list of archives (314)
Fri, 17 Mar 89 23:04:04 EST
Humanist Mailing List, Vol. 2, No. 737. Friday, 17 Mar 1989.
Date: Friday, 17 March 1989 0016-EST
Subject: Archive List
Attached is a list of electronic "archive-type" endeavors that
a group of us who are interested in getting a better handle on
what is "out there" has drawn together (names below). The main
focus for this "first pass" is to spread the nets widely and
attempt to IDENTIFY those endeavors that actually or potentially
have the intention (selfimage) of serving as a resource for others.
We need your HELP to make the list as accurate and complete as
possible at this stage. Please notify KRAFT@PENNDRLS of any
errors, omissions, etc., and if possible supply the name and
address (electronic, preferably) of any known contact person.
I apologize for the inconsistencies, errors, oversights, etc.,
in the list. The main catalyst for preparing the list has been
the hope that something could be circulated at the forthcoming
ACH-ALLC Toronto meetings, in connection with the Archive Panel
to be held then. The procedures envisioned are noted below.
Thanks to all, Bob Kraft (for the group named below)
Draft Updated 16 March 1989 Robert Kraft (CCAT),
in cooperation with Marianne Gaunt (Rutgers), Lou Burnard (Oxford),
Joseph Raben (CUNY), and Mike Neuman (Georgetown), among others.
The plan is to maintain the List in three different forms:
(1) Simple identifying titles of actual or potential archives
or archive-type endeavors --
by "archive-type" we mean actual or potential sources of relevant
data for humanistic research and teaching;
(2) Intermediate List with as much of the basic information listed
below as can be ascertained;
0. Identifying Acronym or Short Reference
1. Name and Affiliation of Operation
Reference to any published description?
2. Contact Person and Addresses (including e-mail)
3. Primary Focus (+ Secondary Interests)
[e.g. Literature, Language, Linguistics, Music, Art, Biog.]
4. Time Period Covered, Geographical Focus
5. Language(s) coded [or used otherwise -- e.g. data fields]
6. Intended Use(s)
[e.g. Textbank, Database, Scholarly Tools, Bibliography]
7. File Format(s) (sequential text, data base excerpts, etc.)
To what extent are the formats consistent?
8. Form(s) of Access (online, tape, diskette, CD-ROM, etc.)
What software is needed for accessing?
9. Source(s) of the Archival Holdings
Encoded in-house, or obtained from elsewhere (where)?
(3) Comprehensive List (long-range goal), including detailed inventory
of holdings, information on copyright status, full bibliography,
descriptive keywords, coding(s) and markup used, pricing, etc.
The basic list has been organized geographically, to facilitate
identification and encourage completeness.
Subsequent forms of the list will pay more attention to sub-categories
of data and group the archives accordingly -- e.g. general archives,
text/language archives, graphic data (archaeology, art, cartography,
etc.), biographical and demographic data, etc.
/??{where}/ Texts in Australian Aboriginal Languages
/Berrimah NT/ SIL-AAIB = Australian Aborigines and Islanders Branch
/Vienna (Univ)/ Vienna Data Base on European Family History
/Brussels (Free Univ)/ GITA = Groupe d'Information et de Traitement
/Leuven (Kath Univ)/ Etude Linguistique de la Langue Parlee
/Liege (Univ)/ LASLA = Laboratoire d'Analyse Statistique des Langues
/Liege (Univ)/ Institut de Lexicologie Francaise
/Louvain-la-Neuve (Kath Univ)/ CETEDOC = Centre de Traitement
Electronique des Documents
/Maredsous (Monastery)/ CIB = Centre: Informatique et Bible
/??? (Queen's University)/ Mnemosyne Project
/Laval (Univ)/ Project RELAI = ??
