more biographies (947)

Thu, 13 Apr 89 23:19:48 EDT

Humanist Mailing List, Vol. 2, No. 837. Thursday, 13 Apr 1989.

Date: 13 April 1989
From: Willard McCarty <>
Subject: 18th supplement to the biographies

Dear Colleagues:

Here follows the 19th biographical file, a fat one because I have been
too busy to attend to the growing collection and because Humanist has
been busy collecting new members. As always, I am glad to have finished
the task of editing but enormously interested by the varied talents,
enthusiasms, and preoccupations that I find in the individual
biographies. Impressionistically speaking -- I have not Lou Burnard's
facility for generating accurate statistics with database software -- I
sense a marked increase in the number of new members from various
European countries. Let me take this opportunity to encourage my
European colleagues to extend Humanist's invitation to those whom they
think might enjoy participating in the discussions, or simply listening

For obvious reasons, Humanist requires a lingua franca, which happens
(fortunately for me) to be English. I know from experience that holding
forth in a language not one's own can be daunting, but I very much hope
that no one will let a fear of making mistakes prevent intelligent
remarks from reaching the rest of us. Nor should the desire simply to
listen, and perhaps to learn, stop a person from joining or provoke

In any case, here are the biographies, and may you enjoy reading them as
much as I did!

Yours, Willard McCarty

Autobiographies of Humanists
Eighteenth Supplement

Following are 34 additional entries to the collection of
autobiographical statements by members of the Humanist discussion

Humanists on IBM VM/CMS systems will want a copy of Jim Coombs'
exec for searching and retrieving biographical entries. It is
kept on Humanist's file-server; for more information, see the
Guide to Humanist.

Further additions, corrections, and updates are welcome.

Willard McCarty
Centre for Computing in the Humanities, Univ. of Toronto
13 April 1989
*Altman, Jonathan M. <>

Database Administrator, Dartmouth Dante Project, 301 Bartlett
Hall, Hanover, NH 03755; voice: 603-646-2633

In my various capacities working for the Dante Project I have
gained first-hand experience in large-scale data entry both via
typing and various scanning products (especially Kurzweil Model 2
and 4000), computer manipulation of text, and database design.
As such my interests lie in issues of handling large scale data
entry (so far the Dante Project has amassed over 200 megabytes-or
2 million characters-of text), and the merits of various ICR
(intelligent character recognition) products. Among my
activities as administrator, I had to evaluate optical scanning
devices to find a replacement for our original Kurzweil machine.

I am also interested in (and I hope familiar with) the uses of
computer utilities (especially UNIX tools) to manipulate text,
and in the general application of computing power to ease
humanities work. My work with the Dante Project in creating a
searchable database of commentaries to the _Divina Commedia_ has
also brought me experience in easing the process of interacting
with computers, both through working with and helping computer
neophytes and in helping to design our database's user interface,
and has given me some knowledge of the nuts-and-bolts of computer
hardware and software.

I should also clarify that my capapcity as a humanist is related
primarily to my work. I am interested in helping bring computing
to the humanities, an area in which as I learn more, I find many
tools available to ease humanities work, but little general
dissemination of information about these tools. Efforts such as
this mailing list seem to be ideal vehicles for dissemination. I
am not, however, strictly a humanist myself. I currently have
only a Bachelor's Degree, and no immediate plans for further
work. My expertise comes primarily from my role in bringing the
Dante Project database into existence.
*Bantz, David A. <> (preferred)

Director of Computing in the Humanities, Dartmouth College,
Hanover, NH 03755-1870 U.S.A.; 603-646-2712 Applelink: A0192;
FAX: 603-646-3520

As Director of Humanties Computing, David Bantz provides
computing support for humanities faculty, represents the
humanities (including fine arts) on various campus computing
bodies, and administers the Language Resource Center and the
Kurzweil Data Entry Machine. David Bantz is also a Co-Director
of the Dartmouth Dante Project, which is producing a electronic
data base of Dante's Divine Comedy and some 60 commentaries.
Among the development projects underway are foreign language
aids such as a speaking dictionary and other reference tools, and
the use of Apple's HyperCard for managing video images and
sequences. A theme of much of the work underway is the
construction of rich computer-based environments (i.e., hypertext
and hypermedia) with maximal control in the hands of users.

He has served on the National Review Panel of the EDUCOM/NCRIPTAL
software awards program and is a member of Editorial Board of the
EDUCOM Software Initiative. He is the Principal Investigator of
a collaborative project of faculty at Brown, Dartmouth and
Harvard Universities to define a Language Workstation for
scholars, teachers and students of languages. He is the
prospective Editor-In-Chief of a interdisciplinary refereed
journal devoted to the use of hypermedia in scholarship and
higher education. Potential funders are encouraged to

David Bantz has a Ph.D. in the Conceptual Foundations of Science
from the University of Chicago and has held Fellowships from the
NEH and the ACLS for work in the philosophy of science; he
teaches philosophy of science at Dartmouth. Professional
interests include the philosophy of natural sciences and
philosophy of technology, particularly the conceptual,
ideological and metaphysical presuppositions of scientific
practice and particular theories of science.

