3.501 queries (151)

Willard McCarty (MCCARTY@vm.epas.utoronto.ca)
Wed, 27 Sep 89 17:10:32 EDT

Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 3, No. 501. Wednesday, 27 Sep 1989.

(1) Date: 27 September 1989 (22 lines)
From: Willard McCarty <MCCARTY@vm.epas.utoronto.ca>
Subject: Greek query

(2) Date: 27 Sep 89 11:53:14 bst (12 lines)
Subject: Magee,Burnyeat & Plato

(3) Date: Wed, 27 Sep 89 08:54:43 EDT (11 lines)
From: Michael W Jennings <MWJENNIN@PUCC>
Subject: Re: 3.495 e-mail and Humanist (209)

(4) Date: Wed, 27 Sep 89 09:57:16 EDT (10 lines)
From: Al Essa <ESSA@YALEVM>
Subject: Logic Font

(5) Date: Wed, 27 Sep 89 11:53:54 PDT (20 lines)
From: Jody Gilbert <USERDOG1@SFU.BITNET>
Subject: request re: computer assited textual analysis

(6) Date: Wed, 27 Sep 89 06:19:27 EDT (71 lines)
From: C. David Perry <carlos@ecsvax>
Subject: Folklorists and Electronic Publishing

(1) --------------------------------------------------------------------
Date: 27 September 1989
From: Willard McCarty <MCCARTY@vm.epas.utoronto.ca>
Subject: Greek query

A colleague of mine here in Italian cannot find the sources for two Greek
quotations. If you have any clues, we'd be grateful for them. Here are
the mysterious quotations:

oudei's prosaito-^n e-ra'the- broto-^n (attrib. to Menander but cannot be
found in his works or pseudo-works)

tu'po-n metabolai' ou' te aphrosu'ne-n aphairou^ntai, ou^te phro'ne-sin
dida'skusi (attrib. to one of the 7 sages)

Here e- means eta, o- omega, and accent follows the letter.

Thanks very much!

Willard McCarty

(2) --------------------------------------------------------------24----
Date: 27 Sep 89 11:53:14 bst
Subject: Magee,Burnyeat & Plato

A year or two ago I saw an excellent TV discussion on
Plato between Brian Magee and M.F. Burnyeat. I showed the video
of this to my students once and then dutifully wiped it. The
text came out in print from BBC. Sadly I have lost the title
of the book. Much worse I can't find it filed under Magee
in any reference work I have used. I KNOW the book exists,
Please can any reader of this BB tell me the title. (It isn't
the earlier series Men of Ideas). David M.
(3) --------------------------------------------------------------19----
Date: Wed, 27 Sep 89 08:54:43 EDT
From: Michael W Jennings <MWJENNIN@PUCC>
Subject: Re: 3.495 e-mail and Humanist (209)

In his discussion of wit, Willard uses the term "terminal depression."
Is this a technical term? Does it affect users or the terminals them-
selves? What are its symptoms? References to any scholarly research
on the topic would be appreciated.

Mike Jennings
Princeton University
(4) --------------------------------------------------------------18----
Date: Wed, 27 Sep 89 09:57:16 EDT
From: Al Essa <ESSA@YALEVM>
Subject: Logic Font

Can anyone recommend a font for logic symbols on the macintosh?

Al Essa
(5) --------------------------------------------------------------28----
Date: Wed, 27 Sep 89 11:53:54 PDT
From: Jody Gilbert <USERDOG1@SFU.BITNET>
Subject: request re: computer assited textual analysis

A portion of my English thesis is going to deal with computer-assited analysis
of texts. I would appreciate names of programs and the systems they
run on, brief descriptions and reviews of said programs, and references to
more extensive articles on such programs in general or specific. I am
interested in programs that run on any system, micro, mini, and mainframe
and programs that do or assist ANY sort of textual analysis from simple or not
so simple searches like _Sonar_ and _Gofer_ through spell checking and grammar
checking/analysis programs to programs that do sophisticated liguistic
and rhetorical analysis.

Thanks in advance

Jody Gilbert
Simon Fraser University
(6) --------------------------------------------------------------81----
Date: Wed, 27 Sep 89 06:19:27 EDT
From: C. David Perry <carlos@ecsvax>
Subject: Folklorists and Electronic Publishing

For a presentation at the American Folklore Society, 20 October,
entitled "University Presses and Computer-Assisted Publishing"
I would like to receive the experiences of persons working in
folklore--or some folklore-related area--who have used the computer
in preparing a project for publication by a university press.

A few examples of the kind of thing that I am interested in:
Preparing the manuscript on word processor and supplying the
disks to the publisher
Using a desktop publishing package to prepare camera-ready
copy for the press
Using a data base to prepare a discography or bibliography,
which the press was then able to make use of in preparing
the publication
Putting together a video disk with mixed images and text

I will also accept horror stories ("I gave them disks ready for
typesetting, and they said, 'What do I do with these?'").

Please reply by mail directly to one of the addresses below. If the
responses warrant, I will digest for the net.

David Perry
University of North Carolina Press

Box 2288
Chapel Hill, NC 27515
(919) 966-3561