/McGill (Univ)/ Keirkegaard-Wittgenstein Project
/Montreal (Univ)/ Instut d'E/tudes Me/die/vales
/Montreal (Univ Quebec)/ Centre d'Analyse de Textes par Ordinateur
/Newfoundland (Univ)/ Folklore & Language Archive
/Ottawa (Dept Communications)/ CHIN = Canadian Heritage Information
/Ottawa (Carleton Univ)/ Centre for Editing Early Canadian Texts
/Toronto (Univ)/ CCH = Centre for Computing in the Humanities
/Toronto (Univ)/ Dictionary of Canadian Biography
/Toronto (Univ)/ DOE = Dictionary of Old English
/Toronto (Univ)/ DEEDS Project = Documents of Essex, England Data
/Toronto (Univ)/ Greek Index Project (Pontifical Institute of
Medieval Studies)
/Waterloo (Univ)/ Centre for the New Oxford English Dictionary
/Vancouver (Univ British Columbia)/ UBC Data Library
/Copenhagen (??)/ Armamagnaean Institute
/Copenhagen (Univ)/ Inter-Nordic Research Project (Classical Philol)
ENGLAND: (see United Kingdom)
/Nancy (Univ??)/ Institut National de la Langue Franc+aise
/Nancy (Univ, CNRS)/ CATAB = Centre d'Analyse et de Traitement
Automatique de la Bible et des Traditions E/crites
/Paris (CNRS)/ Tre/sor de la Langue Franc+aise
/Paris (Univ??)/ Institut de Recherche et d'Histoire des Textes
/Bonn (Univ??)/ IKS = Institut fuer angewandte Kommunikations- und
/Bonn (Univ??)/ Kant Corpus -- see IKS/Bonn
/Erlangen (Univ)/ Computer Center
/Go%ttingen (Max Planck Inst)/ CLIO/C - Historical Databases
/Go%ttingen (Max Planck Inst)/ Europaische Rechtsgeschichte
/Ko%ln [Cologne] (Univ??)/ Zentralarchiv fuer Empirische
/Mannheim (Univ)/ VASMA = Vergleichende Analysen der Sozialstruktur
mit Massendaten
/Mannheim (Univ)/ IDS = Institut fu%r Deutsche Sprache
/Stuttgart (Inst f Informatik)/ Projekt SEMSYN = ??
/Trier (Univ)/ MESY =
/Tu%bingen (Univ)/
/Ulm (Univ)/ [Archive of Psychotherapy Interviews, etc.]
/Reykjavik (Univ)/ Stofnun Arna Magnussonar
/Bar Ilan (Univ)/ GJD = Global Jewish DataBase (& Responsa Project)
/Jerusalem (Hebrew Univ)/ AHL = Academy of the Hebrew Language
/Jerusalem (Technion)/ Computer Assisted Biblical Research Center
/Jerusalem (Technion)/ Hebrew Computational Linguistics Project
/Bologna (Univ)/ Istituto per le Scienze Religiose
/Catania (Univ)/ Informatica Letteraria
/Pisa (Univ)/ ILC = Istituto di Linguistica Computazionale
/S.Cuore (Catt Univ)/ GIRCSE = Gruppo Interdisciplinare Ricerche
Computerizzazione segni Espressione
/Siena (Univ)/ Corpus of Sienese Art
/Udine (Univ)/ Sartor Fabio
/???(where)/ ATR = ??
/Leiden (Univ??)/ Instituut voor Nederlandse Lexicologie
/Leiden (Univ)/ Institute for Armenian Studies
/Nijmegen (Univ)/ TOSCA = The Nijmegen Research Group for Corpus
/Bergen (Univ)/ Norweigen Center for Computing in the Humanities
/Oslo (Univ)/ ICAME = International Computer Archive of Modern
/Tromso (Univ)/ Norwegian Historical Data Archives
SCOTLAND (see United Kingdom):
/Goteberg (Univ)/ Department of Computational Linguistics
/Goteberg (Univ)/ Institut d'Etudes Romanes
/Lugano (??)/ Vocabolario dei Dialetti Svizzera Italiana
UNITED KINGDOM (England, Scotland):
/Cambridge (Univ)/ LCC = Linguistic Computing Centre
/Edinburgh (Univ)/ EUDL = Edinburgh University Data Library
/Edinburgh (Univ)/ Greek Text Database
/Essex (Univ)/ ESRC = Economic and Social Research Council Data
/Glasgow (Univ)/ DISH = Design and Implementation of Software in
History Project
/Lancaster (Univ)/ UCREL = Unit for Computer Research on the English
/Oxford (Press)/ OED = Oxford English Dictionary
/Oxford (Press)/ Oxford Shakespeare
/Oxford (Univ)/ OTA = Oxford Text Archive
/Oxford (Univ)/ Lexicon of Greek Personal Names (Bodleian Library)
/York (Univ)/ Graveyard Database
/AZ ??? (Univ AZ)/ Documentary Relations of the Southwest Project
/AZ Tucson (Museum)/ Documentary Relations of the Southwest
/CA Berkeley (Univ CA)/ Anthologies of Italian Music and Lyric Poetry
of the Renaissance
/CA Berkeley (State??)/ SDB = State Data Bank [supplements ICPSR/Michigan]
