addresses needed (39)
Thu, 13 Apr 89 19:06:58 EDT
Humanist Mailing List, Vol. 2, No. 832. Thursday, 13 Apr 1989.
(1) Date: Thu, 13 Apr 89 12:53 EDT (10 lines)
From: Peter D. Junger <JUNGER@CWRU>
Subject: Leicester Polytechnic School of Law
(2) Date: Thu, 13 Apr 89 13:01 EDT (9 lines)
From: Peter D. Junger <JUNGER@CWRU>
Subject: British and Irish Legal Education Technology Association
(1) --------------------------------------------------------------------
Date: Thu, 13 Apr 89 12:53 EDT
From: Peter D. Junger <JUNGER@CWRU>
Subject: Leicester Polytechnic School of Law
Can anyone supply the address of the Resource Center for Computer
Assisted Instruction in Law at the Leicester Polytechnic School of Law?
The address of the School of Law itself would also be useful to have.
Please, if possible, reply to me directly, rather than to HUMANIST.
Peter D. Junger--CWRU Law School--Cleveland, OH--bitnet: JUNGER@CWRU
(2) --------------------------------------------------------------13----
Date: Thu, 13 Apr 89 13:01 EDT
From: Peter D. Junger <JUNGER@CWRU>
Subject: British and Irish Legal Education Technology Association
Could someone send me the address of the British and Irish
Legal Education Technology Association? If possible, please send
responses directly to me, rather than to HUMANIST.
Peter D. Junger--CWRU Law School--Cleveland, OH--bitnet: JUNGER@CWRU