call for papers; Missouri Review Online (81)
Sat, 11 Mar 89 00:58:40 EST
Humanist Mailing List, Vol. 2, No. 700. Saturday, 11 Mar 1989.
(1) Date: Thu, 09 Mar 89 23:35 PST (43 lines)
From: Robert Kirsner (213)825-3955 <IDT1RSK@OAC.UCLA.EDU>
Subject: AANS announcement for Humanist
(2) Date: Fri, 10 Mar 89 22:10:56 EST (18 lines)
From: Greg Goode <>
Subject: Missouri Review Online discovered!
(1) --------------------------------------------------------------------
Date: Thu, 09 Mar 89 23:35 PST
From: Robert Kirsner (213)825-3955 <IDT1RSK@OAC.UCLA.EDU>
Subject: AANS announcement for Humanist
A. A. N. S.
The American Association for Netherlandic Studies is pleased
to announce that the Fifth Interdisciplinary Conference on
Netherlandic Studies will take place June 19-22, 1990 at the
University of California, Los Angeles.
The organizers wish to emphasize the interdisciplinary nature
of the conference. In addition to contributions in traditional
areas such as Dutch Literature, Dutch Linguistics, and Language
Pedagogy, we encourage submissions in fields such as Colonialism,
Creole Studies, History, Pre-History, Art History, Political
Science, Science and Technology, Music, Neo-Latin, French
(Burgundian, Walloon, Huguenot), Ladino, Platdeutsch, Anglo-,
Franco-, or "other"-Dutch/Low Countries Relations, Printing,
Film, Religion, Medieval Drama, Sephardic Studies or Economics.
Presentations must be based on original, unpublished research
and should be no longer than 20 minutes; selected papers will be
published in the series *Publications of the American Association
of Netherlandic Studies*.
Please send the text of your contribution or a 250-word
abstract by May 15, 1989 to:
Program Committee, ICNS 5 - 1990
Netherlandic Studies Program
International Studies and Overseas Programs
11250 Bunche Hall
University of California, Los Angeles
Los Angeles, CA 90024-1487
FAX: (213) 206-3555
We encourage contributors outside the United States to forward
submissions and to seek funding from their local institutions as
soon as possible.
(2) --------------------------------------------------------------23----
Date: Fri, 10 Mar 89 22:10:56 EST
From: Greg Goode <>
Subject: Missouri Review Online discovered!
This evening I talked to Speer Morgan. His publication,
"Missouri Review Online," is available on The Source, as "PUBLIC
52," and costs about 21-40 cents per minute connect time.
It's not an online version of the printed journal, it's got a
slightly different editorial policy -- because of online space
constraints, the online version evolved into something more
designed to give young, beginning writers more of a chance.
Poetry, fiction, non-fiction pieces.
The editor is considering ways of Bitnet/Internet access. If I
get any more information, I'll post it here.
--Greg Goode