williams College and an M.F.A. from the School
of Music, California Institute of the Arts (CalArts). I expect
to defend my Ph.D dissertation, a study of Webern's Six
Bagatelles for String Quartet Op. 9, at the end of this semester.
The graphics for the latter are being prepared with Nightingale,
a music graphics/notation system being developed at Princeton by
Don Byrd and Advanced Music Notation Systems Inc.
*Potworowski, Christophe F.
NAME: Christophe F. Potworowski
INSTITUTION: Concordia University, Montreal
DEPARTMENT: Theological Studies
TITLE: Assistant Professor
EMAIL: CPOTWOR@Vax2.Concordia.Ca
PHONE: (514) 848-2481
ADDRESS: 7141 Sherbrooke Street West, Montreal PQ
My primary interests lie in systematic theology and the relation
of religion and culture. I am using Nota Bene quite extensively
as word processor and text base. I am interested in developing
computer use in my university for the humanities in text analysis
and in the use of data bases. I would like to stay in touch with
developments in the field of computing for the humanities.
*Price-Wilkin, John
NAME: John Price-Wilkin
INSTITUTION: University of Michigan, Harlan Hatcher Graduate
DEPARTMENT: Reference Department
TITLE: Data Services Librarian, Selector for English language
EMAIL: Bitnet - userGC8Z@umichum Internet - jp-
PHONE: 313 764 1314
ADDRESS: 209 Hatcher North, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1205
POSTAL CODE: 48109-1205
No biographical sketch, but an indication of my interests. As
Data Services Librarian, I coordinate the Graduate Library's
efforts in areas such as collecting and providing access to
numeric data, text files, and bibliographic resources of all
Although I have some skills in accessing and manipulating data
(and consequently act as a resources person for our social
science selectors), my own interest is in text files and textual
analysis in the humanities.
*Rapoport, Paul
NAME: Dr. Paul Rapoport
INSTITUTION: McMaster University
TITLE: Associate Professor
PHONE: Area 416, 525-9140, extension 4217
ADDRESS: Department of Music, McMaster University, 1280 Main
Street West,
Hamilton Ontario Canada L8S 4M2
Paul Rapoport, who teaches music history, theory, and criticism
at McMaster University, is interested especially in 20th-century
music and microtonality. He helped redesign the Motorola
Scalatron, a real-time electronic pitch-pro- grammable microtonal
keyboard instrument. He is the composer of about a dozen pieces
of music and author of several books, many articles, and hundreds
of reviews. In another life he was a linguist and still claims to
be able to read fourteen languages (on a good day) and speak
four. He developed the Interna- tional Fonts (Roman, Greek,
Cyrillic, Phonetic) for screen display and printing on Apple's
Imagewriter I and II printers. He works exclusively on Macintosh
microcomputers and is still searching for ideal music composition
and printing software, among much else. Recently he also
developed a Hypercard stack called "7th-Chord Quiz", useful in
elementary classes in music theory. He is not a programmer--yet.
As I am not entirely proficient at this business I would
appreciate some confirmation that what I sent is actually what
you received! Also, I am not sure whether members receive some
special ID, etc. for sending and receiving messages. It is, in
any case, not necessary to send all the Humanist messages,
bulletins, etc. to me, as I can get them all from
HUMANIST@MCMASTER, I am informed. But basic starting information,
other than the bit you sent me a few weeks ago, would be helpful.
I have a couple of questions which I'd like to throw out there
(and get answers to, of course).
As I am always pressed for time (too many students in too many
courses, too many projects, etc.), I will not be spending huge
amounts of it on Humanist, but I do look forward to being active.
*Rice, Martin P. <RICE@UTKVX1>
Professor of Russian, 701 McClung, University of Tennessee,
Knoxville, TN 37996, USA; Univ. phone: (615) 974-3421; Hyperglot
phone: (615) 558-8270
Started computing in 1979. Taught myself SNOBOL4 for a project on
the DEC10 that involved the compiling of a bibliography of non-
Slavic Dostoevsky criticism in 14 languages. Got my first
microcomputer in 1980.
In 1985 Dean gave me a split appointment: Professor of Russian
(which I've been for 20 years) and Coordinator of Humanities
Computing Development, the charge of which was to get humanists
at the University of Tennessee into computing and help to get
microcomputing facilities for them.
In 1986 began working on the teaching of foreign languages with
In 1988 founded the HyperGlot Software Company, which publishes
25 products in German, French, Spanish, Russian, and Japanese,
all running under HyperCard on the Macintosh.
*Shreeves, Edward
TITLE: Asst. University Librarian for Collection Management
PHONE: 319-335-5873
As someone trained in Classics, I am curious about new
developments in any area of the humanities which might be of
interest or value. As someone involved with the management of
what is now called "information resources" in libraries, I am
curious about the processes of scholarly communication, esp. as
affected by networks such as this.