/CA Berkeley (Univ CA)/ Sino-Tibetan Etymological Dictionary and
/CA Davis (Univ CA)/ Project Rhetor
/CA Irvine (Univ CA)/ TLG = Thesaurus Linguae Grecae
/CA LosAltos (Inst)/ PHI = Packard Humanities Institute
/CA LosAngeles (UCLA)/ Computerization of Arabic Biographical
Dictionaries for the Onomasticon Arabicum
/CA MenloPark (Cent)/ Center for Computer Assisted Research in the
/CA Riverside (Univ CA)/ Laboratory for Historical Research
/CA Riverside (Univ CA)/ Biographical Data Base for the Soviet
/CA SanDiego (Univ CA)/ International Electronic Archive of the
/CA SantaBarbara (Univ CA)/ Domesday Book Database
/CA SantaMonica (Getty Art Hist Info Prog)/ Provenance Index
/CA Stanford (Univ)/ Institute of Basic German
/CO Colorado (Univ)/ Siouan Languages Archive
/CO Boulder (Univ CO)/ CCRH = Center for Computer Research in
/CT Hamden (??)/ Encyclopedic Thematic Catalog of Russian Sacred
Choral Music
/DC Washington (Georgetown Univ)/ Electronic Text Repository
/DE Newark (Univ DE)/ Massachusetts Tax Valuation List of 1771
/FL Talahasee (FL State Univ)/ Center for Music Research
/HI Manoa (Univ HI)/ Salish Lexicography
/IL Chicago (Univ)/ ARTFL = American and French Research on the
Treasury of the French Language
/IL Chicago (Newberry Lib)/ County Boundaries of Selected United
States Territories/States
/IL DeKalb (N IL Univ)/ Tai Dam Dictionary and Text on Computer
/IL Urbana (Univ IL)/ Hymn Tune Index
/MA Boston (Center??)/ Census of Gothic Sculpture in America
/MA Cambridge (Harvard Univ)/ Boston Dainas Project
/MA Cambridge (Harvard Univ, Boston Univ)/ Perseus Project
/MA Williamstown (Getty Art Hist Info Prog)/ Art and Architecture
/MD Baltimore (Johns Hopkins Univ)/ CAL = Comprehensive Aramaic
/MI AnnArbor (Univ MI)/ Family Life and Conditions in the US, 1888-
/MI AnnArbor (Univ MI)/ ICPSR = Inter-university Consortium for
Political and Social Research
/MI Dearborn (Univ MI)/ Comprehensive Computer Data Bank of the
Medicinal Plants of Native America
/MS Hattiesburg (S MS Univ)/ Faulkner Computer Concordance
/NC Durham (Duke Univ)/ DDBDP = Duke Data Bank of Documentary Papyri
/NC Winston-Salem (Museum)/ Index of Early Southern Artists and
/NH Hanover (Dartmouth Univ, Princeton Univ)/ Dartmouth Dante Project
/NJ NewBrunswick (Rutgers Univ)/ Medieval and Early Modern Data Bank
/NJ New Brunswick (Rutgers)/ Lexicon Iconographicum Mythologiae
/NJ Princeton (Inst Advanced Studies)/ Greek Inscriptions from Asia
/NJ Princeton (Univ)/ American Founding Fathers Project
/NY Binghamton (SUNY)/ Italian Madrigal and Related Reportories:
Indexes to Printed Collections, 1500-1600
/NY Ithaca (Cornell Univ)/ Greek Inscriptions from Attica
/NY Ithaca (Cornell Univ)/ Cornell Blake Concordance Texts
/NY NewYork (Columbia Univ)/ Women in Religious Communities: Italy
/NY NewYork (Columbia Univ)/ Data Archive, Center for Social
/NY NewYork (Columbia Univ)/ Data Base on Labor Unrest in Imperial
/NY NewYork (Columbia Univ)/ Great Dictionary of the Yiddish
/NY NewYork (Columbia Univ)/ Buddhist Canon Project
/NY NewYork (Jewish Theological Seminary)/ Talmud Text Databank
/NY NewYork (NYU)/ The Verdi Archive
/OH Cleveland (Cleveland State Univ)/ Century-of-Prose Corpus
/PA Philadelphia (Drexel Univ)/ The Latin Writings of Milton
/PA Philadelphia (Univ PA)/ CCAT = Center for Computer Analysis of
/PA Philadelphia (Univ PA)/ Language Analysis Project
/RI Providence (Brown Univ)/ WWP = Women Writers Project
/RI Providence (Brown Univ)/ Romanian Love Incantations
/RI Providence (Brown) ??/ Nelson Francis Brown Corpus
/TX DelValle (??)/ Chol (Mayan) Dictionary Database
/TX Edinburg (Pan American Univ)/ RGFA + Rio Grande Folklore Archive
/UT Provo (Brigham Young Univ)/ HRC = Humanities Research Center
/UT SaltLakeCity (Church of Latter Day Saints)/ Genealogical Data
/WI Madison (Univ WI)/ DOSL = Dictionary of the Old Spanish Language
/WI Milwaukee (Marquette Univ)/ Works of Karl Rahner Project