Tools for Humanists, 1989 (209)

Mon, 10 Apr 89 19:20:58 EDT

Humanist Mailing List, Vol. 2, No. 817. Monday, 10 Apr 1989.

Date: 10 April 1989
From: Willard McCarty <>
Subject: software fair: progress report

Tools for Humanists, 1989
a software and hardware fair
6-9 June 1989

10 April 1989

`Tools for Humanists, 1989' is a comprehensive software and
hardware fair to be held in conjunction with `The Dynamic Text'.
It will feature more than 50 innovative public-domain and
commercial products of interest to computing humanists and to
others concerned with the computerized processing of natural
languages. Many of the programs will be demonstrated by their
developers. The fair will contain software for IBM, Apple, and
Sun equipment, online databases, and specialized hardware -- such
as the NeXT workstation.

The fair will run for four days, from 2:30 p.m. on Tuesday 6
June to 5:30 p.m. on Friday 9 June. Each day except the first and
last consists of 3 periods, morning (10:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.),
afternoon (2:30 - 5:30 p.m.), and evening (7:30 - 10:30).
Admission is free of charge to the general public. Exhibitors
will be encouraged to distribute public-domain software, and
several commercial developers will sell their products at

A complete guidebook to the fair, given to conference
attendees, will also be available at a reasonable cost to others.
It will consist of extensive descriptions of all exhibited
products and sufficient technical information to answer most
elementary questions.

In addition to the scheduled exhibits, a small number of IBM
and Macintosh machines will be available in `The Hacker's Corner'
on a first-come first-served basis for informal demonstrations.
Descriptions of software exhibited in The Hacker's Corner will
not appear in the guidebook, however.

The following is a current list of the exhibitors and their
various products. A schedule will be published shortly.
This list is subject to change without notice.
Corrections are welcome. Omissions are unintentional.
Additions are to be expected.


Dr. Giovanni Adamo, Dr. Ada Russo, Dr. Giacinta Spinosa, Dr.
Marco Veneziani (Rome); software: Lessico Intellectuale Europeo
(Latin database)

John Baima (Silver Mountain Software); LBase (linguistic analysis
and retrieval)

Barbara Bolton (SoftQuad, Inc.); software: SoftQuad Publishing
Software; SoftQuad Author/Editor

John Bradley (Computing Services, Toronto); software: TACT (text-
retrieval and analysis)

Prof. Samuel D. Cioran (Humanities Computing Centre, McMaster);
software: mcBOOKmaster (authoring system, CAI and publication)

George Clarke (Computer Shop, Toronto); hardware: NeXT

Dr. Jozef Colpaert, Dr. Wim Uyttersprot (DIDASCALIA, Antwerp);
software: Vocapuces, Verbapuces, Textapuces (CALL)

Dr. R. F. Colson (Southampton); software: Historical Documents
Expert System (HIDES)

Francois Daoust, Luc Dupuy (Centre d'ATO, Universite' du Que'bec
a` Montre'al); software: SATO (text analysis)

Prof. Elan Dresher (Dept. of Linguistics, Toronto); software:
Youpie (linguistic stress)

Prof. Heyward Ehrlich (English, Rutgers); software: PC-Write
Documentation Engine

Prof. Charles Faulhaber (Spanish and Portuguese, UC Berkeley);
software: Bibliography of Old Spanish Texts (textbase)

Prof. R. Glickman (Spanish and Portuguese, Toronto); software: (?
name, lexical construction)

Prof. Hans van Halteren (TOSCA, Nijmegen); software: LDB,
Linguistic DataBase (LDB); Computer Library of Utterances for
Exercises in Syntax (CLUES)

Prof. Robert Hollander, Jonathan Altman (Dartmouth Dante
Project); software: Dartmouth Dante Project Database

Prof. David C. Hunter (Computer Science, Muskingum); Prof. Donald
Ross (English, Minnesota); software: micro-Eyeball (stylistic

Prof. Louis Janus (Norwegian, St. Olaf); software: Norwegian

James Johnston (Electronic Text Corporation); software:
WordCruncher (interactive concordance)

Prof. Robert Kraft (Religious Studies, Pennsylvania); hardware:
Ibycus; software: TLG, PHI texts, hypertext, etc.

Prof. Pierre Maranda (Anthropologie, Laval); software: Discourse
Analysis (DISCAN)

Prof. Dr. Francisco Marcos-Marin (Madrid); software: UNITE
(editing and publishing)

Prof. Philippe Martin (Experimental Phonetics Laboratory,
Toronto); hardware: phonetic analysis

Dr. Roger Martlew (Leicester); software:

Prof. Alastair McKinnon (Philosophy, McGill); software: TextMap
(content analysis)

Prof. Alan Melby (LinguaTech International); software:
Mercury/Termex (lexical data management)

Prof. Michael Mepham (Laval); software: Lemmatiseur, DAT, SYREX
(textual enrichment and analysis, segmentation, lexical
construction and tagging)

Dr. Elli Mylonas (Perseus Project, Harvard); software: Perseus
(hypermedia for classical culture); Pandora (TLG text retrieval)

Prof. Hiroshi Nara (East Asian, Pittsburgh); software:
Understanding Written, Spoken Japanese Project (CALL)

Royalynn O'Connor (Oxford University Press, NY); software: OED on
CD-ROM; Micro-OCP; Shakespeare (textbases, concordance software)

Dr. Mark Olsen (ARTFL, Chicago); software: ARTFL (online database
of French texts)

Espen Ore (Norwegian Centre for Computing in the Humanities,
Bergen); software: various (CALL, hypermedia, etc.)

Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Ott (Datenverarbeitung, Tuebingen); software:
microTUSTEP (editing and publishing)

Frederic Portoraro (Philosophy, Toronto); software: SymLog
(symbolic logic CAI)

Br. R-Ferdinand Poswick (Informatique et Bible - Maredsous);
software: (1) Compucord; (2) Te'le'bible; (3) Findit CD-ROM; (4)
Laservision Bible

Geoffrey Rockwell (Apple Research Partnership Program, Toronto);
software: Bib, KanjiCard, etc. (personal information management,
Japanese CAI)

Prof. Irwin Rovner (Sociology and Anthropology, North Carolina
State); software: Computer Expert Vision System in Archaeology

Prof. Richard D. Rust (English, North Carolina); software:
LiTerms (literary glossary)

Prof. John E. Semonche (History, North Carolina); software:
Simulations in U.S. History

Steve Siebert (Dragonfly Software); software: Nota Bene
(scholarly wordprocessing and text-retrieval)

Prof. Randall M. Smith (Classics, UC Santa Barbara); software:
Searcher (TLG and PHI Latin text-retrieval)

Dr. Theresa Snelgrove (English, Toronto); software: Structural
Analysis Program (STRAP)

Prof. Donald F. Sola' (Modern Languages and Linguistics,
Cornell); software: Interlex (second-language learning)

Craig Sweat (Envos Corp.); software: NoteCards (personal
information management)

Prof. Frank Tompa, Darrell Raymond (New OED, Waterloo); software:
PAT, GODEL, FAT (text-retrieval, online OED)

Joan Wesolowski (Calera Systems); hardware and software: Calera
(optical character recognition and scanning)

Dr. Eve Wilson (Computing Laboratory, Kent at Canterbury);
software: JUSTUS (hypertext information retrieval for law)

Ruth Wong (Innotech); software: Brushwriter (Chinese

Prof. Tzvee Zahavy; Dr. Tzvika Goldenberg; Ms. Carol Weist
(Project Woksape, Classical and Near Eastern Studies, Minnesota);
software: MILIM (Hebrew language drill)