PhD. Student, 163 Walmer road, Toronto, Ontario. CANADA M5R 2X3
Phone: (416) 921-3646

PhD. Student at the Centre for Religious Studies, University of
Toronto. Major field of research is Theravada Buddhism, Sanskrit
and Pali languages. The subject of my doctoral thesis is "The
Role of the Five Aggregates (the Pancakkhandha) in Early Buddhist
Psychology. I am presently working on a project (in association
with the Vipassana Research Institute of India) aiming at
entering the entire Pali Canon (the whole of the Theravada
Buddhist Scriptures) onto computer; a lenghty task!! I would be
willing to share Buddhist texts in Sanskrit or Pali.
*Cahalan, James Michael <JMCAHAL@IUP.BITNET>

Director of Graduate Studies in Literature and Associate
Professor, English Department 110B Leonard Hall Indiana
University of Pennsylvania Indiana, PA 15705 (412) 357-2262

Ever since I ran off to Dublin for four months of independent
study as a 20-year-old undergraduate from New College in
Sarasota, Florida, my chief field of interest has been Irish
Studies--particularly modern Irish literature in both English and
Irish, as well as the country's history, folklore, music,
dancing, politics, and culture in general.

I earned an M.A. in "Anglo-Irish Studies" in 1976 from University
College, Dublin, on a Fulbright/ITT Fellowship, and a Ph.D. in
English from the University of Cincinnati with major fields in
Irish Literature, Modern American Literature, Romanticism, and
Medieval and Renaissance Drama. I have published two books on
NOVEL (Syracuse UP, 1983/Dublin: Gill and Macmillan, 1984) and
1988 / Dublin: Gill and Macmillan, 1989)--as well as a number of
articles and reviews on Irish Literature as well as one on
Hemingway and one on teaching writing.

At IUP I direct our growing doctoral program in Literature and
Criticism, which especially caters to established teachers of
English who often avail themselves of our "summers-only" program
that allows them to complete coursework without leaving academic-
year jobs; and also a summer study-abroad program at Trinity
College, Dublin, that is one of the most inexpensive available
and in four years has attracted as many as 53 students in a
single three-week session, from all over the USA and Canada. I
am interested in hearing from people in Irish Studies and in
Literature in general and in finding out more about other related
newsgroups or special interest groups available through BITNET.
I look forward to hearing from people!
*Caskey, Elizabeth <>

Reference Librarian, Library-Humanities/Social Sciences Division,
1956 Main Mall, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, B.C.
V6T 1Y3 (604)228-5923

I would like to apply for membeship in Humanist not on my own
behalf but on behalf of my entire reference Division. I have
seen many of the discusssions which take place in this forum
through Laine Ruus, formerly Head of our Data Library here, and
now at U. of T. as head of their Data Library. I have made use
of many of the things I have learned through Humanist in our
reference work here and my colleagues have expressed an interest
in participating in this forum. My hope is that we can become
full participants in HUMANIST and contribute to the discussions
as well as learn from them.
*Emison, Patricia (P_emison@unhh.bitnet)

Assistant Professor of Art History and Humanities, Paul Creative
Arts Center, Dept. of the Arts, University of New Hampshire,
Durham, N.H. 03820 603-862-2190

A recent convert to the use of computers, trying to master bitnet
has nearly made me an apostate. Still, one of the reasons I
agreed to fight with computers was in order to have instant
access to minds across the world via computer mail. Let's hope
its worth it. Here in the backwoods desperation takes many

My primary focus of study is Italian Renaissance prints,
particularly those whose interpretation I can argue does not
hinge on the task of finding the magic key of a text. Last week,
for example, I gave a paper at the annual meeting of the
Renaissance Society on Giulio Campagnola's Reclining Nude,
explicating it as a tongue-in-cheek treatment of pastoral themes
rather than as derivative from Giorgione. This week I am giving
a paper at a conference here at UNH on Pollaiuolo's Battling
Nudes, trying to debunk its standard interpretation as an early
example of the heroic male nude. There will be a session at this
conference on the use of computers for art historical purposes.

It's true, I have been raking over dissertation material, working
it up for publication. The thesis was on Italian printmaking
from Mantegna to Parmigianino. I am also working on a series of
articles which attempt to construct broad conceptual frameworks
for reassessing Renaissance art---one of these is on grazia, one
on rusticitas, and there will be others. The point is to
reinterpret works, both major and minor ones, ones they are seen
as pieces of issues only secondarily aesthetic ones. For
example, how does pastoral in the visual arts refer to and from
real peasants?

