biographies, 17th supplement (778)

Sat, 25 Feb 89 18:14:15 EST

Humanist Mailing List, Vol. 2, No. 648. Saturday, 25 Feb 1989.

Date: 25 February 1989
From: Willard McCarty <mccarty@utorepas>
Subject: 17th supplement to the biographies

Autobiographies of Humanists
Seventeenth Supplement

Following are 30 additional entries to the collection of
autobiographical statements by members of the Humanist discussion

Humanists on IBM VM/CMS systems will want a copy of Jim Coombs'
exec for searching and retrieving biographical entries. It is
kept on Humanist's file-server; for more information, see the
Guide to Humanist.

Further additions, corrections, and updates are welcome.

Willard McCarty
Centre for Computing in the Humanities, Univ. of Toronto
25 February 1989

*Baller, Sharon R. (Sharon R. Brown) <>

Sr. Business Systems Analyst, ERIM, PO Box 8618, Ann Arbor, MI
48107 313-994-1200 x 3287

I have had many titles, from Staff Accountant, to Montessori
Teacher, to Instructor, Computer Information Systems, to Sr.
Business Systems Analyst, but I think of myself primarily as a
Teacher. I work for Environmental Research Institute of
Michigan, a world-class research institute, specializing in
designing products for making war and peace, for inspecting parts
on a factory floor, for mapping the earth from satellite, or for
reading a hand-written zipcode for the U.S. Post Office. Our
engineers and scientists are specialists in Technology Transfer,
too. We ponder ways in which to make the products developed for
commercialization of space serve man on earth, improving quality
of life. ERIM is a good place in which to be a Humanist.

For ERIM, I provide quality assurance of our computer business
applications, and supporting this, computer training for our end
users. I also teach part-time for Washtenaw Community College
(student body of 9200) and for the University of Toledo, UAW
Contract at Chrysler Proving Grounds, at Chelsea, MI. I taught
full-time at West Liberty State College, West Liberty, WV for 3
years before coming to MI in 1987. I have taught MIS, Wage and
Salary Administration, BASIC, FORTRAN, COBOL, DBASEIII, numerous
word processing programs, and Lotus 1-2-3. At ERIM, I train our
employees how to use many ORACLE-based products. Data
Communications is a special in- terest of mine, for I teach it
now at WCC.

I am 18 years married to an auto worker for Johnson Controls. We
have 2 teenagers, 14 and 17, a tri-color collie named Sun and a
mutt named Moon. We have traveled the world a little while
serving a tour of duty in the US Army. My husband was stationed
in Giessen, FRG and El Paso, TX. Our son was born in Germany. I
like my at-home life as much as my at-work life.

I have a B.S. degree in Business Administration from West Liberty
State College, an A.A.S. in Accounting from WV Northern Community
College, Wheeling, WV, and 24 hours towards a masters in Human
Resources Development from WVU, Morgantown, WV. I did not finish
my masters when the job at ERIM presented itself, but from the
experience I gained some valuable insight: that people skills
are as valuable as technical skills in the training business that
I'm in. I hope in my lifetime to use my specila skills as a
teacher to remind people of the importance of being human in an
increasingly technical world. And I hope to help educators of
our children to bring quality computer training into the
classrooms earlier to teach them how to bring these tools to bear
on their problems. I have only been working for 5 years; I
graduated college in 1983. So I started late, but have many good
ideas for working SMART, not hard. And I still want to be known
as a Human human being as I do it.
*Dale, Robert <...!uunet!mcvax!ukc!its63b!epistemi!rda> uucp

University of Edinburgh, Centre for Cognitive Science, 2
Buccleuch Place, Edinburgh EH8 9LW, Scotland; Phone: +44 31 667
1011 x6470

My research interests are in two distinct areas: natural language
generation, and intelligent text processing. Within work on
natural language generation, my focus of interest is in the
generation of referring expressions, both in characterising the
conditions under which particular forms of anaphoric reference
can be used, and in characterising the representational
requirements underlying reference to non-singular entities.
Typical questions that arise are then: when can a pronoun be used
to refer to an entity? When can definite reference be used? How
is the semantic content of a referring expression determined?
How are complex mass and plural entities to be represented, so
that strategies for subsequent reference can be easily applied?

