ARTFL; CNRS; communications software (74)
Wed, 5 Apr 89 20:10:32 EDT
Humanist Mailing List, Vol. 2, No. 805. Wednesday, 5 Apr 1989.
(1) Date: Wed, 5 Apr 89 08:51 EDT (17 lines)
Subject: ARTFL; CNRS
(2) Date: 4 April 1989 (38 lines)
Subject: Telecommunications packages
(1) --------------------------------------------------------------------
Date: Wed, 5 Apr 89 08:51 EDT
Subject: ARTFL; CNRS
With regard to Artfl (Tresor de la langue francaise), one should contact
American and French Research on the Treasury of the French Language
University of Chicago, Department of Romance Languages and Literatures
1050 East 59th Street, Chicago, Illinois.
With regard to CNRS (Centre national de la recherche scientifique), it
is a small French outfit of about 35 000 scholars spread over a few
hundred laboratories ranging from pure science to humanities. It
only publishes a few dozen learned journals, etc. etc. (smile)
[Write to the Centre national de la recherche scientifique, 15 Quai
Anatole France, F-75700 Paris. Perhaps some of our French colleagues
will respond with further information. --W.M.]
(2) --------------------------------------------------------------41----
Date: 4 April 1989
Subject: Telecommunications packages
Re Charles Ess's query
I sympathize -- we don't have a node either and have suffered
similar frustrations in communicating via modem.
We first tried something called SpeakEasy, which was truly
dreadful (and I don't think it's available any more), and now
use *Datatalk* (from Datasoft, Ilminster, Somerset, UK, tel.
0460-57001; don't know if there is a US distributor), which
is much, much better. We run it through a Miracle WS3000.
A programmer colleague has it set up to autodial our JANET node
and log directly in to one or other of our usernames according
to which batchfile we fire off. Of course getting a line in is
still a bit hit and miss.
*Datatalk*'s main facilities are
Electronic mail/telex
Remote database access
Viewdata/Prestel terminal
File transfer between computers
Text editor
Command lang. for auto communication sessions
Data encryption/decryption
I haven't delved into many of its facilities, but what I have
used works well and I've no reason to suppose the rest of it
It runs on IBM PCs or Apricots.
Ruth Glynn