supplement to list of archives (62)
Sat, 25 Mar 89 00:34:55 EST
Humanist Mailing List, Vol. 2, No. 766. Saturday, 25 Mar 1989.
Date: Friday, 24 March 1989 1053-EST
Subject: Archives List Supplement
The following list of (possible) archive type endeavors
has been garnered from HUMANIST responses and other sources
(I did more homework!) since the initial list appeared.
Any further information (corrections, deletions, additions,
etc.) relevant to the list is welcome!
With regard to commercial publishers such as OUP, and also
software distributors who package materials otherwise also
available from an archive (e.g. Linguists Software for Mac),
your advice is needed. I am tempted to include the publishers
and other commercial entities if they contribute items to the
pool of relevant data -- thus OUP qualifies, and probably
several others for which I do not yet have reliable
information (e.g. Zondervan, Collins). Similarly, the
CD-ROM collections from Ellis, FABS, Microsoft, and elsewhere
would seem to me to deserve mention. But developers who
rely on material from elsewhere, and do not contribute data
to the pool, would not be listed. Reactions? Suggestions?
Bob Kraft (CCAT)
Additions to the list of 3/17/89, as of 3/24/89 (R. Kraft)
+/Quebec (Laval Univ)/ Bibliographical Information Bank in Patristics
+/Toronto (Univ)/ RIM = Royal Inscriptions of Mesopotamia Project
+/Toronto (Univ)/ REED = Records of Early English Drama
+/Vancouver (Simon Fraser Univ)/ RDL = SFU Research Data Library
+/Odense (Univ)/ DDA = Danish Data Archives
+/Helsinki (Univ)/ CNA = Neo-Assyrian Text Corpus Project
+/Montpellier (Univ Prot, CNRS)/ CDMB = Centre de Documentation sur
les Manuscrits de la Bible
+/Ferrara (Univ)/ Instituto Studi Rinascimentali (Renaissance)
+/??? (??)/ Norwegian Research Center for Computers and Law
+/Go%teberg (Univ)/ Logotheque
+/Stellenbosch (Univ)/ Stellenbosch Data Base
+/Leeds (Univ)/ Centre for Computer Analysis of Language and Speech
+/London (Univ)/ School of Oriental and African Studies
+/London (Univ College)/ Survey of English Usage
+/Southampton (Univ)/ AIE = Archaeological Information Exchange
+/?? ??? (??)/ LEXIS and NEXIS [commercial law archives]
+/?? ??? (??)/ Westlaw on-line [commercial law archive]
+/CA Malibu (Udena Publ)/ CAM = Computer-Aided Analysis of Mesopamian
+/NC ChapelHill (UNC)/ DBAGI = Data Bank for Ancient Greek
Inscriptions from Athens
+/NC Durham (Duke Univ)/ DHDB = Duke Humanities Data Base
+/NY Buffalo (SUNY)/ WNY-ARCH = Western New York Archaeology
+/TX Dallas (Theol Seminary)/ Biblical Data Bank (CD-ROM)