map making? classical text-analysis? printers? (75)

Mon, 10 Apr 89 19:14:03 EDT

Humanist Mailing List, Vol. 2, No. 815. Monday, 10 Apr 1989.

(1) Date: Mon, 10 Apr 89 10:56:18 EDT (14 lines)
Subject: request for map making software

(2) Date: 10 April 1989 (27 lines)
From: Willard McCarty <>
Subject: more on classical languages

(3) Date: Monday, 10 April 1989 1714-EST (9 lines)
Subject: printers

(1) --------------------------------------------------------------------
Date: Mon, 10 Apr 89 10:56:18 EDT
Subject: request for map making software

A colleague of mine in the German Department would like to be able
to draw a map of the US, with the states distorted in size relative
to the number of German immigrants they received. He says that USA Today
frequently produces such maps. Are there any map producing software packages
that have this capability. MAC, IBM, or UNIX is acceptable. Thanks!

-Louis Janus
St. Olaf College
Northfield, MN 55057
(2) --------------------------------------------------------------------
Date: 10 April 1989
From: Willard McCarty <>
Subject: more on classical languages

A new Humanist, Tommaso Del Vecchio (Classics, Bologna), has sent me a
biography with the following query embedded in it. Since some time may
elapse until his biography is published, I thought it wise to circulate
his question immediately. Those of you who have already contributed to
the discussion on Latin electronic texts and textual analysis need not
repeat yourselves, since I will send him the appropriate topical

Here is the question.

My interest is concerned with the utilisation of automatic systems for
classical text-analysis on the one hand, and with the systems themselves
on the other. I have in mind to make a critical survey on these systems,
so I'm asking around to let me know who has got such an automatic system,
whether this system is on sale, and at what price.

My interest is naturally concerned with classical texts on tape too.

Also in this case I would like to know whether these texts are on sale,
and at what price....

Thank you for all, yours Tommaso Del Vecchio.
(3) --------------------------------------------------------------12----
Date: Monday, 10 April 1989 1714-EST

I am collecting information on the types of non-Apple
printers being used by colleagues either an AppleTalk network
or stand-alone Macintosh. Please let me know directly
what type of printer you are using and any comments
you are willing to share. Thank you.