queries (226)
Thu, 30 Mar 89 20:47:50 EST
Humanist Mailing List, Vol. 2, No. 781. Thursday, 30 Mar 1989.
(1) Date: Thu, 30 Mar 89 00:26:47 -0800 (39 lines)
From: Lamar Hill <LMHILL@UCI>
Subject: Big Blue and printer blues
(2) Date: Wed, 29 Mar 89 07:52:08 EST (23 lines)
From: Leslie <LZMORGAN@SBCCVM.bitnet>
Subject: Concordance for VAX
(3) Date: Thu, 30 Mar 89 13:19:36 CST (54 lines)
From: Charles Ess <DRU001D@SMSVMA>
Subject: humanities computing
(4) Date: 30 Mar 89 16:43:41 EST (34 lines)
From: Jim Cahalan <JMCAHAL@IUP.BITNET>
Subject: Posting for Irish contacts
(5) Date: Thu, 30 Mar 89 16:57:58 CST (41 lines)
From: Charles Ess <DRU001D@SMSVMA>
Subject: myth and Shakespeare
(1) --------------------------------------------------------------------
Date: Thu, 30 Mar 89 00:26:47 -0800
From: Lamar Hill <LMHILL@UCI>
Subject: Big Blue and printer blues
I am soliciting the advice of any of you who can be of help. I have
been using an IBM proprietary word processing program. I have also used
an IBM printer thus I have not had to deal with the question of how to get
around Big Blue's obdurate refusal to make its software work with printers
not their own. This has not been a problem up until now as I have worked
at home but, suddenly, I have a PC in my office and a printer has been
promised that is not compatible with my word processing software.
Had I purchased this new equipment I would have assured
compatibility, but that was not the case. My question, in short, is
whether there is any software available that will permit the office printer
to emulate one of the acceptable printers and thus allow me to get on
with my work.
Environment: IBM\PC\XT clone using DiplayWrite4. A Citizen daisy
wheel printer is mine if I can make it work with my clone.
Possible alternatives: Change to WordPerfect (although I have a large
investment in the docs I have created with DW4); make an ASCII
conversion and then reformat in another compatible format; employ a
shotgun at short-range.
Question: Is there any software that will interface with DW4 and incompatible
printers so that the printer (not of Blue pedigree)will emulate a Blue printer
and thus give me the opportunity to use my present software.
NB--I know that there is a HP laser printer that Blue has deigned to
make compatible with DW$. But this is a Testarosa when I am in the VW
Bug league.
Thanks for your help,
Lamar M. Hill
(2) --------------------------------------------------------------30----
Date: Wed, 29 Mar 89 07:52:08 EST
From: Leslie <LZMORGAN@SBCCVM.bitnet>
Subject: Concordance for VAX
I have been following all the discussions and information on HUMANIST with
great interest. Perhaps my own interest is a little different, since I
have seen no one discussing Concordance programs, pro and con. I shall
be moving in June from an IBM mainframe running under CMS to a VAX running
with VM and would like a generally accepted program and format, rather than
an idiosyncratic local program. Does the Oxford program run on VAX? Is there
some other one generally available (i.e., not too expensive)? I sent a message
to Susan Hockey at Oxford (at the address on the list of Humanist members) but
have not received a response, though I also did not receive a "bad mail"
notice. I know that many use the Oxford program and that it has a good
reputation. Do you know anything about this, or could you suggest someone
who might? (I looked through much of the material you sent at my initial
subscription, but did not see anything relating to concordance packages.)
I'd like to know in the next month or so, in order to have the
program ordered and up before my arrival at the new address.
Many thanks for any help you can give me.
Leslie Morgan (LZMORGAN@sbccvm)
SUNY, Stony Brook, NY
(3) --------------------------------------------------------------57----
Date: Thu, 30 Mar 89 13:19:36 CST
From: Charles Ess <DRU001D@SMSVMA>
Subject: humanities computing
I would like to seek my fellow HUMANISTs' wisdom in developing
plans for academic, and especially humanities computing in a
relatively small (1100 day students), competitive (ACT of 23+ and
rising), liberal arts college with strong preprofessional
The current computing environment is composed of:
(non-networked) PC labs for wordprocessing, spreadsheet
analysis, etc.;
(non-networked) PCs and Radio Shack micros for data
collection and processing in the sciences;
library PCs using both CD-ROM players and on-line services
(Dialogue; Knowledge Index/BSR After Dark) for database
and OCLC searches;
a Macintosh hypermedia lab running A/UX, Ethernet, and
designed for _Intermedia_;
an architecture lab of IBM RTs;
and mini- and mainframe computers which are either for
administrative use or otherwise restricted (e.g., the
Prime for architecture applications).