The Humanities courses I teach, which were set up with seed money
from NEH, are interdisciplinary and team-taught. Recently I led
a discussion session on quantum mechanics---seeking, moreover, to
make connections with Mrs. Dalloway and Kierkegaard. Oh yes, and
Surrealism. It was perhaps not one of the tighter teaching

The fine arts list seems pretty dormant. I hope for lots of
action among the humanists. Vale.
*Ess, Charles <DUR001D@SMSVMA>

Associate Professor, Philosophy and Religion Department, Drury
College 900 N. Benton Ave. Springfield, MO 65802 (417) 865-8731

Ph.D. from Penn State (1983) for dissertation on analogical
predication in Kant as circumventing the infamous charge of
contradiction in Kant's doctrine of the thing in itself. Teach in
a small, church-related, liberal arts institution -- which
supports my interest in an interdisciplinary emphasis on
teaching, somewhat at the expense of scholarship. I teach the
usual introductory courses in philosophy (intro, logic, ethics),
history of philosophy (including Plato, Kant, and Nietzsche), and
philosophy of science -- as well as courses in Religious Studies
(intro, Eastern and Middle-eastern Religions, Women in Religion).
Lived in West Germany, Switzerland (for dissertation research),
and France. Fluent in German. Very rusty in French and ancient

Some minor publications, including reviews of both texts (Fichte,
Hellenistic philosophy, and a commentary on Nietzsche) and
software (Nota Bene, Indexx, logic tutorials). Additional
publications on technology and computers; presentations on
interdisciplinary courses and appropriate computer use at
conferences (National Association for Humanities Education; Small
College Computing Symposium). Currently involved with hypermedia
development project utilizing software from IRIS/Brown University
and running on a Mac II-Apple UNIX network; my focus is on
philosophy of science -- an interdisciplinary approach to the
origins of modern science in the high and late middle ages,
especially with regards to the influence of religious assumptions
in the development of methodological principles (e.g., doctrine
of two-fold truth, God as geometer, etc.)
*Flannagan, Roy <FLANNAGA@ouaccvmb>

English, Ohio U., Athens OH 45701

Editor, *Milton Quarterly* and current president, Milton Society
of America. Professor of English, Ohio University.

Interested in Renaissance epic literature, humanist databases,
editing and mark-up problems (TEI, etc.), "desk-top publishing"
of scholarship, editing and preserving electronic texts of major
literary works from *Faerie Queene* through Johnson's
*Dictionary*. Enjoy discussing Shakespeare, Chaucer, Swift,
Johnson, Yeats, Joyce, racquetball (or playing it, rather),
tennis, dogs, fruit trees, good food, unstressful travel, music
of many sorts. Married, with a total of five children. Editing
a complete poetry and selected prose of Milton for the next x
*Fortin, Christine A. <fortinc@iubacs>

715 W. 4th St., Bloomington, Ind. 47401 [U.S.A.] PHONE:

As for my life--I'm what's referred to here on campus as a
"returning woman student" (i.e., someone who started school at a
later age than the usual 17 years old, or started only to return
at some later age). Reason I started later is (1) I am French
and, in France, people are often "tracked" into vocational
(versus scholarly) educational paths if they come from working
class backgrounds (and, are female too). This was my case.
Coming to the states, it was less stigmatic to reenter higher
education so I find myself in school again. Well, I don't really
have a (2). (I haven't quite figured how to edit email, so I'll
leave it at that).

I've worked as a secretary (corporate level), and spent 3 + years
as an international volunteer in Israel.
*Gilmartin, Andrew <ANDREW@BROWNVM.BITNET>

Brown University, Computing & Information Services, User Services
Specialist, Box 1885, Providence, RI 02912, USA; (401) 863-7305

Interests: The design of online information systems (with an
accompanying interest in offline information systems), general
European history, and aiding those involved with online projects
(especially collaborative efforts).
*Glynn, Ruth (Dr); <RGLYNN@UK.AC.OX.VAX>

Oxford Electronic Publishing, Oxford University Press, Walton

Street, Oxford OX2 6DP, U.K.; (0865) 56767 ext. 4651; Fax 0865-
56646; Telex OXPRES

Further Education: B.A. Hons. in Latin (Southampton Univ.) Master
of Philosophy (Oxon) Doctor of Philosophy (Oxon): Thesis title,
'A Study of the Style and Iconography of Etruscan Engraved Gems'.
Various scholarships and awards.

Started adult life as an academic and published several articles
in scholarly journals whilst doing research; co-author of
Beazley Addenda (OUP 1982).

Employment: Part-time tutor of Classics undergraduates at Oxford
University; Research Assistant at the Beazley Archive (things to
do with Greek pots), Ashmolean Museum; part-time freelance
typesetter; Adviser for Computing in the Humanities at Oxford
University Computing Service; Customer Support Specialist at
Miles33 (company selling computer typesetting h/w and s/w);
Editor, Oxford Electronic Publishing.

