new discussion group; graduate programme (87)

Sat, 29 Apr 89 00:56:41 EDT

Humanist Mailing List, Vol. 2, No. 907. Saturday, 29 Apr 1989.

(1) Date: Fri, 28 Apr 1989 12:58:36 EDT (43 lines)
From: Abigail Ann Young <>
Subject: new electronic discussion list

(2) Date: 27 Apr 89 18:00:07 EST (24 lines)
From: Jim Cahalan <JMCAHAL@IUP.BITNET>
Subject: Another Graduate Program to consider

(1) --------------------------------------------------------------------
Date: Fri, 28 Apr 1989 12:58:36 EDT
From: Abigail Ann Young <>
Subject: new electronic discussion list

Dear Friends,

This is to ask you to announce a new electronic discussion list,
REED-L@UTORONTO, on your own lists.

REED-L is intended to serve as a forum for the discussion of the
myriad activities which are documented by volumes in the Malone
Society and Records of Early English Drama series: drama,
folk drama, semi-dramatic folk activities, early music, etc.
It is only just now getting underway, and I look forward to seeing
the directions the discussion will take.

At least to start with, REED-L will be more similar to ENGLISH and
FOLKLORE than to HUMANIST: that is, we hope to proceed by direct
transmission and logging of submissions without needing any
editorial intervention.

Those interested in theatre history, mediaeval drama, early modern
drama, folk practices, morris dancing, mediaeval and renaissance
music will find a place to discuss research and theories
on these topics in REED-L

Thank you very much for posting this: enquiries may be directed
to me at REED@UTOREPAS or REED@VM.EPAS.UTORONTO.CA. The interactive


will cause me to add that subscriber to the list.

Abigail Ann Young
Research Associate
Records of Early English Drama
150 Charles Street W./ Victoria College / University of Toronto
Toronto, Ontario / M5S 1K9 / Canada
(2) --------------------------------------------------------------27----
Date: 27 Apr 89 18:00:07 EST
From: Jim Cahalan <JMCAHAL@IUP.BITNET>
Subject: Another Graduate Program to consider

I responded directly to Charles Ess' inquiry about graduate programs,
but let me repeat throughout HUMANIST to anyone who may be looking for
a graduate program in Literature and Criticism or to anyone who may have
a student looking, that I would be glad to send information to anyone
who writes me if you indicate the area and nature of the interest. Let
me emphasize that our M.A. and Ph.D. programs in Literature and Criticism
are particularly designed for established teachers of English, with a
summers residency option that allows such persons to complete coursework
and residency requirements without leaving an academic-year job. (We also
offer an academic-year program, of course.) Students may follow specific
interests (such as comp lit or any other areas in Literature and Criticism)
within our generalist program. We have specialists on our faculty in
comp lit. Four journals are edited by members of our faculty (three of
those published here at IUP). Drop me a line on BITNET or through the
mail if you're interested or know anyone who might be. Regards,

Jim Cahalan, Graduate Literature <JMCAHAL@IUP.BITNET>
English Dept., 111 Leonard, Indiana University of Pennsylvania
Indiana, PA 15705-1094 Phone: (412) 357-2264