My other major area of interest is perhaps of more relevance to
the HUMANIST list. In the area of intelligent text processing, I
am primarily interested in the semi-automation of editorial
assistance. This involves tasks like that of massaging a text
into a house style, and the detection of grammatical errors.
This work is inspired by the AI paradigm of expert systems, so
that, for example, house style rules can be maintained in
knowledge bases which are applied to a text by an `inference
engine' which knows about the relevant aspects of text.
*Ericsson, Patricia <PATTY@SDNET>

Instructor, Liberal Arts Division Dakota State College 111 Beadle
Hall Madison, S.D. 57042 (605) 256-3046

I am currently teaching freshman composition, junior composition,
and computer concepts at Dakota State College in Madison, S.D.
My background includes a traditional undergraduate degree in
English and graduate work which has concentrated on rhetoric and
writing and the applications of computers in the composition

My scholarly activities have mainly involved computers and
composition. Through a legislative mandate in 1984 DSC became a
computer-oriented college and computers were integrated in all
curriculum areas. This mandate allowed instructors at DSC to
begin research and applications in computer assisted instruction
before CAI became popular. As a result I have presented papers
and panel discussions about various practical and pedagogical
issues in the area of computers and composition.

My first computer and composition experiences were using an IBM
mainframe computer, the VM operating system, and the text editor
Xedit in the composition classroom. My recent experiences have
included using a variety of personal computers and most recently
a newly installed local area network in teaching composition.

I am now preparing a panel (along with two colleagues) in which
we will examine some of the assumptions we have made in the last
five years of teaching composition with computers. We will
present this panel at the Canadian Council of Teachers of English
National Convention in May.
*Frishberg, Nancy NANCYF at IBM.COM

Assistant to the Director, IBM Scientific Centers, Address: IBM,
472 Wheelers Farms Road, Milford, CT 06460 USA Phone: 203/783-

Currently member of the Executive Council of ACH, and liaison to
the LSA for ACH so my subscription is actually necessary to my
fulfillment of duties in those roles. Former "Discipline
Specialist for the Humanities & Social Sciences" of IBM's
Academic Information Systems. Still interested in liberal arts
applications for computing.

Early introduction to humanities computing as an undergraduate at
UCBerkeley, where I learned a bit of SNOBOL, enough about lists,
indexes concordances and so on to get a feel for all of this,
well before the personal computer made the scene.

Spent 15 years thinking,teaching and writing about American Sign
Language and other sign languages of deaf people...which leads to
thinking about writing systems for unwritten languages, about
dance and movement notations, about universals of human language
and cognition. And leads to learning about video (a bit), just to
let you know that my interests in technology are relatively

Having come to IBM after spending a lot of time in academia and
some as a "freelance linguist" or independent scholar and
consultant, I have now had experience with several mainframes,
several advanced workstations and at least three micros. I have
used 4-6 word & text processing packages, a couple of statistical
packages, plus a bit of business software. I have less direct
experience with most of the instructional and research software
packages than I might like, but have gotten a good feel for
issues and concerns of academia from my two years-plus of intense
interaction with the university community in my Discipline role
and subsequent continuing relationship with NEACH and the ACH

Need to know more? Send mail!
*Goode, Greg <GRGO@uordbv> or <>

Microcomputer and Text Processing Consultant University Computing
Center, User Services University of Rochester Rochester, NY
14627 U.S.A. Telephone: (716) 275-2811; also Assistant
Editor, Syndicated News Service, 1170 Genesee Street, Rochester,
NY 14611 U.S.A.; (716) 436-4874 and (716) 328-8818