Present post: management of computer s/w publications (s/w
tools, databases, CD-ROMs, etc.) with special reference to the
user interface and documentation. Continue to dabble in
typesetting and dtp.
*Hall, Douglas Lee <CSDOUG@STMARYTX>

Asst. Professor of Computer Science Advisor, Graduate CIS
Program, St. Mary's University, One Camino Santa Maria, San
Antonio, Texas 78284-0400 (512)436-3317 work (512)344-0822 home

PhD Computer Science (AI), North Texas State; MEd Bilingual
Education, Pan American University; BA Spanish, University of
Texas at Austin. Currently working on an MA in theology at St.
Mary's University

I taught elementary school (usually inner city) for 12 years, CS
in college for 3. Have been connected with education in some way
most of my life. Have studied Spanish, French, German, Russian,
Italian, Latin...shall start Chinese or Japanese. Born and
raised in San Antonio, from a long line of Texans on my father's
side, Southerners on my mother's. My interests have ranged from
astronomy to paleontology. Was raised a CHristian Scientist, but
went through many religious variations growing up. Extra-
curricularly I am involved with the Bexar County Mediation
Center, working with an autistic child on computers, director of
a German dance group (der deutsche Volkstanzverein von San
Antonio). I am particularly interested in breaking down the
barriers I see between the humanities and the technologies.
*Harwood, John <JTH@PSUVM.bitnet>

Dept. of English, 117 Burrowes, Penn State University Park, PA.
16802 USA

I hold a joint appointment in the Department of English and the
Center for Academic Computing, meaning that I have specialized
interests not just in instructional computing (esp. writing) but
in research applications of interest to scholars in the
humanities. I work daily with IBM, Mac, and mainframe
applications; I have a growing interest in CD-ROM technologies
and desktop publishing; and I am directing a conference this
summer that has a strong "computer" flavor (Cyndi Selfe, Bill
Wresch, Hugh Burns).
*Hasenfratz, Robert Joseph <H40@PSUVM>

Instructor of English; home: 1140 S. Atherton St., State College,
PA 16801 (USA), (814) 234-4950; office: 103 Burrowes Bldg.,
English Department, Pennsylvania State University, University
Park, PA 16802 (USA), (814) 863-2931.

My princple research interest is medieval literature and culture,
with a focus on Old English (hell materials and Beowulf). My
dissertation deals with the use of the repulsive (grotesque) in
both Old and Middle English literature but also includes sections
on Ovid, Dante, and Boccaccio. I've written (or am writing)
articles on textual issues in AElfric's "Grammar" and "Christ and
Satan," Grendel as a type of the "penitent damned" from the OE
homiletic tradition, writing and speaking in Chaucer's "House of
Fame," etc. I'm now starting a book project, "The Lore [Lure?!]
of Hell in Anglo-Saxon England," which will cover homiletic,
literary, and art historical sources. I recently completed my PhD
in English at PSU and will be starting as an assistant professor
in the English Department at the University of Connecticut this
*Hinton, Norman <SSUBIT12@uiucvmd>

Professor of English, Sangamon State University, Springfield,
Illinois U.S.A. 62794-9243; (217) 786-6778

Main scholarly field: Old and Middle English languge and
literature. I have been involved with computer applications in
the Humanities since 1972: I have written a number of computer
assisted lessons in my field and other areas in the Humanities,
and I use computer data bases (which I program) in my literary
and historical linguistic research. At the moment, I am working
on the vocabulary of Middle English and the development of Middle
English poetic diction, using what I call the Middle English
Database, programmed and developed on the PLATO computer system.
I am giving a paper on the language of the Alliterative Revival
at this year's Medieval Congress.

My most recent article, on Cynewulf, will be appearing in
Neophilologus. I am interested all areas of the Humanities, and
have taught courses in modern British lit as well as my medieval
classes, and in the past I have taught Aesthetics also.

I am extremely interested in Humanist, and I am delighted that my
University has finally made Bitnet available to its faculty.
*Istituto di Studi Rinascimentali, G2MFEV42@ICINECA

via Scienze, 17 44100 Ferrara, Italy Telephone: (...)
39.532.760002; Director: Amedeo Quondam

The ISR has been active in Ferrara since the winter of 1983. Its
principal objectives are the organization of research in various
disciplines; the construction of coherent bodies of documantation
using the resources of computer technology; the organization of
study sessions and conferences; the publication of the fruits of
its research and documentation.

The ISR is supported by the city and provincial administrations
of Ferrara, the regional administration of Emilia-Romagna, the
Ministry of Culture (Ministero per i Beni Culturali e Ambientali)
and the Italian National Research Council (CNR). Prime target of
the ISR's research is the culture of the Renaissance in Ferrara
and Northern Italy in general, examined in a national and
European context. The ISR's principal means of operation is
through "archives": groups of scholars who work on the
collection and examination of materials concerning projects which
are defined as needs arise.

