announcements (218)

Tue, 25 Apr 89 22:43:40 EDT

Humanist Mailing List, Vol. 2, No. 890. Tuesday, 25 Apr 1989.

(1) Date: Mon, 24 Apr 89 15:29:43 +0100 (33 lines)
From: Ian Mitchell Lambert <iwml@UKC.AC.UK>
Subject: AIBI network

(2) Date: Tue, 25 Apr 89 14:00:54 BST (30 lines)
From: "stephen r.l.clark" <AP01@LIVERPOOL.AC.UK>
Subject: Philosophy Job

(3) Date: Tue, 25 Apr 89 15:50 BST (56 lines)
From: Lou Burnard <LOU@VAX.OXFORD.AC.UK>
Subject: job advert

(4) Date: Tue, 25 Apr 89 10:41 MST (69 lines)
From: "David Owen, Philosophy, University of Arizona"
SUBJECT: APA Electronic Texts in Philosophy Initiative

(1) --------------------------------------------------------------------
Date: Mon, 24 Apr 89 15:29:43 +0100
From: Ian Mitchell Lambert <iwml@UKC.AC.UK>

[The following is extracted from the AIBI Network newsletter. For more
information, contact the contributor at the above address. --W.M.]

Association Internationale Bible et Informatique



It is good to welcome a number of new members to the AIBI
Network, and to learn something of their expectations from
us. Some of the following items will reveal their wishes.

It has been good to learn that more biblical scholars wish
to be linked, or to know what we have to offer, and we are
grateful to Sterling Bjorndas who has opened his list of
members to AIBI Network, since it is largely through him
that our work has spread since October's Newsletter #2.

Our primary purpose is to act as a link between biblical
scholars who are working with computers in their studies and
research, and therefore the bulk of this, as all our
Newsletters, is to present firstly those needs which we hope
you are in a position to help individuals satisfy, and
secondly, to list the variety of computer software, hardware
and tools which colleagues are willing to make available to

(2) --------------------------------------------------------------39----
Date: Tue, 25 Apr 89 14:00:54 BST
From: "stephen r.l.clark" <AP01@LIVERPOOL.AC.UK>
Subject: Philosophy Job

Applications are invited for a three-year lectureship in the Philosophy
Department at Liverpool University, tenable from 1 Oct 1989 to 30 June
1992. No particular specialism is required, but applicants should be prepared
to teach a suitable range of courses from those offered by the Department.

Applications to the Director of Staffing Services, University of Liverpool,
PO Box 147, Liverpool L69 3BX, UK, by 31st May.

Further details from me

stephen r.l.clark


Internet (First choice) Address:

Internet (Second choice) Address:

JANET Address:

UUCP Address:
(3) --------------------------------------------------------------59----
Date: Tue, 25 Apr 89 15:50 BST
From: Lou Burnard <LOU@VAX.OXFORD.AC.UK>


Grade: Research Scale IB (#8675 - #13365 per annum, under review)
Annual Holiday entitlement: 38 days including Public Holidays
and Christmas closure period
Membership of the Universities Superannuation Scheme

*Closing date for applications: 19 May 1989*

The Oxford Text Archive is one of the specialist facilities supported by
Oxford University Computing Service for the use of scholars working in
the field of Humanities Computing. Its primary purpose is to offer
scholars a means of preserving their databases and machine-readable text
files. It also encourages and facilitates the non-commercial re-
distribution of such materials, for use in academic research and,
increasingly, in teaching.

The Research Assistant will report to the Archive's Director, Lou
Burnard, who is a senior computing officer in the User Services Group of
the Computing Service. His or her responsibilities will be

(a) Expansion of the Archive short List

The Archive maintains a short list of its holdings and those of other
centres. It is now planned to expand this catalogue to include
bibliographic details of the source texts, documentation of the encoding
used, copyright status and accuracy... Advice and assistance with
computing tools will be provided as far as possible, but this task will
also require experience of traditional research methods and tools.

(b) Day to day running of the Archive

The Archive receives about a dozen enquiries a week of various sorts,
mainly for copies of machine readable texts or for information about
their availability. The Archive Assistant will be expected to take
responsibility for these.

Experience of word processing software and database systems would be
an advantage as would some knowledge of VAX/VMS or MS-DOS. An awareness
of and enthusiasm for applications of computing tools in the context
of traditional literary or linguistic research is however of more

For further details contact
Mrs Ann Kirk
OUCS, 13 Banbury Rd, Oxford OX2 6RB tel (0865) 73230

(4) --------------------------------------------------------------72----
Date: Tue, 25 Apr 89 10:41 MST
From: "David Owen, Philosophy, University of Arizona"
SUBJECT: APA Electronic Texts in Philosophy Initiative

In response to the increasing interest and activity in the creation,
distribution and use of electronic texts in philosophy, the APA Committee on
Computer Use in Philosophy, at its December, 1988 meeting, formed a
subcommittee on Electronic Texts in Philosophy. Co-chaired by Richard Lineback,
of the Philosophy Documentation Center, and David Norton of McGill University,
the committee aims to encourage and co-ordinate the creation and use of
electronic texts in philosophy.

The subcommittee to hopes to minimize wasteful duplication of projects and
incompatibilities of markup, while maximizing accessibility of electronic texts
to all bona fide users. As a start, it is creating an up to date list of all
major philosophical texts that already exist in electronic form, as well as a
list of all current and proposed projects. It will be working with the
Association for Computers and the Humanities joint initiative with the
National Endowment for the Humanities on standardized markup
procedures. The subcommittee hopes that the information thus obtained
will enable it to advise those engaged in current and future projects
so as to avoid unnecessary overlap between projects and maximize
compatibility between them.

Any member of the subcommittee listed below would be glad to hear from
all those interested in this project. And could all those who are
currently engaged in the creation of an electronic version of a
philosophical text please send details of their project to Leslie

Richard Lineback, Co-chair,
Philosophy Documentation Center, Bowling Green State University,
Bowling Green, Ohio 42403

David Norton, Co-Chair,
Dept of Philosophy, 855 Sherbrooke St. West,
McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada H3A 2T7

Leslie Burkholder LB0Q+@ANDREW.CMU.EDU
CDEC, Carnegie Mellon University,
Pittsburgh PA 15213

Lois Frankel,
Dept of Philosophy, University of Colorado,
Colorado Springs, CO 80933

Dept of Philosophy, University of Arizona,
Tucson AZ 85721

Computer Center, Box 1885,
Brown University,
Providence, RI 02912

Dept of Philosophy, Claremont Graduate School,
736 N. College Avenue, Claremont, CA 91711-6199

[This announcement has simultaneously been posted on
the file-server, s.v. APA_PHIL ETEXTS. A copy may be obtained
by issuing either an interactive or a batch-job command, addressed to
for information about how to issue such a command. Problems
should be reported to David Sitman, A79@TAUNIVM, after you
have consulted the Guide and tried all appropriate alternatives.]