spqr, cont. (59)
Sun, 2 Apr 89 14:00:26 EDT
Humanist Mailing List, Vol. 2, No. 792. Sunday, 2 Apr 1989.
(1) Date: Friday, 31 March 1989 0939-EST (18 lines)
Subject: Quo vadis, Sebastian?
(2) Date: 31 Mar 89 13:29 -0330 (21 lines)
From: dgraham@leif.mun.ca
Subject: Departure of Humanists
(1) --------------------------------------------------------------------
Date: Friday, 31 March 1989 0939-EST
Subject: Quo vadis, Sebastian?
I hope Sebastian Rahtz will reconsider his decision to
withdraw from HUMANIST! I am mostly (ok, maybe even moreso)
a text person who qualifies for many of his playful barbs,
and maybe a masochist or something, but I really and honestly
ENJOY having him aboard to rock the boat occasionally. I also
am on the archaeology list that he coordinates, but he is not
the same unbridled gadfly there. And will the rest of
sarcastic Southampton depart with him? A grim prospect!
No, no, Sebastian, don't go!!
Bob Kraft
(the opinions expressed here are not necessarily those of
many of my close friends and acquaintances, with whom I have
not consulted)
(2) --------------------------------------------------------------26----
Date: 31 Mar 89 13:29 -0330
From: dgraham@leif.mun.ca
Subject: Departure of Humanists
I for one will very much miss Sebastian's irreverent, pithy and sometimes
rude comments. While I frequently disagreed with his views and with his
way of expressing them, they almost always made me examine my own a little
more carefully. One of Sebastian's virtues as a Humanist was that he
refused to let us take ourselves too seriously, which I fear we have a
tendency to do. It will be a pity if that happens now that he has left.
I too find Humanist both useful (in the hardware/software posting and in
the queries) and pleasant (in the debates, many of which I alas have not
time to follow). I hope that we will not let considerations of sheer
volume drive us to sift out some postings. If the cost in time begins
to outweigh the benefits of use and enjoyment, I shall resign too, but
until then I'm happy to delete some postings without reading them just
on the strength of their subject headers.
David Graham