The following archives are currently active: Archivio della
tradizione cavalleresca, [coordinators: Guido Baldassari (Univ.
of Cagliari); Riccardo Bruscagli (Univ. of Florence)]; Archivio
della tradizione lirica [coordinators: Bruno Bentivogli (Univ.
of Bologna); Guglielmo Gorni (Univ. of Geneva)]; Archivio del
madrigale [coordinator: Thomas Walker (Univ. of Ferrara);
Archivio della linguistica del Rinascimento [coordinator: Mirko
Tavoni (Univ. of Pisa)]; Archivio del sacro [coordinators:
Albano Biondi (Univ. of Bologna); Giorgio Chittolini (Univ. of
Milan)]; Archivio del teatro e della scena nel Rinascimento
[coordinators: Franco Ruffini (Univ. of Bologna)
Daniele Seragnoli (Univ. of Ferrara)]; Archivio della cartografia
estense [coordinator: Claudio Greppi (Univ. of Ferrara)];
Archivio della miniatura [coordinators: Giordana Mariani
Canova (Univ. of Padua) Ranieri Varese (Univ. of Urbino)].

Among the principal active projects of the ISR may be mentioned:
Books of letters of the Cinquecento [coordinator: Guido
Baldassari (Univ. of Cagliari)]; Schifanoia Atlas [coordinator:
Ranieri Varese (Univ. of Urbino); Typology of Renaissance
"studioli" [coordinators: Claudia Cieri Via (Univ. of Rome);
Alessandra Mottola Molfino, Poldi Pezzoli Museum, Milan;
Reordering of the ecclesiastical archives of Ferrara
[coordinator: Luciano Chiappini, Deputazione ferrarese di storia

The ISR publishes the periodical Schifanoia (Edizioni Panini
Modena), which includes both scholarly essays and accounts of the
Institute's activities.

Hope this is adequate for purposes of introducing ourselves. We
very much look forward to inclusion in the HUMANIST circle! All
best wishes, Thomas Walker.
*Janson, Carol <Janson@brandeis.bitnet>

Visiting Lecturer Dept. of Fine Arts Brandeis University Waltham
Mass. 02254 Dept phone 617-736-2655 office -2666

Professional activities- 1989 Low Countries Conference University
of London Paper on Animal Fables and Popular Culture in Dutch
16thc. prints; Tyrannicide in the Emblems of Alciati and Paradin
Emblem Conference University of Minnesota in April 1989; The
Church as Theatre of War During the Dutch Revolt C.I.H.A.
Conference Strassbourg France September 1989;

Professional Memberships- Historians of Netherlandish Art,
A.A.N.S., Sixteenth Century Society, Renaissance Society of

Interests- art & iconoclasm (working on stained glass from post
Reformation conversion in Gouda, Nl); patronage and audience in
relation to political prints about the Dutch revolt; mannerist
art, relationships with theatre, contemporary art esp. in
relation to women's art, issues concerning popular culture in the
16th and 17thc, developing course material enabling individual
study of images, glossaries and terms via computers
*Johnson, David E. <>

Professor of Philosophy, Sampson Hall, U.S. Naval Academy,
Annapolis, MD 21402-5044; Office (301) 267-3102 (-3803); Home
(301) 269-0075

Areas of interest: philosophy of mind (the nature of the human
mind and how it compares to artificial intelligence); military
ethics; peace research (peace as an ethical concept and practical
steps to increasing and insuring peace); computer aided
instruction in logic (especially tutorial programs); Gandhi and
King; the philosophy of Bertrand Russell. I teach courses in
logic, ethics, philosophy of religion, and philosophy of science.
I am chair of the Philosopher's Committee of the Bertrand Russell
Society and am interested in receiving papers (by April 1 of each
year) on some aspect of Russell's philosophy for inclusion in a
program in December of that year. Details available upon request.

Dept. of Philosophy, University of Guelph, Guelph Ontario.

I am presently a graduate student in the Department of Philosophy
at the University of Guelph. My interest in computers is limited
to their use in discussing philosophy and as a teaching
mechanism. The topics of the computer field are of interest to
my husband. I am also new to networking and am interested in what
is available, thus my subscription.
*Kutish, Gerald <acrc0008@unlvm.bitnet>

Associate Director, UNL Computing, 326 Administration, U.
Nebraska, Lincoln, NE 68588; 402-472-5220

Direct academic computing, including a 'humanities research
facility' containing pc's, mac's, text scanners, laser printers.
Interest in linquistic analysis.
*Lasocki, David (LASOCKI@IUBACS)

Music Library, School of Music, Indiana University, Bloomington,
IN 47405 (812) 855-5972 (work)

I came to the United States from England in 1969 and have been
here ever since, except for five years back in England in the
late 1970s. I have a bachelor's degree in chemistry from the
University of London and graduate degrees in musicology and
library science from The University of Iowa.

I make my living as a music cataloger in one of the largest music
libraries in the country (world?). Beyond the daily round of
cataloging, I am interested in the larger implications of
bibliographic control of music materials and how it will be
changed by computers.

