3.44 Pandora and Lbase? comments please (26)

Wed, 17 May 89 19:53:39 EDT

Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 3, No. 44. Wednesday, 17 May 1989.

Date: Wed, 17 May 89 09:47:55 BST
From: Donald Spaeth (0532) 33 3573 <ECL6DAS@CMS1.UCS.LEEDS.AC.UK>
Subject: Greek--Pandora and LBase

David Mealand asks for experience about using Pandora as an alternative
to Ibycus, and suggests that replies be sent directly to him not Humanist.
I hope that people will ignore this and send their replies to Humanist, as
I'd like to see the answers as well. It is all too common to read
interesting questions and never see any answers, because these are sent
directly to the questioner, who has no time to lodge them with Humanist.

Donald Spaeth
Arts Computing Development Officer
University of Leeds

Email: d.a.spaeth at uk.ac.leeds.cms1 (JANET)
d.a.spaeth at cms1.leeds.ac.uk (EARN/BITNET)