3.360 queries (101)
Wed, 16 Aug 89 19:30:18 EDT
Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 3, No. 360. Wednesday, 16 Aug 1989.
(1) Date: Wed, 16 Aug 89 00:10:38 EDT (26 lines)
From: Geoff Rockwell <rockwell@utorgpu>
Subject: computers in undergraduate education?
(2) Date: 16 August 1989 (11 lines)
From: Willard McCarty <MCCARTY@vm.epas.utoronto.ca>
Subject: Hypermedia 1.1?
(3) Date: Wed, 16 Aug 89 13:12:52 EDT (38 lines)
From: psc90!jdg@dartvax.dartmouth.edu (Dr. Joel Goldfield)
Subject: "Opinions on 'The Universal Word' Multilingual Wordprocessor"
(1) --------------------------------------------------------------------
Date: Wed, 16 Aug 89 00:10:38 EDT
From: Geoff Rockwell <rockwell@utorgpu>
Subject: computers in undergraduate education?
I have been asked to get a sense of how large, publicly funded
Universities, like the University of Toronto, are using computers in
undergraduate education. What I need is a bird's-eye view of different
Universities' facilities and programs, so that I can say "we should be
doing this too". I have been asked to informally report, not on what
should be done, but what is being done in similar institutions.
I realize this is an enormous topic that few wish to do justice to in an
e-mail note. I have been told I can call long distance and interview
anyone who is interested in participating but doesn't have the time to
write. If you can spare a moment please send your phone number
directly to me and I will call you at your convenience. That way you
need not write anything and I can take up as little of your time as
possible. If you know of others who are better suited to answer such
questions I would appreciate their e-mail address or telephone number.
Thanks in advance
Geoffrey Rockwell University of Toronto Computing Services
rockwell@gpu.utcs.utoronto.ca (416) 978 4548
(2) --------------------------------------------------------------------
Date: 16 August 1989
From: Willard McCarty <MCCARTY@vm.epas.utoronto.ca>
Subject: Hypermedia 1.1?
Has anyone seen vol. 1.1 of the new periodical, _Hypermedia_? A report
on Humanist would be appreciated by many, I'm sure. _Hypermedia_
reportedly costs $85 US per year for 3 issues.
Willard McCarty
(3) --------------------------------------------------------------50----
Date: Wed, 16 Aug 89 13:12:52 EDT
From: psc90!jdg@dartvax.dartmouth.edu (Dr. Joel Goldfield)
Subject: "Opinions on 'The Universal Word' Multilingual Wordprocessor"
Has anyone on HUMANIST used "The Universal Word" by WYSIWYG Corp.? They
bill it as "The Most Advanced Word Processor Ever Created. For IBM
Personal Computers and Compatibles." That's quite a claim, given
"Nota Bene," "Word 4.0," and "WordPerfect."
They list the "Advanced Features" as follows (with abridgement):
o The first & only true WYSIWYG, what-you-see (on the screen) is-what-you-get
(on the printed page)
o Flexibility to choose, change, and combine font sizes, styles, type faces,
foreign languages and colors easily directly on the screen
o Multi-window environment for multiple document editing and handling
o Windows can be resized, moved or zoomed easily with simple key strokes
o Unlimited number of windows can be opened
o Superior editing capabilities (cut, copy & paste functions)...
o Laser typeset quality on inexpensive dot matrix printers
o Proportional spacing (screen/printed pages)
o Full-featured, multi-lingual (supports all languages & accommodates the
languages [sic] direction: right/left). Note: The multi-lingual package
is optional and the available foreign languages and features are subject
to the specific package chosen
o Definition dictionary/thesaurus/spell checker
o Command/menu driven
o User friendly (easy to learn and to use)
o Automatic justification (right/left/full/center)
o Multiple tab & margin settings
o Misc.: password; ASCII save; sets starting page #; ruler options....
While WYSIWYG Corp. does not seem to offer a toll-free number,
at least they have a FAX number! They're located at 6520 Arizona Ave.,
Los Angeles, CA 90045 (Tel. 213-215-9645).
--Joel D. Goldfield