Unix? Norwegians? biblical French? (61)
Thu, 9 Mar 89 20:25:00 EST
Humanist Mailing List, Vol. 2, No. 693. Thursday, 9 Mar 1989.
(1) Date: 09 Mar 89 13:59:06 gmt (11 lines)
Subject: Software on Unix
(2) Date: Thu 9 Mar 89 13:10:48-CST (12 lines)
From: Anthony Aristar <HI.ARISTAR@MCC.COM>
Subject: Contacts in Norway
(3) Date: Thu, 09 Mar 89 15:31:27 EST (13 lines)
From: Duane Harbin <DHARBIN@YALEVM>
Subject: Search for Biblical text in French
(1) --------------------------------------------------------------------
Date: 09 Mar 89 13:59:06 gmt
Subject: Software on Unix
We may be shifting much of our work to Unix in the near future.
Does anyone have a list of software on Unix suitable for
literary computing please ? I believe many of the utilities
I already use such as Compare, Diff, TR, Grep etc originally
come from Unix so I am hoping for an informative list in reply.
David Mealand
(2) --------------------------------------------------------------16----
Date: Thu 9 Mar 89 13:10:48-CST
From: Anthony Aristar <HI.ARISTAR@MCC.COM>
Subject: Contacts in Norway
My wife has been awarded a Fulbright to the University of Tromso
in Norway. Are there any contacts with net access that anyone
might be able to suggest, either at the university or at some
other institution in Norway? She's a text linguist, and works
largely on style and discourse.
My thanks.
(3) --------------------------------------------------------------16----
Date: Thu, 09 Mar 89 15:31:27 EST
From: Duane Harbin <DHARBIN@YALEVM>
Subject: Search for Biblical text in French
I have had a request from a colleague for a machine-readable Bible in French.
No particular text was requested, so if anyone out there is aware of such a
beast, please contact me.
By the by, I would be interested in hearing the opinions of Humanists who have
examined such products as Bible Quest, The Word, Godspeed, and Gramcord. I
see blurbs for these things and get constant inquiries about them. However,
as a faithful user of the CCAT, PHI, and TLG texts, I have never examined