3.41 RLIN by Internet; Gaelic list (246)
Wed, 17 May 89 19:46:17 EDT
Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 3, No. 41. Wednesday, 17 May 1989.
(1) Date: May 17, 1989 (143 lines)
From: Connie Gould (BL.CCG@RLG.Bitnet)
Subject: Internet access to RLIN
(2) Date: Tue, 16 May 89 21:23 EDT (83 lines)
From: Joe Giampapa <GIAMPAPA@brandeis.bitnet>
Subject: Gaelic Mailing List
(1) --------------------------------------------------------------------
Date: May 17, 1989
From: Connie Gould (BL.CCG@RLG.Bitnet)
Subject: Internet access to RLIN
I thought Humanists would be interested in the following press
release announcing internet access to RLIN for faculty, students,
and researchers. Since it is rather long, I imagine you would want
to put it on the file server.
Let me know if you have any questions, and thanks in advance for
your assistance.
May 15, 1989 -- The Research Libraries Group is now able to offer
university faculty, students, and researchers special search access
to its Research Libraries Information Network (RLIN) via the
national "Internet" -- a network of computer networks that links
research institutions throughout the United States.
Professor Emeritus Georg N. Knauer, recently retired as head of the
Department of Classical Studies at the University of Pennsylvania,
welcomed the news that RLIN would be more widely available, and he
encourages faculty to consider it seriously as a first-line
bibliographic research tool. "RLIN offers solutions to all sorts of
research problems, particularly for those of us in the humanities.
We're all heavy library users -- I rely on a marvelous reference
department here at Penn -- but RLIN is the best kind of catalog you
can imagine, and the freedom to use it at home as I do, at work, or
on the road should make it indispensible." He added, "My colleagues
need to find out more about this system, so that we can provide our
own perspectives on what future changes will make it increasingly
The ease and speed of the Internet connection to RLIN are attested
to by Catharine Murray-Rust and Lynne Personius, whose staff in
Cornell University's Olin Library have already tested the Internet
RLIN connection. "All we have to do is log on to Cornell's campus
network, select RLG's address from the menu provided, and type
'connect,'" said Personius, Director of the Library Automation
Project in Cornell Library's Systems Office. "Almost immediately we
see the 'Welcome to RLG' message and the system prompts for using
RLIN." Murray-Rust, Assistant University Librarian, added,
"Everyone who has used the new connection has remarked on the
quickness of system response to search requests once they're in
RLIN; it's really a pleasure."
The RLIN system is accessible via Stanford University's SUNet
campus-wide network, which in turn is part of the Bay Area Regional
Research Network (BARRNET), one of thirteen mid-level networks
covering geographic areas within the U.S. that are linked by the
NSFNET communications backbone. In addition to the NSFNET and its
regional networks, the Internet includes such networks as
Arpanet/MILNET. The total number of networks connected directly to
NSFNET and thus able to reach RLIN is over 400. (The total
aggregation of "reachable" networks for mail transfer or news, such
as BITNET, is over 600 -- but these cannot interact with the RLIN
system.) Who can reach RLIN this way, what does it cost, and what
will they find? Individuals who are affiliated with a university,
or who are members of a scholarly association, such as the American
Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies, are encouraged to consider
adding RLIN data bases to their information resources.
For $119, the user has ten hours of terminal connect time to search
files of bibliographic citations and location information for the
holdings of a wide range of university libraries, independent
research institutions, art museum libraries, historical societies,
state archives, the Library of Congress, the National Library of
Medicine, and the British Library. RLIN's files for books, serials,
archival materials, musical scores, sound recordings, maps and other
visual materials, and computer files contain information about items
from videotapes to photographs to oral histories. Subject-oriented
RLIN files ("special data bases") contain entries for articles in
art and architectural periodicals (the Avery Index);
eighteenth-century English-language publications (the "ESTC" or
Eighteenth Century Short Title Catalogue); art sales catalogs dating
from the 1500s to the present, and articles in the humanities
accepted for publication within the next two years
At present, individuals connecting to RLIN via the Internet incur no
communications charges. Individuals who do NOT have the option of
using the Internet can still take advantage of RLG's "research
access" offering by using the public packet network, GTE/Telenet.
Their total cost for ten hours of searching is then $219.00.
Martha Girard, RLG Manager of Library Services, whose staff will
handle inquiries, account set-up, and user support, is pleased at
the prospect. "This new connection brings an invaluable research
tool to the scholar's desk top -- RLIN's on-line catalog of many of
the nation's greatest libraries, archival repositories, and other
unique information resources."
For information about establishing an individual RLIN research
access account, please contact the RLIN Information Center, 1200
Villa Street, Mountain View, California 94041-1100. Call
800-537-RLIN toll-free; or address BL.RIC@RLG.BITNET or
BL.RIC@RLG.STANFORD.EDU for electronic mail correspondence.