B.A., Psychology, Calif. State University (1975)
n.d. Germanistik, Literature, Philosophy, Universitaet zu Koeln,
Cologne, W. Germany (1982-83)
M.A. Philosophy, University of Rochester (1983)
Ph.D. Philosophy, University of Rochester (1987)

My interest in humanities computing began before I'd ever heard
the term! It was in the winter of 1983 and I was looking for a
word processor with which to produce my doctoral dissertation in
Philosophy. At that time, the only serious competitors around
the University of Rochester ("UR") were MacWrite and two
mainframe products. Disdaining MacWrite and SuperWylbur, I opted
for University of Waterloo's SCRIPT on IBM's CMS/VM system, and
later added GML (Generalized Markup Language). Since then, most
of my scholarly papers, articles and bibliographies have been
done in SCRIPT.

My involvement in *microcomputing* in the humanities area began
with my involvement in Syndicated News Service, which circulates
a weekly film review column to approximately 45 newspapers in the
New York-Pennsylvania area. We do our film reviews and articles
in WordPerfect or other micro-based word processors, and then
employ all manner of communications technology to take the
material from (i) the micros to (ii) mainframe storage on one of
the local State University of New York mainframes, to (iii) the
CompuGraphic typesetter which prepares the column.

By the time I got the degree, I had observed what many of you out
there have probably seen or experienced: many new humanities
Ph.D.'s find themselves taking a series of one-year teaching jobs
all around the country before (maybe) landing tenure-track jobs.
Some end up quitting that nomadic life for something completely
different. Seeing all this along with the rate of tenure
denials, I quickly snapped up an offer from the Computing Center
at the UR to do consulting in PC/compatible hardware/software and
text processing. I'm quite happy at this! I hope I can help
forward the interests of humanities scholars by learning and
advocating systems, software and solutions that will benefit

My professional responsibilities involve teaching, consulting,
writing about, and doing project development in WordPerfect 4.x
and 5.x and laser printing. Other target areas include

* micro- and mainframe-based laser printer support
* fonts, graphics, special and non-English language characters
* other WordPerfect Corp. products, such as WP Library
* SCRIPT, GML support
* communications software to support micro-to-mainframe
* the PC/PS2/compatible cards and add-ons to drive the software

Many of these areas are becoming increasingly interesting to
scholars in my local area, as more and more of them become

I am interested in learning more about these areas of humanities

scholars' workstations
humanities computing outside the U.S.
foreign language tutorial software
high quality printed output
online scholarship and publication (such as "Missouri Review
Online") scholarly networking over wide area networks and
LISTSERV's (such as "Humanist" and perhaps CompuServe)

Most of this interest is healthily driven by my own interests in
topics in the humanities themselves, most of which I've published
on (sometimes I wish I'd stuck narrowly to Philosophy!!!):

Philosophy, German, Spanish, Popular Culture (U.S. and non-U.S.),
Literature, Film, Crime, Mystery and Adventure Fiction, Book
Collecting, "Collecting" as a psychological phenomenon

I must say, I'm thrilled to see humanities computing conscious of
its presence in the computing field, and excited about it too!

If you're interested in *any* of the above areas, let's
*Han, Jining <hanj@iubacs>

1608 Redbud Hill, Bloomington, IN47408, USA Phone: (812)334-1332

I'm a graduate student in Comparative Literature Program at
Indiana University. I don't know if I have any special field,
but since I came from the People's Republic of China, it seems
natural (and easier) for me to compare Chinese and Western

My interest is fairly wide-ranged. I have just completed my MA
thesis entitled "Where the Heart Goes: The Unconscious in Chinese
Poetry," and the next thing I plan to study is the current
Chinese mentality projected or reflected in fiction over the past
five years. So I'm really flirting with psychoanalysis while
trying to arrange a marriage between it and Chinese literature
and cre.