*Smith, Jane Dunlap
NAME: Jane Dunlap Smith
INSTITUTION: The University of North Carolina
Educational Computing Service (UNC-ECS)
DEPARTMENT: User Services
TITLE: Information Services Officer
EMAIL: jds@ecsvax.uncecs.edu
PHONE: 919/549-0671
ADDRESS: PO Box 12035, 2 Davis Drive
Research Triangle Park, NC
POSTAL CODE: 27709-2035
BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH (ca. 100-500 words)
As part of its mission to provide computing support and services
to the 16 constituent institutions of the Univ. of NC, UNC-ECS
offers electronic conferencing services (mail, USENET news,
Notes) on a Unix-based VAX 8250 serving approx. 600 subscribers
who are either faculty or staff at an institution of higher
learning in NC (private universities and community colleges may
subscribe, also).
LISTSERV subscriptions are discouraged on our system (we just
don't tell folks about their existence) due to limited disk
space, lack of user support, and occasional Unix
incompatibilities with LISTSERVERS. Recently we have discovered a
scheme to repost LISTSERV forums in Notesfiles, where a
discussion is stored in a single database file in a hierachical
manner, is accessible to all users, and can be configured so that
users can either only observe (read) or participate (submit or
respond to topics).
UNC-ECS Assistant Director George Brett suggested adding Humanist
to the Notes service; he is now receiving it privately via mail
and finds it a valuable discussion he feels is appropriate to
share with our user community. I submitted a subscription
request because my userid is used by certain programs I have set
up to automatically repost by topic the LISTSERV discussions to
the appropriate notesfiles (this requires that I submit a coded
'real name' to the LISTSERVER); I also am responsible for
'housekeeping' for these notesfiles.
*Snider, Alvin
NAME: Alvin Snider
INSTITUTION: University of Iowa
DEPARTMENT: Department of English
TITLE: Assistant Professor
PHONE: (319) 354-1356
ADDRESS: 308 EPB, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA
I first learned about the Humanist discussion group from a
*Computers & the Humanities* footnote. This was pure
serendipity: I rarely read such journals and never the footnotes.
My interest in computing is that of a (typically) superficial
humanist. I am at an institution, however, that puts
considerable computer resources at the disposal of its students
and faculty. And at the moment I'm in the midst of developing a
writing course that would make use of electronic conferencing.
Normally, I use a computer to write about language and politics
in the English revolution and later seventeenth century, and to
balance my checkbook.
*Teich, Laura <lteich@auvm.bitnet>
American University, Writing Lab, McCabe 102, Washington, DC
20016 USA
I teach freshman composition and manage the computer lab that
supports the English Department. I am interest ed in anything
that has to do with the incorporation of computers into the
teaching of writing. Please add me to Humanist.
*Wesselius, J. W.
Stationsplein 34; NL-2312 AK Leiden, Netherlands; voice: 31 71
Office: Handboogstraat 6, NL-1012 XM Amsterdam, voice: 31 20
5252784 or 31 20 5252850
My name is Jan Wim Wesselius, I work in the Department of Hebrew
and Aramaic Studies at the University of Amsterdam and live in
Leiden. My professional interests are in different parts of the
field of Hebrew and Aramaic literature and linguistics, as well
as in the history of Oriental Studies and related areas. Other
interests are the Macintosh computer, electronic mail, war-
gaming, cooking and gardening.
Born in 1954, I started studying theology at the University of
Leiden in 1972, shifting to Semitic languages in 1974 and
finishing my studies in 1979. In 1980 and 1981 I worked in the
Department of Hebrew etc. at Leiden, moving on to Amsterdam in
the latter year. During the past years I taught courses in
Ugaritic, Phoenician, Biblical and Rabbinical Hebrew, Syriac and
various other Aramaic dialects. I also published articles on some
of these subjects.
*Wilson, Eve
NAME: Eve Wilson
INSTITUTION: University of Kent at Canterbury
DEPARTMENT: Computing Laboratory
TITLE: Lecturer in Computer Science
EMAIL: ew@ukc.ac.uk
PHONE: +44-227-764000 ext 3628
FAX: +44-227-762811
ADDRESS: Computing Laboratory
The University
COUNTRY: England
BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH (ca. 100-500 words)
Eve Wilson is a lecturer in Computing. An early career in
compiler writing for Ferranti Ltd. in Manchester established an
interest in artificial languages and computational linguistics,
which rapidly developed to encompass natural language. A period
as a Research Fellow with the Department of Education and Science
introduced problems of bibliographic information and free text
retrieval from large document collections. Law proved a rich
field for research: the variety of documents ensures many
different ways of using language are represented. She is
exploiting long-term work on legal language with the recent
innovations in workstations and hypertext.
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