I am also a musicologist and have been doing research into the
history of woodwind instruments for over twenty years. I am less
concerned with the instruments themselves (which field I leave to
instrument makers and the like) than with their repertory,
performance practices, and social history, particularly in the
16th-18th centuries. My 1983 Ph.D. dissertation, Professional
Recorder Players in England, 1540-1740 (The University of Iowa),
was concerned with how these three areas come together. That is,
I began with performers (rather the composers or compositions,
the usual starting points for musicologists) and studied how they
interacted with composers, audiences, patrons, publishers, and
instrument makers. At the moment I am (still) making two books
from this (updated) material, one on the Bassano family
(performers, instrument makers, and composers from Venice who
worked at the English court from 1540-1665), and one on the
professional recorder players in England from 1660-1740. I wrote
my dissertation on a mainframe computer using WYLBUR and (sign of
the times) am reworking it on a PC in my office using

In addition to the writing, I have edited about 100 pieces of
18th-century woodwind music, although I gave up that activity
several years ago as a result of my bad experiences with
dishonest publishers. Besides, I believe that there are dozens
of good music editors around but far fewer good researchers and
writers. For several years I have been interested in writing as
a craft. Last year I encapsulated my experience in an article
entitled "How To Write Well When You Have No Time: Advice For
Music Librarians and Other Busy Persons." I could send this as a
text file to anyone interested.

I have dozens of research projects going at the moment. The most
pressing is a research and information guide to the recorder -- a
kind of research and reference tool that is relatively new in the
humanities. It will consist of an annotated bibliography of
writings about the instrument accompanied by introductory and
linking essays on various aspects of the subject. I'm writing it
with another music librarian, Richard Griscom of the University
of Louisville. We have several data files set up on WordPerfect
and share letters and files through BITNET.

University of Amsterdam, Vakgroep Alfa-informatica, Spuistraat
134, 1012 VB Amsterdam, The Netherlands; +31 20 525-2072

I studied Latin and Greek but became a professional computer
programmer. I work at the Faculty of Arts of the University of
Amsterdam. It is my job to assist scolars in their use of
computers. This ranges from assistance to word processing to the
development of parser-generators and formal grammars. My special
interest is parsing: one of my more ambitious projects resulted
in a formal grammar that is able to link any Latin word to its
dictionary lemma(ta) and morphological code(s). The lemmata and
codes are (nearly) the same as those used in the Liege corpus
(Belgium). Disambiguation of the generated lemmata and codes is
performed by an interactive computer program that also adds
syntactic tags to the morphological information.
*Morgan, Leslie Z. <lzmorgan@sbccvm>

My primary interest is Franco-Italian language and literature, a
fourteenth and fifteenth century Northern Italian phenomenon. I
use concording and statistical analyses to examine the linguistic
formations. I have worked particularly with Ms. Marc. XIII, the
first "chansons de geste" written in Italy. The vocabulary
introduced with the "chansons de geste" is an integral part of
the Italian literary language, which I am tracing from Ms. XIII
through Ariosto's "Orlando Furioso". I plan to eventually have
an archive of machine- readable Italian and Franco-Italian epic
poems for linguistic and stylistic analysis.

My knowledge of computer use in linguistic analysis led to using
it also my teaching activities. I have written some exercises
using authoring programs, and am examining programs on the market
for further use. There is very little available in Italian, so
possibilities for inventive computer use in teaching Italian
exist. CAI is a growing field and certainly appealing to
students who have grown up using computers for games.

I will soon be switching from an IBM environment to a VAX
environment, and would like to know more about what is available
for concording and textual analysis on the VAX.
*Niska, Helge <>

Institute for Interpretation and Translation Studies, Stockholm
University, S-106 91 Stockholm Sweden; +46 8 16 20 00 or
CompuServe: 72410,132 or (less frequently) BIX: hniska.

I am the Assistant Director of the Sweden Institute for
Interpretation and Translation Studies at Stockholm University.
The main objective of our institute is to educate interpreters
and translators. But since we are the only institute of its kind
in Sweden, we have a special responsibility to initiate research
and development and keep abreast with what is happening world-
wide in the fields of translating and interpreting.

Needless to say, computers are becoming indispensable to
translators. Several companies have launched software packages
aimed at helping the translator at work. Some are good, some are
not. Machine translation at large is of course of great interest
to translators, and many people feel that it could be a threat to
their very existence as professionals. Our institute has to be
well informed about these issues to be able to give an objective
and realistic picture of what is happening.

We are only at the beginning of building up computer networks for
humanists, and translators and interpreters are groups which
would benefit immensely by such networks. They are after all a
rather lonely lot, often working all by themselves with little
contact with colleagues.

