online Latin, cont. (35)
Thu, 9 Mar 89 20:30:11 EST
Humanist Mailing List, Vol. 2, No. 696. Thursday, 9 Mar 1989.
Date: Thu, 09 Mar 89 12:54:06 EST
From: Dr Abigail Ann Young <>
Subject: Latin online
Further to what has already been said on this, there IS material
on line in Belgium. CETEDOC has put into computer readable form
the texts of the authors published in the mediaeval continuation
of the CCL (which contains modern editions of the Latin Fathers)
who are associated with what is now Belgium. I found them very
helpful in supplying KWIC listings for a long list of terms used
by Rupert of Deutz.... I understand that their archive is available
on-line at some Belgian universities but that there are copyright
problems. I may be getting this point confused with another
European text archive: I hope someone from CETEDOC can correct me
if I'm wrong about it.
Scholars working with mediaeval Latin texts at the Centre des etudes
medievales in Montreal have developed a program which parses Latin, or
at least Latin verse: I've not seen it in operation myself, but it's
been described to me by someone using it with Scotus Eriugena's Peri-
physeon. Several attempts by people at PIMS in Toronto to buy a copy
were unsuccessful, I was told, although I don't know why.... Anyway, it
does exist, but it is the only such software I know of.