more Latin texts (40)
Sun, 12 Mar 89 23:52:42 EST
Humanist Mailing List, Vol. 2, No. 711. Sunday, 12 Mar 1989.
Date: Fri, 10 Mar 89 09:50:00 EST
From: "Richard C. Taylor" <6297TAYLORR@MUCSD.BITNET>
Subject: Latin texts
There are some Latin texts from Italy listed on the Oxford Text
Archive list but there seems to be only a handful of medieval latin
texts. But what about the great IBM Index Thomisticus project that
generated the multivolume indices and the accompanying text of Aquinas?
Surely the texts of Aquinas used there must be on tape somewhere.
Does anyone on HUMANIST know anything about this?
For my own work, I have had a kind 65 year old, blind-in-one-eye
LIBROS DE ANIMA in pure ASCII (italics=ALL CAPS, page nos.
embedded, etc.). (I'm not cruel. She said she would enjoy it
because it would remind her of her schoolgirl days of learning
Latin in her Milwukee Polish gradeschool. And she did enjoy it!)
The work, all 546 pp., has been proofed and is now done. What
can I do with it? Well, certainly it is valuable for me for my
specific work (translation of the work into English for Yale UP),
but can I make it available to others in some public way? What
are the sorts of restrictions on the distribution of such materials?
Can I give such things to any interested party or leave it at some
repository? Surely I have to get the publisher's permission even if
I am not doing it for profit. I would appreciate comments on this
from HUMANISTs since I may want to have more texts entered on disks
this way.
Dick Taylor
Philosophy Dept., Marquette University