3.626 Australia e-closer! Brunet's HyperBase (100)
Willard McCarty (MCCARTY@vm.epas.utoronto.ca)
Mon, 23 Oct 89 21:06:43 EDT
Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 3, No. 626. Monday, 23 Oct 1989.
(1) Date: Mon, 23 Oct 89 19:34:19 EST (43 lines)
From: David Nash <munnari!cscunix.anu.OZ.AU!dgn612@uunet.UU.NET>
Subject: Australia e-closer
(2) Date: Mon, 23 Oct 89 11:12 ADT (39 lines)
(1) --------------------------------------------------------------------
Date: Mon, 23 Oct 89 19:34:19 EST
From: David Nash <munnari!cscunix.anu.OZ.AU!dgn612@uunet.UU.NET>
Subject: Australia e-closer
Our editor has encouraged me to let HUMANISTs know that (part of)
Australia is a bit closer to the rest of you, in that the bandwith on
our links to you has noticeably increased, and that some institutions
here, at least, no longer pass on charges for international e-mail.
From: bgo900@csc.anu.oz (Brian O'Rourke)
Date: 29 Sep 89 16:06:31 GMT
Organization: Computer Services, Australian National University
Weekly Bulletin Number 848 - 29 September 1989
1. New Charging Arrangements for Overseas E-mail
As of 1st October all ACSnet traffic leaving and arriving
at ANU will be carried by the newly implemented Australian
Academic and Research Network (AARNet). Because AARNet
utilizes dedicated lines for all of the network links,
including a link to the USA, there are no charges calculated
for network traffic. Consequently, there will be no usage
charges levied back to individual users or Departments for
e-mail traffic via AARNet. This applies to both outgoing and
incoming mail.
Motivated partly by an interest in the potential extent of HUMANIST
participation here, if any HUMANIST knows someone in Australia who may
wish to join HUMANIST but doesn't know of it or of its improved
availability, I'd be happy to try helping them make e-contact with
someone at an Australian site. Note that sites other than ANU may
have different charging policies--I suppose we'll have to find this
out piecemeal.
I look forward to participating again after 19 months of abstinence.
David Nash
Australian Institute of Aboriginal Studies (AIAS) | Dept Linguistics, Arts
GPO Box 553 Fax: (062)497310 | ANU, GPO Box 4
Canberra ACT 2601 Telegraphic: ABINST | Canberra ACT 2601
UUCP = {uunet,hplabs,ubc-vision,ukc,mcvax,prlb2}!munnari!cscunix.anu.oz!dgn612
(2) --------------------------------------------------------------42----
Date: Mon, 23 Oct 89 11:12 ADT
RE: Brunet's HyperBase
Since Andrew Oliver and I came away form the Dynamic Text conference
with different impressions as to Etienne Brunet's intentions of commercializing
or not his HyperBase prototype, I decided to e-mail Brunet and ask him
directly. I just received his reply and will summarize the main points.
Brunet says he was initially reluctant to go through the process of
commercialization, but has been convinced through Apple's persuasion. He is
now working on technical aspects and hopes to be ready by spring. At present,
he has accomplished the necessary procedure of making the program independent
of the French Revolution texts it was so intricately connected to and has
written the necessary subprograms to allow the individual user to index his or
her own texts.
As for the Dendien connection, Brunet says Dendien does not intend to
adapt Brunet's program for the IBM environment. He is however preparing a
CD-ROM which will contain a selection of the FRANTEXT texts (the texts from
the Revolution that Brunet used were, I believe, part of the FRANTEXT data-
base) and there will be a search program which will have many of the functions
which are implemented in the current FRANTEXT system and also in HyperBase.
Brunet does not know whether Dandien's retrieval program is intended to be
independent of the FRANTEXT texts, and suggests we ask him directly.
Karin Flikeid
Modern Languages
Saint Mary's University
Halifax, N.S. B3H 3C3