BTW, I'm 33 (in case this is important) and came to the States in
85. Having been through unusual political, cultural and social
happenings, I'm trying to sort somethings out, both by hearing
what others have to say and by expressing what's in my mind.
*Irizarry, Estelle (irizarry@guvax)

Professor of Spanish at Georgetown University.

Research interests are computer-assisted literary analysis,
courseware, and modern Hispanic literature. Author of eighteen
books and critical editions in Spanish and in English (Twayne's
World Authors Series) on contemporary authors (Ayala, Laguerre,

Dieste, Granell), writers who are painters, and literary hoaxes.
Author of an annotated edition of CAUCE SIN RIO by Enrique A.
Laguerre with extensive computer analysis, and of articles on
HISPANIC LINK syndicated columns. Developed software for
business Spanish (distributed by National Collegiate Software
Clearinghouse) and guided literary analysis in Spanish. Software
reviewer for HISPANIA and president of computer sessions for
AATSP 1989. In charge of Spanish and Portuguese sections of THE
HUMANITIES COMPUTING YEARBOOK for 1988. Originator of the
Hispanic Archive project at Georgetown.
*Johnston, Patricia A., <Johnston@Brandeis>

Department of Classical and Oriental Studies, Rabb 141, Brandeis
University Waltham, MA, 02254-9110; Telephone: 617-736-2182.

Associate Professor of Classics; Professional interests: Greek
and Latin Literature and Philosophy, Alexandrian influence on
Latin literature; influence of Greek and Latin on English
literature; Roman Law; Computer-aided instruction of Greek and
Latin. English literature; Roman Law; Computer-aided instruction
of Greek and Latin."
*Jones, Elizabeth Louise Joan <C465904@UMCVMB>

156A Johnston Hall, UMC, Columbia, MO 65201 USA; (314) 884-1809
6245 Columbia Ave., St. Louis, MO 63139 USA; (314) 645-1596

I am a senior majoring in English at the University of Missouri-
Columbia, with an emphasis in writing. I have written a few
short stories, for classes and outside classes, but as of yet
lack the courage to send them out and therefore have no
professional writing credits to boast! About the only things
I've done professionally (ie, got paid for) are type, waitress,
and slice deli meats.

My interests lie mostly in the humanities: I enjoy music and
literature, in the latter category preferring Romanticism,
Transcendentalism and contemporary works. I have a smattering of
background in several literary periods, though I don't claim
expertise in any of them. I also like sf, for those interested.
I hope from this discussion to find new authors to look into, in
any humanistic field, and continue discovering just how little I

P.S. "Hello" to all my friends at the University of Guelph,
especially James and Connie, that I know are subscribed to this
*Kucznetsov, Adam (Cat) <ajuus@cuvmb;>

309 West 102d St. #3F, NYC 10025, 212-678-4395

I am a student in the (imperiled) department of linguistics at
Columbia University in New York. I'm interested in a wide
variety of subjects, both in linguistics and in other areas. I
also have some training in mathematics and in the physical
sciences but have nevertheless been taking a rather traditional
(perhaps not?) philological approach to linguistics thus far. At
the moment I am studying, among other things, historical

I am an experienced user and programmer of computers and am
particularly interested, of course, in their use in the context
of linguistic study (and in the handling of text in general).
*Laplante, Benoit <LAPLANTE@UMTLVR>

Graduate student (Ph.D.), Departement de sociologie, Universite
de Montreal, C.P. 6128, succ. A, Montreal (Quebec), Canada H2H
1Y8; (514) 522-5190

Here is a brief description of my interests: Computerized
analysis of textual data; Statistical modeling applied to
analysis of textual data; Sociological processes of arts and
literature production and reception; Theater theory and history;
Classical studies (mainly Aristotle and ancient Greek theatre).
*Lavenda, Robert <lavenda@msus1>

Professor of Anthropology, Department of Sociology and
Anthropology, St. Cloud State University, St. Cloud, Minnesota,

