Help for learning Bitnet (33)

Tue, 24 Jan 89 19:18:16 EST

Humanist Mailing List, Vol. 2, No. 525. Tuesday, 24 Jan 1989.

Date: Tue, 24 Jan 89 14:36:34 MST
From: Randall Jones <JONES@BYUADMIN>
Subject: Help on Learning BITNET

Dear Humanists,

A few months ago I solicited information about teaching novices how
to use BITNET. Several of you kindly sent me information from your
local computer centers which I had intended to synthesize and make
available to anyone who wished to receive it.

Unfortunately, the more I studied the more I realized that protocols
and conventions differ drastically from installation to installation.
BITNET commands seem to come in a variety of local colors and flavors
and it is often difficult to separate out local conventions from those
which are universally applicible. I know in my own travels that trying
to use BITNET somewhere else is like trying to learn a new language.

Thus I apologize for letting anyone down, but express my appreciation
for those who responded. Perhaps each of us could press for our
respective centers to write a decent BITNET users' guide.

Randall Jones
Brigham Young University