xword and the like (72)

Mon, 13 Mar 89 19:44:54 EST

Humanist Mailing List, Vol. 2, No. 718. Monday, 13 Mar 1989.

(1) Date: Mon, 13 Mar 89 11:14 (13 lines)
From: Wujastyk (on GEC 4190 Rim-C at UCL) <UCGADKW@EUCLID.UCL.AC.UK>
Subject: Xword's author

(2) Date: Mon, 13 Mar 89 14:16:34 EST (39 lines)
From: Greg Goode <grgo@uhura.cc.rochester.edu>
Subject: Word Processing conversion formats

(1) --------------------------------------------------------------------
Date: Mon, 13 Mar 89 11:14
From: Wujastyk (on GEC 4190 Rim-C at UCL) <UCGADKW@EUCLID.UCL.AC.UK>
Subject: Xword's author

Ronald Gans wrote Xword, and his address is
350 West 55th Street #2-E,
Nwe York, New York 10019.
(212) 957-8361
Compuserve 74216,264

I have had more luck phoning him than getting written answers.

(2) --------------------------------------------------------------44----
Date: Mon, 13 Mar 89 14:16:34 EST
From: Greg Goode <grgo@uhura.cc.rochester.edu>
Subject: Word Processing conversion formats

This is a response to Dominik Wujastyk's note about xword and

For anyone looking for good conversion packages for IBM-based word
processors, the best one I've seen is called R-Doc/X. At present,
there are 33 source formats and 32 target formats, listed below:

ASCII text ASCII text (Lines)
DCA/RFT DisplayWrite-3
Extended ASCII Enable (WP)
Leading Edge WP Lotus Manuscript
Microsoft Word Multimate (3.3 & before)
Multimate Advantage NewWord
OfficeWriter (before 4.0) OfficeWriter (4.0 & later)
Palantir PC Write (before 2.6)
PC Write (2.6 & later) PeachText 5000
pfs:First Choice pfs:Professional Write
pfs:Write Pmate
Spellbinder Volkswriter
WordMarc Composer WordPerfect 4.1/4.2
WordPerfect 5.0 WordStar
WordStar 2000 Writing Assistant
XyWrite (does Nota Bene too!)

R-Doc/X is $149 from

Advanced Computer Innovations
30 Burncoat Way, #A
Pittsford, NY 14534-2216

Telephone: (716) 383-1939
Fax: (716) 383-8428

--Greg Goode