Tibetan scriptures? (39)
Thu, 23 Feb 89 20:55:18 EST
Humanist Mailing List, Vol. 2, No. 640. Thursday, 23 Feb 1989.
Date: Thu, 23 Feb 89 09:45:00 EST
From: Richard Pierce <pierce@rose.uib.uninett>
Subject: Tibetan Canonical Scriptures of Buddhism
I am submitting the following inquiry on behalf of a colleague at
the University of Oslo.
"The rumour has reached me that work is being done on making the
collected Tibetian Buddhist scriptures Kanjur and Tanjur machine-
readable. In editing and translating the Mahayana sutra Akshaya-
matinirdesa with its commentary by Vasubandhu, I have written
the whole Tibetan text onto disks, and I have made indices by means
of computer. My interst is to participate in such projects of
editing, especially if the material is to be stored on CD-disks.
I can be reached by snail-mail at:
Jens Braarvig,
Religionshistorisk institutt,
Universitetet i Oslo,
Pb. 1010 Blindern,
N-0315 Oslo 3.
If anyone can mediate contacts, it will be much appreciated. They
may reply directly to me (Richard Pierce) at my e-mail address or write
to Braarvig directly.
Micro-VAX: pierce@rose.uib.uninett