I am a cultural anthropologist. My anthropological interests are
in the interpretation and performance of culture, and in what is
still called symbolic anthropology. My most recent research has
concentrated on small town festivals in Minnesota, and I have
been exploring the ways in which people in these communities
construct meanings from their experiences of the world, and how
those meanings then become the ground for further interpretations
of experience. Festivals are one of the few common experiences
that people in small towns have, so they become, I think,
particularly important for gaining an understanding of people's

This research and computers link up in two ways. The more
obvious, perhaps, is the use of a statistical package for the
analysis of data from a questionnaires sent to the organizers of
a number of different festivals. But the research also involves
students--I run a field school in cultural anthropology every
other summer--and I have found the text-base in Nota Bene to be
of tremendous use. Last summer, I taught the ten students in the
course how to use Nota Bene, and they all entered their notes
using it. I then indexed all the notes into separate text bases,
and have been able to do tremendously useful searches through
their notes. The three previous field school data bases exist on
hundreds handwritten 4 x 6 notecards. By comparison, the power of
computer-assisted research via the NB text-base is staggering.

My other connection with computers is writing. In 1983, my wife
(also an anthropologist) and I bought a Kaypro 4 when we signed a
contract to write an introductory cultural anthropology text. I
became interested in word processing as a result, and,
discontented with both WordStar and Perfect Writer, published a
review of four CP/M word processors (WRITE, Spellbinder,
Palantir, and VEDIT Plus) in ProFiles magazine (April 1986).
Since then, I have discovered Nota Bene, and am now content.
There is no better word processor for academics.
*Mealand, David <> JANET
<> Bitnet

Senior Lecturer, N.T.Dept, University of Edinburgh, Mound,
Edinburgh, Scotland, U.K. EH1 2LX; 1, Buckstone Place, Edinburgh,
Scotland, U.K., EH10 6UB; telephone +44 31 445-3713, +44 31 225
8400 (office).

Studied Classics and Theology at Oxford. Have since mainly been
teaching New Testament Studies with special interest in various
topics requiring knowledge of the Hellenistic world and
Hellenistic literature and the history of the period. Currently
using computers especially Ibycus and the TLG and PHI cd-roms to
look at a) stylometry and b) comparative stylistics e.g. a) an
article on positional stylometry looking at the use of sentence
connectives and statistics based on them and b) various articles
either accepted, under consideration or in production looking at
stylistic affinities between Acts and Hellenistic writers esp.
historians in the use of particular Hellenistic Greek phrases.
*Mehta, Ashok (ASHOK@SUVM)

PhD Candidate in International Economics, 202 Economics
Department, Maxwell School of Citizenship & Public Affairs,
Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY 13244 (USA) Tel: (315) 443-
2196 (O); (315) 445-8741 (H)

I am developing an empirical model of international capital flow
from developing countries to the developed countries for my PhD
dissertation. I am also interested in development economics.

I am working as a research consultant at Research Consulting
Services of Syracuse University.
*Meyers, Scott <>

Ph.D. Student, Computer Science Department, Brown University, Box
1910, Providence, RI 02912; 401/863-7600

My interest in Humanist is rather informal, since my dissertation
research focuses on software production by professional
programmers. Nonetheless, I have a general interest in all kinds
of applications software, including that in the humanities. I am
much more interested in the use of software as a *tool* to
achieve some goal than as something to study in and of itself.
*Murray, Rhonda

Student Editorial Assistant (313) 577-4802

I am an English major at Wayne State University. I am training
as a Technical Writer at WSU's Computing and Information
Technology. There appears to be a common belief that Liberal
Arts majors are uninterested in Computing. It is my interest in
computing that prompted me to join this list. I am curious as to
whether other people on this list have noticed that those in
technical majors and professions devalue your non-scientific
*Oakman, Douglas Edward <OAKMAN_D1@PLU1>