In my own work, I use international computer networks to keep in
touch with translators, linguists, communication scholars etc
around the world. I even started an international mailing-list on
interpreting and translation, LANTRA-L. I also use online
databases a great deal to locate literature and to get facts and
information otherwise not available. I also use the computer for
regular office work: word processing, budgets, registers and
databases. I use desktop publishing quite a lot, since our
reports series, magazine and newsletters are produced more or
less on our own equipment.
*Nyberg, Rainer <RNYBERG@FINABO>

Project Researcher, Faculty of Education, ]bo Akademi University
P.O. Box 311, SF-65101 VASA, Finland; +358 61 247251

My interest is limited to learning strategies, approaches to
learning and anxiety & self-experienced efficacy when you learn a
computer application. The application could be a word processor
or Hypercard on Macintosh or something like that.

Just now I am doing research only this year. Finished a doctoral
dissertation last year on teacher work motivation. Have now
turned more to research on students and their learning processes
and motivation. I want to get in touch with researchers who have
an interest in -approaches to learning, -learning- strategies,
motivation/self-efficacy/anxiety in connection with learning to
use microcomputing skills.
*Ott, Wilhelm <ZRSZOT1 at DTUZDV2>

Prof. Dr., Universitaet Tuebingen, Zentrum fuer
Datenverarbeitung, Brunnenstrasse 27, D-7400 Tuebingen, Germany

Born 1938, studied philosophy, theology, classical philology in
Roma, Wuerzburg, Tuebingen, Muenchen. Since 1966 at the Computing
Center of the University of Tuebingen, since 1970 head of the
department "Literarische und Dokumentarische Datenverarbeitung",
founded in order "to develop and support methods and programs for
the processing of textual data of all kinds". Since then, TUSTEP,
the "TUebingen Systen of TExt processing Programs" has been
developped, numerous projects have been supported and have
published their results in several hundred printed volumes. Since
1974 the Tuebingen Colloquia (cf the reports in "Literary and
Linguistic Computing") are a forum for humanities scholars
working with computers.
*Papakhian, A. Ralph (papakhi@iubvm.bitnet,

Music Technical Services Librarian, Indiana University,
Bloomington Executive Secretary, Music Library Association (U.S.)

Music Library Indiana University Bloomington, IN 47405 812-855-

Professional activities and interests: My work has focused on
computer applications in the cataloging of music materials
particularly in a cooperative environment. This includes
bibliographic description as well as authority control for names
and titles.

I am currently Coordinator of the NACO-Music Project sponsored by
the Music OCLC Users Group (the project is a cooperative
undertaking to create and contribute music related name and title
authority information to the Library of Congress Name Authority
File). Further interests include computer applications in library
automation, music and bibliography. My responsibilities as
Executive Secretary of the Music Library Association include
establishing and maintaining communication with related
organizations in the humanities and library fields. I am also
interested the use of computer networking in professional
organizations such as the MLA. Other interests include radical
politics, twentieth-century art music, and Armenian studies.

Music Reference Librarian (Visiting Assistant Librarian), Indiana
University Bus: 0005 Sycamore Hall, Music Library, Indiana
University, Bloomington, Indiana, 47401 (812)855-2970
Home: 324 S. Highland Ave. #3, Bloomington, IN 47401 (812)332-

Born in Louisville, Kentucky, received B.A. in Music History from
the University of Louisville in 1979; began work toward a M.M. in
Music History from the same institution in 1981. Received M.L.S.
with a specialization in Music Librarianship from Indiana
University in 1986. Music Public Services Librarian, New York
University, from 1986-1988. Currently serves on Information
Sharing Subcommittee and Bibliographic Instruction Subcommittee
of the Reference and Public Services Committee of the Music
Library Association. Member, Music Library Association,
Association of College and Research Libraries and International
Association of Music Libraries, American Musicological Society.
Interests include contemporary music, particularly that of the
composer Hans Werner Henze; comparative literature (XIXth century
and interdisciplinary research between literature and the
performing arts); Habsburg Vienna (especially fin-de-siecle);
Weimar German history, and application of new technology (CD -
ROM, scanner, telefax, etc.) to music.
*Stump, Eleonore. <ESTUMP@IRISHMVS>

Professor of philosophy, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, Va. Ph.D.
1975 Cornell University.

Areas of specialization: medieval philosophy, philosophy of
religion . Representative publications: Boethius's De
differentiis topicis, Cornell University Press, 1978. Boethius's
In Ciceronis Topica, Cornell University Press, 1988. Dialectic
and Its Place in the Medieval Development of Logic, Cornell
University Press, 1989. "Petitionary Prayer", American
Philosophical Quarterly 16 (1979) 81-91. "Eternity" (with Norman
Kretzmann), Journal of Philosophy 8 (1981) 429-458. "The Problem
of Evil", Faith and Philosophy 2 (1985) 392-423. "Dante's Hell,
Aquinas's Theory of Morality, and the Love of God", Canadian
Journal of Philosophy 16 (1986) 181-198. "Sanctification,
Hardening of the Heart, and Frankfurt's Concept of Free Will",
Journal of PHilosophy 85 (1988) 395-420.

