Queries (64)
Mon, 6 Mar 89 19:51:21 EST
Humanist Mailing List, Vol. 2, No. 677. Monday, 6 Mar 1989.
(1) Date: Sat, 4 Mar 89 00:59:34 CST (19 lines)
From: Richard Goerwitz <goer@sophist.BITNET>
Subject: Etruscan
(2) Date: 4 March 1989, 11:36:43 EST (8 lines)
From: John C. Hurd (416) 978-3056 HURD at UTOREPAS
Subject: screen-image-to-projector-screen device?
(3) Date: Thu, 89 0 03:06 CET (11 lines)
Subject: Rutgers inventory
(1) --------------------------------------------------------------------
Date: Sat, 4 Mar 89 00:59:34 CST
From: Richard Goerwitz <goer@sophist.BITNET>
Subject: Etruscan
About a month ago I saw a posting on "Etruscan," which I neither
understood, nor cared to spend the time to try to understand -
at least at the time. In retrospect, this might have been a bit
hasty. I've been reading Phoenician and Punic texts lately, and
I can't help but wonder whether this posting might have some rele-
vance to an "Etruscan"/Punic bilingual I'm about to start work on.
Can someone who participated in the posting, or in the response
that followed, or just someone who knows what it was all about,
help me out here?
-Richard L. Goerwitz
(2) --------------------------------------------------------------11----
Date: 4 March 1989, 11:36:43 EST
From: John C. Hurd (416) 978-3056 HURD at UTOREPAS
Subject: screen-image-to-projector-screen device?
Some time ago I read of a liquid-crystal display device which was
designed to sit on an over-head projector so that the output of a
microcomputer could be seen by a class. Now I have lost the
reference. Does anybody know offhand who makes it? Has anyone
had experience with it? Proleptic thanks.
(3) --------------------------------------------------------------15----
Date: Thu, 89 0 03:06 CET
Subject: Rutgers inventory
In Offline (22) Bob Kraft mentioned the existence of a "Rutgers inventory of
machine readable texts". I am afraid i'm not the only HUMANist who never heard
of it. So, could we entertain hopes to see some details added to this somewhat
laconic message?
Fritz Heberlein