conference announcements (45)

Sat, 18 Mar 89 17:36:15 EST

Humanist Mailing List, Vol. 2, No. 739. Saturday, 18 Mar 1989.

Date: Sat, 18 Mar 89 10:02 EDT
From: JANSON@brandeis.bitnet
Subject: conference announcements

Centre for Low Countries Studies "The Low Countries and the World"
An International and Interdisciplinary Conference to be held at
University College London 12-15 April 1989. Keynote Speakers:
Christopher Brown (N.Gallery,London) W.P. Gerritsen (Dutch Lit.,
Utrecht) Jozef IJsewijn (Neo-Latin Studies,Leuven) E.H. Kossman
(History,Groningen) Simon Schama (history,Harvard) J.W. de Vries
(Dutch Studies, Leiden)
Parallel Workshops on Middle Ages, Renaissance, Golden Age,
Enlightenment & Romanticism, Modern Period

Further Information: Centre for Low Countries Studies, Foster Court
Room 35, University College London, Gower Street, London WC1E 6BT

"Emblem Books and the Telling Image" First Minnesota Conference on
Cultural Emblematics April 27-28, 1989 University of Minnesota
Minneapolis, Minnesota

This conference presents research on cultural emblematics in Western
traditions, using both temporal and structural perspectives. The
program is particularly relevant to the fields of European and
American literature, history, art history, costume history,
education, and related curriculum development.

Further information: Professor Ayers Bagley Educational Policy and
Administration, University of Minnesota or the Emblems Study Group
University of Minnesota 466 Wilson Library Minneapolis, MN 55455

I am also willing to give what information I have about the programs
to inquirers.

Carol Janson Dept of Fine Arts Brandeis University Waltham Mass 02254