NOTE: The steps for connecting to the RLG computer over the Internet
can vary depending on how each institution has set up its hardware
and software to make this possible for campus network users. To
find out about local access to the RLG-RLIN host, check with your
university library systems office or the networking or data
communications department of your computing center.
* * *
The Research Libraries Group (RLG) is a not-for-profit enterprise of
major universities and research institutions in the United States.
Its members collaborate in operating a set of ongoing programs and
developing new initiatives to enhance access to research
information. RLG's programs and technical resources focus on
collecting, organizing, preserving, and providing information
necessary to education and scholarship.
The Research Libraries Information Network (RLIN) is an
international information management and retrieval system. It
supports the program objectives of RLG; serves the materials
processing and public services requirements of RLG's members and
many non-member institutions; and offers new information resources
to individual researchers and scholars.
* * *
The new NSFNET communications backbone that supports the Internet
represents a cooperative effort between the federal government,
industry, and universities. Merit, Inc., a computer network
consortium of eight state-supported universities in Michigan,
developed the backbone jointly with IBM Corporation and MCI
Telecommunications Corporation, with funding from the National
Science Foundation and the state of Michigan. Merit is the center
for engineering, management and operations, and information services
for the NSFNET backbone project. Further information can be
obtained from: Merit Computer Network, 1075 Beal Avenue, Ann Arbor,
Michigan 48109-2112; call 800-66-MERIT toll-free, or address
NSFNET-info@MERIT.EDU with electronic mail.
(2) --------------------------------------------------------------87----
Date: Tue, 16 May 89 21:23 EDT
From: Joe Giampapa <GIAMPAPA@brandeis.bitnet>
Subject: Gaelic Mailing List
Comments: Originally-From: Marion GUNN <MGUNN@IRLEARN>
An open, multi-disciplinary discussion list set up to facilitate
exchange of news, views, information in Irish/Scots Gaelic.
To subscribe send a message or mail to
LISTSERV@IRLEARN.UCD.IE on the Internet (via MX)
with the BODY or TEXT being:
SUB GAELIC-L yourfirstname yourlastname
From: Marion Gunn
Original Complete Announcement as Received at New-List:
**************************** N E W *********************************
M U L T I - D I S C I P L I N A R Y B U L L E T I N B O A R D
F O R I R I S H / S C O T S G A E L I C U S E R S
A cha/irde in imige/in (agus i gco/ngar baile) :
L/a Bealtaine, 1989 a tha/inig an LISTSERV nua GAELIC-L ar an saol.
I dteanga[cha] na nGael a bhi/onn a/r gcomhra/ (cuma ce/n t-a/bhar).
Fa/ilte roimh eolas i dtaobh altanna i dtre/imhseacha/in, scoileanna
samhraidh, imeachtai/ eile. Fa/ilte is fiche roimh eolas a ghabhann
le la/imhsea/il teanga (si/nte fada agus mar sin de) ar na co/rais
e/agsu/la ri/omhaireachta ata/ ag imeacht anois. Mi/le fa/ilte roimh
sce/ala uait, ach e/ a chur chuig an seoladh thi/os.
Marion Gunn
MGUNN@IRLEARN (no/ta pearsanta - fe/ach thi/os an fo/gra poibli/)
An open, multi-disciplinary discussion list set up to facilitate
exchange of news, views, information in Irish/Scots Gaelic.
Fa/ilte go dti/ an liosta comhraidh GAELIC-L.
Cuir do theachtaireachtai/ chuig
no/ GAELIC-L@IRLEARN.UCD.IE o/ ghre/asa/n eile
Ta/ se/ fosgailte do achan duine teachtaireacht a chur isteach chuig an
liosta, ach i/ a bheith i nGaeilge na hE/ireann no/ i nGai\dhlig na
hAlban. Ni/ ga/ imni/ a bheith ort ma/ ta/ do chuid Gaeilge lapach.
Cuirfear fa/ilte roimh do theachtaireacht cibe/ ar bith.
Fa\ilte dhan liost comhraidh GAELIC-L.
Cuir do bhrathan gu
no GAELIC-L@IRLEARN.UCD.IE bho li\on eile
Tha e fosgailte dhan a huile duine brath a chur a-steach dhan a liost,
fad's a bhios e sgriobhte an Gaeilge na h-E/ireann no Ga\idhlig na h-Alban.
Chan eil feum a bhith iomaganach ma bhios do Gha\idhlig lapach.
Bidh fa\ilte roimh do bhrath co-dhiu\.
----- M O D H C L A/ R A I T H E -----
Cuirtear an teachtaireacht
SUBSCRIBE GAELIC-L ainm an tsi/ntiu/so/ra
le TELL (VM) no/ le SEND (VAX/VMS) no/ fo/s le MAIL.
Ma/ chuirtear tri/ MAIL e/, seoltar an MAIL
chuig LISTSERV@IRLEARN.UCD.IE (i ngach ca/s eile)