Current Research Interests: the philosophy of Thomas Aquinas; the
role of free will in traditional Christian doctrine; providence
and the problem of evil. I look forward to joining Humanist. If
there is anything further required, please let me know.
*Svennerstam, Bjorn <>

I am a psychologist and a psychotherapist. I am connected to the
Institution of Applied Psychology, University of Umea Sweden as a
supervisor for the becoming psychotherapist students. My interest
in this area and computing is just some ideas on trying to make
psychodynamic diagnosis with the help from computer-based
expertsystems ? Is this interesting for HUMANIST?
*Swanson, Michael <SWANSOMC@VUCTRVAX>

Teaching Fellow, Dept Of Phil, Vanderbilt U, Nashville, TN 37235,
(615) 3222637; PHD Candidate, Philosophy Vanderbilt; MA
Philosophy, Vanderbilt; BS Engineering Duke.

Interests: Philosophy Mind, Animal Rights, Logic
*Thorman, Christopher <>

Futurist, Apple Computer, MS: 60Y, 20525 Mariani Ave., Cupertino
CA 95014 Phone: (408) 974-0593

I am a recent graduate of MIT. I majored in Visual Arts there
for two years before switching to Computer Science and graduating
with the CS degree. I worked for Professor Patrick Purcell first
in the Architecture Machine Group, then at the Architecture
Department Computer Resource Laboratory, the Rotch Visual
Collections, and the Media Laboratory. Have worked in
Interactive video (ArcMac Gaudi Project, and Rotch Visual
Collections Boston Project), taught a course in computer graphics
for designers, done extensive LISP programming and user-interface
design, and written a thesis at the Media Lab Film/Video section
on using textural information from video to create realistic
rendernings of real 3D scenes. Currently I work at the
HyperMedia Research Group at Apple Computer, prototyping new
approaches to spatial Hypermedia navigation. We're combining new
user interface metaphors with three-dimensional graphical
environments and HyperMedia capabilities.
*Woods, Marjorie (Jorie) Curry <A014@UORVM>

Associate Professor, Department of English, Morey Hall,
University of Rochester Rochester, New York 14627; (716) 275-2694
(office); (716) 275-4091 (dept. office) (716) 659-2533 (home)

B.A., Stanford, English, 1969 M.A. and Ph.D., Toronto, Medieval
Studies, 1977
Taught at Oberlin (1974-76) and Rochester (1976- )

My major research interests are medieval literary theory and
teaching methods. My research is carried out at both an archival
and a theoretical level. I work on unpublished manuscripts that
contain commentaries, or teaching notes, usually in the margins
of an influential medieval treatise on the composition of poetry
(the POETRIA NOVA of Geoffrey of Vinsauf, which was written in
about 1215). I use somewhat specific details in these
manuscripts to develop hypotheses about the ways that medieval
teachers, students, and poets worked. My book was published from
camera-ready copy that was printed on our XEROX 9700 laser
printer and formatted in SCRIPT on the CMS mainframe here at
OF VINSAUF [New York: Garland Publishing, 1985.)

My own use of computers has, so far, been limited to text editing
(SCRIPT and WordPerfect) and electronic mail; although I have a
large collection of manuscript descriptions in ASCII (or EBCDIC)
files, I have used our VM machine primarily as a place to store
information about them.

I'm interested in finding an effective textbase for these
manuscript files on my PC, a Zenith 286 laptop with 20MB fixed
disk. I'm going to be evaluating the ASKSam textbase this Spring.
I am in correspondence with Marianne Alenius of the Department of
Classical Philology at the University of Copenhagen (Njalsgade
94, DK-2300 Copenhagen S, Denmark; not on BITNET yet), where an
ASKSam textbase is being used for the Database of Nordic Neo-
Latin Literature. Yvan Bosrup of the Royal Library in Copenhagen
has also sent me prototype of a Microtutor program for teaching
students Latin in Latin; the program contains the text and
exercizes which are also available in book form.

Where I may be of some use to others is in my knowledge of
theories of authorship and text production and how these have
been evaluated in the western academic tradition. Many of the
collaborative computer efforts being developed now and in terms
of which untenured academics are being judged are similar to
methods of continuously revised scribal production in the pre-
print medium of manuscripts. This tradition has always been
dismissed by the academic establishment because of its confustion
and hesitation in front of texts for which single authorship
cannot be postulated.

The University of Rochester has negotiated a very competitive
price on HP LaserJet Series II printers---with a "free" 3 year
service warranty. My printer is due to arrive next week, which
should complete my home office.

My husband (Robert Taylor) is a computer consultant who is
helping to establish the Faculty Computing Resource Center at the
University of Rochester.

I'm a social anthropologist here at Oxford (research fellow at
Wolfson college). I work in Cameroon with a group called the
Mambila, I'm very interested in any waork that's been done on
free text searches and indexing/concordance work - especially if
versions are available for the MAC! The other(developing)
interest is trying to use computers (MAC for preference) to
analyse/facilitate analysis of genealogical data. Hence I'd be
very keen to hear of what work is beeing done on these subjects,
if you have any background information.