Assistant Professor of Religion, Department of Religion, Pacific
Lutheran University, Tacoma, WA 98447, 206-535-7317; Home address
and phone: 1114-121st Street South, Tacoma, WA 98444, 206-537-

Ph.D., Biblical Studies (New Testament), Graduate Theological
Union, Berkeley, 1986: Dissertation "The Economic Aspect in the
Words and Ministry of Jesus" published as _Jesus and the Economic
Questions of His Day_ (Edwin Mellen, 1986); M.Div., Christ
Seminary-Seminex (Association of Evangelical Lutheran Churches),
St. Louis, 1979; B.A. with honors in Religion, University of
Iowa, Iowa City, 1975; member of the Catholic Biblical
Association (1988), Fellow of the Westar Institute's Social
Facets of the Ancient World Seminar (1986), member of the Society
of Biblical Literature (1981), Phi Beta Kappa (1975). As
scholar, I am focusing on the use of social science methods for
the study of the Bible and antiquity, particularly the
interrelationship between the ancient economies and early
Christianity. I coordinate an Atari ST User Group for the
Society of Biblical Literature and am interested in computer-
assisted analysis of biblical texts, programming in Icon (as well
as Pascal, 'C', and 68000 assembly language), and the use of the
computer to manage databases for the study of antiquity. I
regularly use WordPerfect and have some experience with Desktop
Publishing and PostScript programming.
*Olley, Lorraine (rutherfo@iubacs)

Head, Preservation Dept. Main Library E050 Indiana University
Bloomington, IN 47405 (812) 855-5647

I am a librarian specializing in the preservation of deteriorated
research library materials. Conseuquently, I am interested in
the information needs and information-seeking behavior of
scholars in the humanities. I have a B.A. in philosophy, and
master of arts degree s in divinity and library science.
*Patrikis, Peter C. <CONSORT@YALEVM>

As the Executive Director of the Consortium for Language Teaching
and Learning, I initiate and coordinate projects in foreign
languages (any language at any level) and am thus in a position
to distribute both information and services to faculty in eleven
private research universities in the States (Brown, Chicago,
Columbia, Cornell, Dartmouth, Harvard, MIT, Penn, Princeton,
Stanford, and Yale).

My own training is Romance Language and Literatures (B.A.) and
Comparative Literature (M.A., Ph.D), all from Harvard. My
specialization is thought and criticism in the seventeenth adn
eighteenth centuries. After seven years of university teaching,
I served as program officer at the National Endowment for the
Humanities in Washington, D.C., with special responsibilities for
projects in languages, linguistics, and literature. I regularly
use both a MacII and an IBM AT.
*Ritchie, Jarrly Brooke <JAYRICHY@MSSTATE>

P.O. Box 6870, Mississippi State, MS 39762; 601-325-4535

I am currently majoring in History at Mississippi State
University. I am also seeking a minor in computer science. My
education has included studies in literature, history and five
computer languages. My interests lie in history research and
writting, as well as computer programming. I am interested in
the computerization of libraries and compilation of extensive
databases for use in history as well as other subjects, neither
of which is currently present at Mississippi States library. I
also have an interest in Hard-Wired campuses, with terminals or
at least hook-ups for each individual, and the implimentation of
such a system, as well as instillation problems that may be
encountered. I am interested in seeing computers implimented
where ever possible in order to augment research and learning in
any subject.
*Roddy, Kevin <kproddy@ucdavis>

Medieval Studies, University of California at Davis, Davis,
California 95616 USA

I currently serve at book review editor to Computers and the
Humanities, and hope to use your network to publicise new
arrivals and solicit reviewers. My only other credential seems to
be being a good sport.
*Sandelin, Karl-Gustav <KSANDELIN@FINABO>

I am a lecturer and a "docent" at the theological faculty of Aabo
Akademi, the Swedish university of Finland (which is a bilingual
country). My main field of research is the New Testament, but I
have been working especially with back- ground problems. I have
published two monographs: Die Auseinandersetzung mit der Weisheit
in 1.Korinther 15, Aabo 1976, (diss.) and Wisdom as Nourisher,
Aabo 1987.