Faculty are pursuing projects independently (e.g., translation
programs; tutorials in economics; etc.) While we enjoy the
services of an academic computing director (who is largely tied
down by support issues), there is currently no formal body for
coordinating academic computing.
We have apparently reached a point of critical mass, however, in
which more resources are becoming available for academic
computing (witness the hypermedia lab) and more faculty are
interested in such things as acquiring machine-readable texts,
hypermedia resources such as _Perseus_, etc.
What suggestions would my computer-literate colleagues make
regarding the direction(s) of humanities computing in this
environment, and within the financial limitations faced by an
institution with a comfortable endowment, but which is still very
much enrollment-driven?
I hope to respond to any suggestions and comments -- though I
also anticipate a deluge of mail from helpful HUMANISTS.
Proleptic thanks --
Charles Ess
Philosophy and Religion Department
Drury College
900 N. Benton Ave.
Springfield, MO 65802
(417) 865-8731
(4) --------------------------------------------------------------38----
Date: 30 Mar 89 16:43:41 EST
From: Jim Cahalan <JMCAHAL@IUP.BITNET>
Subject: Posting for Irish contacts
Dear Irish HUMANISTists,
Could any Irish subscribers to HUMANIST please send me a message?
I'm particularly interested in contacting people in Ireland--and
most particularly interested in reaching anyone at Trinity College,
Dublin (where I direct a summer study-abroad program). (The
accommodations dean there, Desmond O'Connell, is on FAX but not
BITNET; I'm on BITNET but not FAX, so we both have quickie
electronic access but can easily communicate only by hard copy that takes
2-3 weeks between sending it out and getting a reply!)
If anyone in Ireland is able to send me a message, please include
any advice you may have about how to send messages via BITNET to
Ireland (to you). I had to use a special window to get through to
a HUMANIST member in Scotland, and assume that the window through to
Ireland (if there is such a window) is a different one. As you can
see, I'm still a novice at this.
I also welcome messages from anyone anywhere else in the world who
is interested in any aspect of Irish Studies, my chief field of
interest. Thanks!
(My hard-copy address is 110B Leonard Hall
English Department
Indiana University of Pennsylvania
Indiana, PA 15705
(412) 357-2264.)
Jim Cahalan, Graduate Literature <JMCAHAL@IUP.BITNET>
(5) --------------------------------------------------------------44----
Date: Thu, 30 Mar 89 16:57:58 CST
From: Charles Ess <DRU001D@SMSVMA>
Subject: myth and Shakespeare
Following Rosemary Radford Reuther (_New Woman, New Earth_) I use in my
classes the notion of a *reversal myth* defined as:
(a) portraying behaviors, characteristics, features -- which in
an earlier tradition appear as positive (or negative) --
now in negative (or positive) terms;
(b) portraying powers and abilities which in an earlier tradition
"belonged" to the feminine (or masculine) as now belonging
to the masculine (or feminine).
For example, on Reuther's view, the second Genesis creation story accords the
power of reproduction or generation, held in earlier traditions to belong to
the feminine, to both "the man" and God, insofar as the man (passively)
"births" the woman by way of God (who is predominantly imaged in "masculine"
terms). Or, in Hesiod's _Theogony_, the reproductive power belonging to Gaia
and then Zeus (in his production of Athena), is also held by Night. Night,
however, is portrayed as generating only negative entities -- unlike Mother
Earth, who accepts Zeus' lordship.
Insofar as this definition works to help describe some motifs in religious
story -- it also appears to describe other kinds of story.
In particular, a student here wants to do an analysis of Shakespeare's
_Midsummer Night's Dream_ based on this definition of reversal myth.
Can my HUMANIST colleagues suggest:
(a) improvements on the definition
(b) scholarly resources pertinent to the student's project?
Many thanks --
Charles Ess
Philosophy and Religion
Drury College