3.256 bibliographic and textbase managers? (55)
Mon, 17 Jul 89 17:35:02 EDT
Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 3, No. 256. Monday, 17 Jul 1989.
(1) Date: Mon, 17 Jul 89 09:28:00 EDT (14 lines)
(2) Date: Mon, 17 Jul 89 17:19:00 EDT (19 lines)
From: TBESTUL@crcvms.unl.edu
Subject: Bibliographic database software
(1) --------------------------------------------------------------------
Date: Mon, 17 Jul 89 09:28:00 EDT
I'm a new Humanist subscriber, so forgive me if you guys have already
discussed this stuff. I am analyzing verbatim transcripts of interviews.
I'd like to be able to do this on the computer. However, I do not want
to use pre-established keywords. I want to be able to identify "chunks"
that fit with other "chunks" before I decide what label to attach to them.
I have looked at "ASK SAM", and "THE ETHNOGRAPH", but both seem to
require premeature labeling. I use NOTA BENE as a wordprocesser, but
have not figured out how to use it as a text-base precesser, nor even
if it would work for the purpose I have in mind. Anybody out there
with similar problems and potential solutions? Thanks.
(2) --------------------------------------------------------------26----
Date: Mon, 17 Jul 89 17:19:00 EDT
From: TBESTUL@crcvms.unl.edu
Subject: Bibliographic database software
We are in the process of selecting a bibliographic software package for
our Humanities Research Facility that would be supported by our campus
computing center. We know about NoteBook II and Pro-Cite for the DOS
environment, and EndNote, Pro-Cite, Publish or Perish 4.0 (as well as
Geoffrey Rockwell's Bib 1.0) for the Mac. We have read the reviews of
Pro-Cite in Bits and Bytes Dec 88, and of bibliographic software for the
Mac in MacGuide June 89 and Macuser February 89. Does anyone have any
advice about these packages or recommendations for other software we should
consider, or know about other reviews we should look at? We want to find
something that the average computer literate faculty member in the
humanities (i.e. can use a word processor) would feel comfortable using.
Thank you.
Thomas H. Bestul, Director
Humanities Research Facility, University of Nebraska-Lincoln