At the moment I am working with the question how Hellenistic
Judaism coped with the problem of non-Jewish cult. To what extent
did Jews participate in pagan religious activities during the
Hellenistic and early Imperial era? Paul warns the Corinthians
against idolatry (1.Cor.10). He seems to use a common Jewish
argument. But is the situation in Corinth analogous to Jewish
contemporary communities? Were the Jews generally seen less
affected by paganism than the Christians in the congregation at
Corinth? Special questions: Who knows something about the present
stage of excavations at Corinth? Is there any documentation of
mystery cults at Corinth? Has the phrase "koinoonia tou
soomatos/haimatos tou christou" v.16 any clear analogies in
mystery-language? MAIL-address successfully used by colleagues at
*Suhl, Alfred <ANT01@DMSWWU1A>

Prof. Dr., im Muehlenfeld 20, D-4400 Muenster 51.
Professor for New Testament exegesis and theology at the
Evangelisch-Theologische Fakultaet der Westfaelischen Wilhelms-
Universitaet, Universitaetsstrasse 13- 17D-4400 Muenster.

Special interests: Synoptics and Paul, theology and vita.
Computer-fan since 1986, although already born in 1934.
Specialist and trainer for WordPerfect. Member of the University
committee for computer questions. Interested in all fields of
computer assisted research in theology, especially in biblical
studies. Interested in group-dynamics and psychology as well.
Licensed trainer for Thomas Gordon`s Parents effectiveness
training. Hobbies: Sailing and fishing, hiking and chorus-
*Ubaydli, Ahmad Y. <AU100@UK.AC.CAM.PHX>

University of Cambridge Tinity Hall, Cambridge CB2 1TJ England,
UK Tel: (0223) 246 705 Fax: {+}44 223 334748 Telex: 81240 CAMSPL

University Education: 1985-89 Candidate - Ph.D. University of
Cambridge, Subject of Research: Oriental Studies (mainly History
of Oman). Expected finishing date: 1989. 1982-84 M.A. in Islamic
Studies, Centre of Islamic Studies, Beirut 1964-69. B.A. in
Economics with Political Science Minor. American University of

Work Experience: Teacher of English and researcher 1969-82;
worked in the weekly magazine _al-Misbah_1980-1981; published 59
articles in Arab daily weekly papers; Instructor for M.A. level
students in the Centre of Islamic Studies 1984-85; Member of the
Board of Trustees of Dilmun Publishing Ltd.

Languages: Perfectly bilingual (Arabic and English), good working
knowledge of German and French. A working knowledge of Shihri (a
spoken South-Arabian language); interested in bilingual computing
(Arabic and European languages), and computing in humanist

A member of the British Society for Middle Eastern Studies
(__BRISMES__); attending regularly the meetings of the Seminar
for Arabian Studies, and presented a paper to the Oxford meeting,

Designing: Interested in designing posters and book covers. Five
designs of book covers were used in published works; Author,
translator and wrote introductions to 6 published books and 4
unpublished books; published papers and book reviews: 4 in
English periodicals and 15 in Arabic periodicals.
*Uchitelle, Daniel <mlaod@cuvmb>

Manager of Online and Special Services, Modern Language
Association, 10 Astor Place, New York, NY 10003; 212/614-6350
(voice) 212/477-9863 (FAX)

As Manager of Online and Special Services at the MLA, I am
responsible for a number of bibliographic projects, including the
Wing Short Title Catalogue, the Research-in-Progress Database,
the Early Research Access retrospective conversion project, and
the Directory of Periodicals. I am the primary liaison with
distributors of the MLA Bibliography database, online through
DIALOG and the H. W. Wilson Company, and on CD-ROM through
Wilson. I also serve as an advisor to various MLA projects on
matters of computer technology and applications.

