3.251 Icon; e-Gide and copyright (86)
Sun, 16 Jul 89 21:48:36 EDT
Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 3, No. 251. Sunday, 16 Jul 1989.
(1) Date: Fri, 14 Jul 89 21:09:03 EDT (37 lines)
From: "Eric Johnson DSU, Madison, SD 57042" <ERIC@SDNET.bitnet>
Subject: Icon for VM/CMS
(2) Date: 16 July 1989, 11:42:19 EDT (29 lines)
Subject: electronic Gide; copyright problems
(1) --------------------------------------------------------------------
Date: Fri, 14 Jul 89 21:09:03 EDT
From: "Eric Johnson DSU, Madison, SD 57042" <ERIC@SDNET.bitnet>
Subject: Icon for VM/CMS
Version 7.5 of Icon is now available for IBM 370 computers running
VM/CMS. It should run on the IBM 30xx and 43xx families of processors
and on other 370-type processors that use the VM/CMS operating system.
This system is available from the Icon project on a 1600 bpi magnetic
tape. The tape includes executables and source code (which compiles
under Waterloo C 3.0 and should be easily adaptable to other production-
quality C compilers).
The tape is available from
Icon Project
Department of Computer Science
Gould-Simpson Building
The University of Arizona
Tucson, AZ 85721
The cost is $30, payable by Visa, MasterCard, or check. Checks must be in US
dollars, written on a bank with a branch in the United States, and made payable
to The University of Arizona. See Icon Newsletter 30 for more information on
There is no charge for shipping in the United States and Canada. There is
a $10 charge for shipment overseas, which is by air.
This version of Icon is not available via FTP or RBBS.
Please address any questions to:
Ralph Griswold / Dept of Computer Science / Univ of Arizona / Tucson, AZ 85721
+1 602 621 6609 ralph@Arizona.EDU uunet!arizona!ralph
(2) --------------------------------------------------------------32----
Date: 16 July 1989, 11:42:19 EDT
A belated response to Lou Burnard's request for information concerning
electronic versions of works by Gide inter alia. Lou's enquiry poses a
much broader problem, that of copyright. To my knowledge - I am a Gide
specialist - there exists no legitimate electronic version of any Gide
text. By "legitimate" I mean an electronic version authorized by the
holders of the copyright, in this case Gallimard and Gide's daughter,
Mme Catherine Gide. There are unquestionably scores of unauthorized
versions on private computers around the globe. However, none has been
made available to any electronic archive as far as I am aware and it
would be highly imprudent for any individual to communicate his/her electronic
copy of a Gide text to a third party. To do so would be to invite an immediate
law suit for infringement of copyright. Moreover it
would constitute a disservice to
the scholarly community in that it would raise the ire of the
publisher/copyright holder(s) who would be more reticent than they
already are in cooperating in scholarly enterprises. Scholars must take
questions of copyright seriously. In an ideal world the scholarly
enterprise would be totally open, untramelled by commercial interests or
quirks of personality of the offspring or heirs of famous authors: at
least that is our usual perspective as academics. We must realize,
however, that publishers have their own legitimate perspective, that
they have rights which may NOT be disregarded in the name of free
intellectual inquiry. In the present example, I think it fair to say
that Gide studies have, in the recent past, been set back decades by the
overenthusiasm of scholars who were not as careful as they should have
been with copyrighted material. Here endeth the lesson.