Previous professional positions include reference librarian at
Yale University, Index Manager for New Standard Encyclopedia, and
administrator at the New York Public Library Performing Arts
Division at Lincoln Center.

My academic training is in the humanities, with advanced
coursework in library science, computer science, and American
history. I have published articles in all three of these areas.

I look forward to adding my (electronic) voice to this bit-
network of scholars. I am particularly interested in serving as a
resource for those engaged in activities of the the type that the
MLA has traditionally encouraged: the study and teaching of
literature, languages, linguistics, and folklore.
*Verbrugghe, Gerald P. <Verbrugghe@Zodiac>

Associate Professor of History, Rutgers University, Camden,
Armitage Hall, 5th & Penn, Camden, N. J. 08102; 609-757-6071
(Office); 609-757-6080 (Departmental secretary)

I am an ancient historian, basically interested in ancient
historiography. I am trying to prepare a critical edition with
commentary on the fragmetns of the ancient Roman historians. I
am also interested in the encoding of ancient texts. In my
efforts to edit the ancient Roman historians, I would be
interested in bit-mapped fonts of the Greek alphabet for the
Laser Jet printer.
*Viden, Gunhild <>

Institute of Classical Studies, Dept. of Latin, Gothenburg
University (address Vastra Hamngatan 3, S-411 17 Gothenburg,

I have a Ph. D. in Latin. My thesis dealt with the language of
the imperial chanceries of the Eastern and the Western Roman
Empire respectively. My present field of interest is descriptions
of women in Silver Age Latin, and the usage of topoi in such
descriptions. I would be happy to get in contact with other
people working within the field of women within antiquity, or
women in literature in general. (Since my Christian name usually
leaves people outside the Scandinavian countries in the dark, I
might add that I belong to the female species myself.)
*Wallmannsberger, Josef <C60903@ainuni01>

Assistant Professor of English, University of Innsbruck, Austria.

Interests include computational linguistics, contrastive analyses
of English and German, English for specific purposes and the
philosophy of language. My present focus in computational
linguistics is the possible relevance of hypertext models for
both linguistic research and advanced second language learning.
Some recent publications include "German-English contrastive
linguistics" with M. Markus, Peter Lang publishers, 1987. "West-
coast perspectives on computational linguistics" 1988, "The
creole hypothesis in the history of English" 1988.

Student at Univ. NC at Greensboro, 1821A Walker Ave. Zip:27403,

Since 1983 I've been more or less constantly involved in some
form of Electronic Discussion. It started with being lucky enough
to have several high quality (one even internationally known)
Bulletin Boards in my hometown of Winston-Salem that had
worthwhile discussions on: Religion, Politics, Ethics, (Science)
Fiction, Music, and Science. In 1986-87 I discovered the networks
(the usenet newsgroups and the bitnet listservs).

My background is pretty generic. I'm presently an undergrad with
strong interests in Moral Philosophy, Applied Ethics,
International Politics, Foreign Policy, Computer Networks, and
(Science)Fiction Writing. I'm hoping for a nice job with one of
the Intelligence agencies or Washington DC "Institutions" such as
Brookings, Heritage, or Cato (although Brookings reflects my
political beliefs the most accurately of the three).

I'm presently taking a writing workshop with Orson Scott Card in
addition to a noramal 15hrs of courses. In the past I've worked
with computers in Data Entry, Transfer/Retrieval, Manipulation
(all for Tenn Valley Authority engineering lab in Norris TN), and
Troubleshooting simple equipment/software failures (for a small
*Wilson, Harold Stacy <HSW100U@ODUVM>

Associate Professor, Department of History, Old Dominion
University, Norfolk, Virginia 23529-0091

Born 62235 in Tennessee (U.S.A.). Interests: American
intellectual history, cultural history*, 19th century U. S.,
southern history, American Civil War. At present researching
both fiction and non-fiction dealing with the history of
manufacturing (and impact of technology upon society). *History
of slavery, etc.
